A stand in Damascus to demand knowledge of the fate of the missing on the 3rd Friday since the fall of the Assad regime.. and a closed session in the Security Council on the humanitarian situation in Syria
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وقفة في دمشق للمطالبة بمعرفة مصير المفقودين في الجمعة الـ3 من سقوط نظام الأسد.. وجلسة مغلقة في مجلس الأمن حول الأوضاع الإنسانية بسوريا
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🚨الحدث_عاجل تلجرام @alhdth_now
Uma pausa em Damasco para exigir saber o destino dos desaparecidos na terceira sexta-feira da queda do regime de Assad... e uma sessão à porta fechada no Conselho de Segurança sobre a situação humanitária na Síria
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Una pausa en Damasco para exigir saber la suerte de los desaparecidos en el tercer viernes de la caída del régimen de Assad... y una sesión a puerta cerrada en el Consejo de Seguridad sobre la situación humanitaria en Siria
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🚨Urgent_event Telegrama @alhdth_now
Пауза в Дамаске с требованием узнать судьбу пропавших без вести в третью пятницу падения режима Асада... и закрытое заседание Совбеза по гуманитарной ситуации в Сирии
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असद शासन के पतन के बाद से तीसरे शुक्रवार को लापता लोगों के भाग्य को जानने की मांग के लिए दमिश्क में एक स्टैंड... और सीरिया में मानवीय स्थिति पर सुरक्षा परिषद में एक बंद सत्र
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Une pause à Damas pour exiger de connaître le sort des disparus le troisième vendredi de la chute du régime d'Assad... et une séance à huis clos au Conseil de sécurité sur la situation humanitaire en Syrie
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🚨Télégramme Urgent_event @alhdth_now
وقفة في دمشق للمطالبة بمعرفة مصير المفقودين في الجمعة الـ3 من سقوط نظام الأسد.. وجلسة مغلقة في مجلس الأمن حول الأوضاع الإنسانية بسوريا
#قناة_الحدث ...تطبيق الحدث على هاتفك📱
🚨الحدث_عاجل تلجرام @alhdth_now
Eine Pause in Damaskus, um Informationen über das Schicksal der Vermissten am dritten Freitag nach dem Sturz des Assad-Regimes zu fordern ... und eine nichtöffentliche Sitzung des Sicherheitsrats zur humanitären Lage in Syrien
#Al-Hadath_Channel...Al-Hadath-Anwendung auf Ihrem Telefon📱
🚨Urgent_event Telegram @alhdth_now
Una pausa a Damasco per chiedere di conoscere la sorte dei dispersi il terzo venerdì dalla caduta del regime di Assad... e una sessione a porte chiuse del Consiglio di Sicurezza sulla situazione umanitaria in Siria
#Al-Hadath_Channel...applicazione Al-Hadath sul tuo telefono📱
🚨Urgent_event Telegramma @alhdth_now
Een standpunt in Damascus om te eisen dat het lot van de vermisten bekend wordt op de derde vrijdag sinds de val van het Assad-regime.. en een besloten sessie in de Veiligheidsraad over de humanitaire situatie in Syrië
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🚨Dringend evenement Telegram @alhdth_now
Μια στάση στη Δαμασκό για να ζητήσει να μάθουν την τύχη των αγνοουμένων την τρίτη Παρασκευή από την πτώση του καθεστώτος Άσαντ και μια κλειστή συνεδρίαση στο Συμβούλιο Ασφαλείας για την ανθρωπιστική κατάσταση στη Συρία
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12/30/2024, 1:19:17 PM
Journalist Safaa Makna: The Israeli army expelled employees from government departments in the Quneitra countryside in southern Syria under the pretext of inspection
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1/12/2025, 11:10:26 AM
A "semi-ready" deal is approaching Gaza.. and the Israeli army is preparing for a "rapid withdrawal" from the Strip
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1/12/2025, 11:12:21 AM
After the army took control of it for the first time since December 2023.. "The map" reveals the importance of Wad Madani in Sudan
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12/30/2024, 3:32:33 PM
UN Assistant Secretary-General for Near East Affairs Khaled Khiari: Exchange of attacks between the Houthis and Israel threatens greater escalation in the region
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12/30/2024, 2:59:52 PM
We transmitted the events from the front line and were often the only "Ain Al Arab" .. Harvest 2024 for "Al-Hadath" coverage of the developments of the Russian-Ukrainian war
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