

Real time military news

Published date: 1/15/2025, 2:07:35 AM
1/15/2025, 2:07:35 AM
General Security Directorate in Latakia: Remnants of the "Assad regime" are hiding among civilian homes in the city of Jableh and its surroundings.. and are using the mountains as a launching pad for their operations against our elements #Syria #Al-Hadath #Al-Hadath_Channel ... Al-Hadath application on your phone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
إدارة الأمن العام في اللاذقية: فلول "نظام الأسد" يختبئون بين منازل المدنيين في مدينة جبلة ومحيطها.. وتتخذ من الجبال منطلقا لعملياتها ضد عناصرنا #سوريا #الحدث #قناة_الحدث ...تطبيق الحدث على هاتفك📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨الحدث_عاجل تلجرام @alhdth_now
拉塔基亚安全总局:“阿萨德政权”残余势力藏匿在贾伯莱市及其周边地区的平民住宅中……并利用山区作为攻击我方部队的跳板 #叙利亚 #事件 #AlHadath 频道...您手机上的 AlHadath 应用程序📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨紧急事件 Telegram @alhdth_now
Direção Geral de Segurança em Latakia: Remanescentes do "regime de Assad" estão escondidos entre casas de civis na cidade de Jableh e seus arredores... e estão usando as montanhas como plataforma de lançamento para suas operações contra nossos elementos #Síria #Evento Canal #AlHadath... Aplicativo AlHadath no seu telefone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Evento urgente Telegram @alhdth_now
Dirección General de Seguridad en Latakia: Restos del "régimen de Asad" se esconden entre viviendas civiles en la ciudad de Jableh y sus alrededores... y están utilizando las montañas como plataforma de lanzamiento para sus operaciones contra nuestros elementos #Siria #Evento Canal #AlHadath... Aplicación AlHadath en tu teléfono📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Evento urgente Telegram @alhdth_now
Главное управление безопасности в Латакии: Остатки «режима Асада» скрываются среди жилых домов в городе Джабле и его окрестностях... и используют горы как плацдарм для своих операций против наших элементов #Сирия #Событие Канал #AlHadath... Приложение AlHadath на вашем телефоне📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Срочное мероприятие Telegram @alhdth_now
लताकिया में जनरल सुरक्षा निदेशालय: "असद शासन" के अवशेष जबलेह शहर और उसके आसपास के नागरिक घरों में छिपे हुए हैं... और हमारे तत्वों के खिलाफ अपने अभियानों के लिए पहाड़ों को लॉन्चिंग पैड के रूप में इस्तेमाल कर रहे हैं #सीरिया #आयोजन #AlHadath चैनल... आपके फोन पर AlHadath एप्लिकेशन📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨अत्यावश्यक घटना टेलीग्राम @alhdth_now
Direction générale de la sécurité à Lattaquié : Des restes du « régime Assad » se cachent parmi les habitations civiles de la ville de Jableh et de ses environs… et utilisent les montagnes comme rampe de lancement pour leurs opérations contre nos éléments #Syrie #Événement #Chaîne AlHadath... Application AlHadath sur votre téléphone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Événement urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
إدارة الأمن العام في اللاذقية: فلول "نظام الأسد" يختبئون بين منازل المدنيين في مدينة جبلة ومحيطها.. وتتخذ من الجبال منطلقا لعملياتها ضد عناصرنا #سوريا #الحدث #قناة_الحدث ...تطبيق الحدث على هاتفك📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨الحدث_عاجل تلجرام @alhdth_now
Allgemeine Sicherheitsdirektion in Latakia: Überreste des „Assad-Regimes“ verstecken sich in Zivilhäusern in der Stadt Jableh und ihrer Umgebung … und nutzen die Berge als Startrampe für ihre Operationen gegen unsere Elemente #Syrien #Ereignis #AlHadath-Kanal ... AlHadath-Anwendung auf Ihrem Telefon📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Dringendes Ereignis Telegramm @alhdth_now
Direzione generale per la sicurezza di Latakia: i resti del "regime di Assad" si nascondono tra le case dei civili nella città di Jableh e nei suoi dintorni... e stanno usando le montagne come rampa di lancio per le loro operazioni contro i nostri elementi #Siria #Evento Canale #AlHadath... L'applicazione AlHadath sul tuo telefono📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Evento urgente Telegram @alhdth_now
ラタキアの治安総局:「アサド政権」の残党はジャブレ市とその周辺の民間住宅に隠れており、山々を我々の勢力に対する作戦の拠点として利用している。 #シリア #イベント #AlHadath チャンネル... AlHadath アプリケーションを携帯電話で📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨緊急イベント Telegram @alhdth_now
Algemeen Veiligheidsdirectoraat in Latakia: Restanten van het "Assad-regime" verschuilen zich tussen de huizen van burgers in de stad Jableh en omgeving... en gebruiken de bergen als lanceerplatform voor hun operaties tegen onze elementen #Syrië #Evenement #AlHadath-kanaal... AlHadath-applicatie op je telefoon📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Dringend evenement Telegram @alhdth_now
Γενική Διεύθυνση Ασφάλειας στη Λατάκια: Υπολείμματα του «καθεστώτος Άσαντ» κρύβονται ανάμεσα σε σπίτια πολιτών στην πόλη Τζαμπλέ και τα περίχωρά της... και χρησιμοποιούν τα βουνά ως εξέδρα εκτόξευσης για τις επιχειρήσεις τους εναντίον των στοιχείων μας #Συρία #Συμβάν #AlHadath Channel... Εφαρμογή AlHadath στο τηλέφωνό σας📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Επείγουσα εκδήλωση Telegram @alhdth_now

12/25/2024, 10:51:43 AM
Image 2024-12-25T10:51:43
Demanding $300 billion in compensation.. The new Syrian administration intends to file a memorandum against Iran in international courts... Al-Hadath application on your phone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
12/25/2024, 10:53:40 AM
Image 2024-12-25T10:53:40
Collided with a flock of birds.. Details about the crashed Kazakhstan plane "Embraer 190"... Al-Hadath application on your phone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
12/25/2024, 10:54:38 AM
Is America pressuring Turkey and the "SDF" to reach an agreement? .. Professor of Political Philosophy at Koya University Dr. Serbast Nabi answers #America #Turkey #Syria #Al-Hadath_Studio #Al-Hadath_Channel ... Al-Hadath application on your phone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
1/15/2025, 11:43:15 AM
Image 2025-01-15T11:43:15
Al-Shaibani: No need for Syrian refugees to return quickly from Germany ... Al-Hadath application on your phone 📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨 Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
1/15/2025, 11:43:28 AM
Director of the General Security Department in Latakia, Mustafa Knefati, to Al-Hadath: Our presence on the Syrian coast is to protect the population.. and we are close to ending military operations within hours #Lattakia #Syria #Al-Hadath_Studio #Al-Hadath_Channel ... Al-Hadath application on your phone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now