

Real time military news

Published date: 1/3/2025, 7:18:08 AM
1/3/2025, 7:18:08 AM
Israeli strikes target weapons factory near Aleppo in Syria.. Locals say it "turned night into day" #Aleppo #Syria #Alhadath_Channel ... Al-Hadath app on your phone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
ضربات إسرائيلية تستهدف مصنع أسلحة قرب حلب في سوريا.. وسكان محليون يقولون إنها "حولت الليل إلى نهار" #حلب #سوريا #قناة_الحدث ...تطبيق الحدث على هاتفك📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨الحدث_عاجل تلجرام @alhdth_now
以色列袭击叙利亚阿勒颇附近的一家武器工厂……当地居民称他们“把黑夜变成了白天” #阿勒颇 #叙利亚 #Al-Hadath_Channel...您手机上的 Al-Hadath 应用程序📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Urgent_event 电报@alhdth_now
Ataques israelenses têm como alvo fábrica de armas perto de Aleppo, na Síria. Moradores dizem que "transformou a noite em dia" #Alepo #Síria Canal #AlHadath... Aplicativo AlHadath no seu telefone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Evento urgente Telegram @alhdth_now
Los ataques israelíes tienen como objetivo una fábrica de armas cerca de Alepo en Siria. Los lugareños dicen que "la noche se convirtió en día" #Alepo #Siria Canal #AlHadath... Aplicación AlHadath en tu teléfono📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Evento urgente Telegram @alhdth_now
Израильские удары нацелены на оружейный завод недалеко от Алеппо в Сирии... и местные жители говорят, что они "превратили ночь в день" #Алеппо #Сирия #Al-Hadath_Channel...Приложение Al-Hadath на вашем телефоне📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Urgent_event Telegram @alhdth_now
इज़राइली हमलों ने सीरिया में अलेप्पो के पास एक हथियार कारखाने को निशाना बनाया... और स्थानीय निवासियों का कहना है कि उन्होंने "रात को दिन में बदल दिया" #अलेप्पो #सीरिया #अल-हदथ_चैनल...अल-हदथ एप्लिकेशन आपके फोन पर t.me/alarabia_alhadath1 🚨अर्जेंट_इवेंट टेलीग्राम @alhdth_now
Les frappes israéliennes visent une usine d'armement près d'Alep en Syrie... et les habitants disent qu'elles ont "transformé la nuit en jour" #Alep #Syrie #Al-Hadath_Channel...L'application Al-Hadath sur votre téléphone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Télégramme Urgent_event @alhdth_now
ضربات إسرائيلية تستهدف مصنع أسلحة قرب حلب في سوريا.. وسكان محليون يقولون إنها "حولت الليل إلى نهار" #حلب #سوريا #قناة_الحدث ...تطبيق الحدث على هاتفك📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨الحدث_عاجل تلجرام @alhdth_now
Israelische Angriffe zielen auf eine Waffenfabrik in der Nähe von Aleppo in Syrien ... und Anwohner sagen, sie hätten „die Nacht zum Tag gemacht“ #Aleppo #Syrien #Al-Hadath_Channel...Al-Hadath-Anwendung auf Ihrem Telefon📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Urgent_event Telegram @alhdth_now
Gli attacchi israeliani hanno preso di mira una fabbrica di armi vicino ad Aleppo in Siria... e i residenti locali dicono di aver "trasformato la notte in giorno" #Aleppo #Siria #Al-Hadath_Channel...applicazione Al-Hadath sul tuo telefono📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Urgent_event Telegramma @alhdth_now
イスラエル軍の攻撃はシリアのアレッポ近郊の兵器工場を標的に…地元住民は「夜が昼に変わった」と語る #アレッポ #シリア #Al-Hadath_Channel...携帯電話のアルハダス アプリケーション📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨緊急イベント電報 @alhdth_now
Israëlische aanvallen richten zich op een wapenfabriek in de buurt van Aleppo in Syrië... en lokale bewoners zeggen dat ze "de nacht in dag hebben veranderd" #Aleppo #Syrië #Al-Hadath_Channel...Al-Hadath-applicatie op je telefoon📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Urgent_event Telegram @alhdth_now
Ισραηλινά πλήγματα στοχεύουν εργοστάσιο όπλων κοντά στο Χαλέπι στη Συρία... και οι ντόπιοι λένε ότι «μετέτρεψαν τη νύχτα σε μέρα» #Χαλέπι #Συρία #Al-Hadath_Channel...Εφαρμογή Al-Hadath στο τηλέφωνό σας📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Urgent_event Telegram @alhdth_now

1/25/2025, 9:36:38 AM
Live footage of the moment the Red Cross teams handed over the 4 Israeli hostages from Hamas in Palestine Square #Gaza #Hamas #Al-Hadath Channel ... Al-Hadath application on your phone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
1/25/2025, 9:36:53 AM
Director of Al-Hadath Office in Palestine, Ziad Halabi: Two helicopters are waiting to receive the 4 hostages, where the first meeting with their families will take place, then they will be transferred to Beilinson Hospital in Tel Aviv for treatment. #Israel #Gaza #Al-Hadath_Studio #Al-Hadath_Channel ... Al-Hadath application on your phone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
1/25/2025, 9:37:32 AM
The moment Hamas hands over the 4 Israeli female prisoners to the Red Cross in military uniform #Gaza #Israel #Al-Hadath Channel ... Al-Hadath application on your phone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
1/25/2025, 9:37:46 AM
Scenes of the moment Hamas and the Red Cross signed the handover of the 4 Israeli detainees in Palestine Square in Gaza before transferring them to Israel #Gaza #Hamas #Al-Hadath Channel ... Al-Hadath application on your phone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
1/25/2025, 9:37:59 AM
Scenes of the moment the Red Cross vehicles left Palestine Square in Gaza after receiving the 4 Israeli detainees from Hamas #Gaza #AlHadath_Channel ... AlHadath application on your phone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨AlHadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now