The presence of the leaders of the armed factions and members of the caretaker government.. Al-Hadath correspondent Muhammad Al-Ashqar monitors the details of the "Victory Conference" at the People's Palace in Damascus
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شهد حضور قادة الفصائل المسلحة وأعضاء حكومة تصريف الأعمال.. مراسل الحدث محمد الأشقر يرصد تفاصيل "مؤتمر النصر" في قصر الشعب بدمشق
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Os líderes das facções armadas e membros do governo interino compareceram ao evento. O correspondente do Al-Hadath, Muhammad Al-Ashqar, monitora os detalhes da "Conferência da Vitória" no Palácio do Povo em Damasco
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Los líderes de las facciones armadas y miembros del gobierno interino asistieron al evento. El corresponsal de Al-Hadath, Muhammad Al-Ashqar, sigue los detalles de la "Conferencia de la Victoria" en el Palacio del Pueblo en Damasco.
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В мероприятии приняли участие лидеры вооруженных группировок и члены временного правительства. Корреспондент Al-Hadath Мухаммад Аль-Ашкар следит за подробностями «Конференции Победы» в Народном дворце в Дамаске
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सशस्त्र गुटों के नेता और कार्यवाहक सरकार के सदस्य इस कार्यक्रम में शामिल हुए। अल-हदथ संवाददाता मुहम्मद अल-अश्कर दमिश्क के पीपुल्स पैलेस में "विजय सम्मेलन" के विवरण पर नज़र रख रहे हैं
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En témoignent la présence des dirigeants des factions armées et des membres du gouvernement intérimaire. Le correspondant de l’événement, Muhammad Al-Ashqar, suit les détails de la « Conférence de la Victoire » au Palais du Peuple à Damas.
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شهد حضور قادة الفصائل المسلحة وأعضاء حكومة تصريف الأعمال.. مراسل الحدث محمد الأشقر يرصد تفاصيل "مؤتمر النصر" في قصر الشعب بدمشق
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🚨الحدث_عاجل تلجرام @alhdth_now
Die Führer der bewaffneten Fraktionen und Mitglieder der Übergangsregierung nahmen an der Veranstaltung teil. Al-Hadath-Korrespondent Muhammad Al-Ashqar verfolgt die Einzelheiten der „Siegeskonferenz“ im Volkspalast in Damaskus.
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I leader delle fazioni armate e i membri del governo provvisorio hanno partecipato all'evento. Il corrispondente di Al-Hadath Muhammad Al-Ashqar monitora i dettagli della "Conferenza della Vittoria" al Palazzo del Popolo a Damasco
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De leiders van de gewapende facties en leden van de interim-regering woonden het evenement bij. Al-Hadath-correspondent Muhammad Al-Ashqar houdt toezicht op de details van de "Overwinningsconferentie" in het Volkspaleis in Damascus
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Οι ηγέτες των ένοπλων φατριών και μέλη της υπηρεσιακής κυβέρνησης παρευρέθηκαν στην εκδήλωση. Ο ανταποκριτής της Al-Hadath Muhammad Al-Ashqar παρακολουθεί τις λεπτομέρειες της "Διάσκεψης της Νίκης" στο Λαϊκό Παλάτι στη Δαμασκό
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1/6/2025, 7:14:54 AM
Event correspondent: Saudi land bridge relief convoys begin entering Syria
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1/6/2025, 7:15:15 AM
Most notably, discussing the ceasefire agreement in Lebanon.. Journalist Ibrahim Rayhan reveals the agenda of US envoy Amos Hochstein during his visit to Beirut
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1/5/2025, 2:05:53 PM
For the first time on mobile phones👆👆
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1/5/2025, 3:33:30 PM
Live from #AlHadath Channel | Following developments in #Syria.. and an expected truce in #Gaza
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1/5/2025, 3:34:29 PM
13 people were victims of Houthi mines last month in Hodeidah
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