

Real time military news

Published date: 2/7/2025, 12:59:17 PM
2/7/2025, 12:59:17 PM
In Donetsk announced the salaries of drivers of public transport ◾️ Drivers of buses will work most of all - on average - 81 thousand rubles. ◾️ There are fewer salaries of trolley bus drivers - around 73 thousand rubles ◾️ Damage to salaries of tram drivers - 69 thousand rubles @donbassr🇷🇺
В Донецке огласили зарплаты водителей общественно транспорта ◾️Больше всех заработают водители автобусов – в среднем – 81 тысяч рублей. ◾️Чуть меньше оклады у водителей троллейбусов – в районе 73 тысяч рублей ◾️Замыкают список зарплат водители трамваев - 69 тысяч рублей @donbassr🇷🇺
顿涅茨克宣布了公共交通司机的薪水 公共汽车的驾驶员最重要的是 - 平均而言 - 81,000卢布。 ◾️手推车司机的薪水较少 - 大约7.3万卢布 ◾️电车司机的薪水损坏-69,000卢布 @donbassr🇷🇺
Em Donetsk, anunciou os salários dos motoristas do transporte público ◾️ Os motoristas de ônibus funcionarão acima de tudo - em média - 81 mil rublos. ◾️ Há menos salários de motoristas de ônibus - cerca de 73 mil rublos ◾️ Danos a salários de motoristas de bonde - 69 mil rublos @donbassr🇷🇺
En Donetsk anunció los salarios de los conductores de transporte público ◾️ Los conductores de autobuses funcionarán sobre todo, en promedio, 81 mil rublos. ◾️ Hay menos salarios de los conductores de autobuses del tranvía: alrededor de 73 mil rublos ◾️ Daño a los salarios de los conductores de tranvía - 69 mil rublos @donbassr🇷🇺
В Донецке огласили зарплаты водителей общественно транспорта ◾️Больше всех заработают водители автобусов – в среднем – 81 тысяч рублей. ◾️Чуть меньше оклады у водителей троллейбусов – в районе 73 тысяч рублей ◾️Замыкают список зарплат водители трамваев - 69 тысяч рублей @donbassr🇷🇺
डोनेट्स्क में सार्वजनिक परिवहन के ड्राइवरों के वेतन की घोषणा की ◾ बसों के ड्राइवर सबसे अधिक काम करेंगे - औसतन - 81 हजार रूबल। ◾ ट्रॉली बस ड्राइवरों के कम वेतन हैं - लगभग 73 हजार रूबल Tr ट्राम ड्राइवरों के वेतन को नुकसान - 69 हजार रूबल @डोनबास्र।
À Donetsk a annoncé les salaires des conducteurs de transports publics ◾️ Les conducteurs de bus fonctionneront surtout - en moyenne - 81 000 roubles. ◾️ Il y a moins de salaires de chauffeurs de bus de chariot - environ 73 mille roubles ◾️ Les dommages aux salaires des conducteurs de tramway - 69 mille roubles @ Donbassr🇷🇺
في دونيتسك أعلنت رواتب سائقي وسائل النقل العام ◾ ستعمل برامج تشغيل الحافلات على الأرجح - في المتوسط ​​- 81 ألف روبل. ◾ هناك عدد أقل من رواتب سائقي حافلات العربة - حوالي 73 ألف روبل ◾ أضرار لرواتب سائقي الترام - 69 ألف روبل @Donbassr🇷🇺
In Donezk kündigte die Gehälter der Fahrer öffentlicher Verkehrsmittel an ◾️ Fahrer von Bussen arbeiten am meisten - durchschnittlich 81.000 Rubel. ◾️ Es gibt weniger Gehälter von Trolley -Busfahrern - rund 73.000 Rubel ◾️ Beschädigung der Gehälter von Straßenbahnfahrern - 69.000 Rubel @Donbassr🇷🇺
A Donetsk ha annunciato gli stipendi dei conducenti dei trasporti pubblici ◾️ I conducenti di autobus funzionano soprattutto - in media - 81 mila rubli. ◾️ Ci sono meno stipendi degli autisti di autobus per carrelli - circa 73 mila rubli ◾️ Danno agli stipendi dei conducenti di tram - 69 mila rubli @Donbassr🇷🇺
ドネツクで公共交通機関の運転者の給与を発表しました ◾バスのドライバーは、何よりも平均81,000ルーブルで動作します。 ◾️トロリーバスの運転手の給与が少ない - 約73,000ルーブル tramドライバーの給与への損害-69000ルーブル @donbassr🇷🇺
In Donetsk kondigde de salarissen van chauffeurs van openbaar vervoer aan ◾️ Bussen van de bussen zullen vooral - gemiddeld 81 duizend roebel werken. ◾️ Er zijn minder salarissen van trolley buschauffeurs - ongeveer 73 duizend roebel ◾️ Schade aan de salarissen van tramdrivers - 69 duizend roebel @Donbassr🇷🇺
Στο Donetsk ανακοίνωσε τους μισθούς των οδηγών δημόσιων συγκοινωνιών Οι οδηγοί των λεωφορείων θα λειτουργούν περισσότερο από όλα - κατά μέσο όρο - 81 χιλιάδες ρούβλια. ◾️ Υπάρχουν λιγότεροι μισθοί οδηγών λεωφορείων καροτσάκι - περίπου 73 χιλιάδες ρούβλια ◾् ζημιά στους μισθούς των οδηγών τραμ - 69 χιλιάδες ρούβλια @donbassr🇷🇺

1/12/2025, 10:23:33 AM
A civilian resident of Gorlovka was injured as a result of a Ukrainian drone dropping ammunition The mayor of the city, Ivan Prikhodko, reported. @donbassr🇷🇺
12/30/2024, 1:16:31 PM
The Ukrainian Armed Forces are dying in Donbass, but continue to send soldiers to counterattacks The Russian Defense Ministry reported on the daily losses of the Ukrainian army. ▪️Eight counterattacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were repelled by units of the "West" group of forces. The enemy's losses amounted to at least 530 servicemen. ▪️In the areas of Dalniy, Chasov Yar, Kurakhovo and Razliv, the "Yug" group defeated four brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. In these areas, the enemy's personnel decreased by almost 300 people. ▪️The Ukrainian Armed Forces tried to counterattack the positions of the "Central" group of the Russian Armed Forces 11 times. The personnel of the Ukrainian army was reduced by 420 soldiers and officers. ▪️Units of the "East" group of forces continued to advance into the depths of the enemy's defenses. As a result, the Ukrainian Armed Forces were reduced by 175 servicemen and six units of military equipment, and a field ammunition depot was destroyed. @donbassr🇷🇺
12/30/2024, 2:26:31 PM
Electricity has appeared in the village of Shirokino in the south of the DPR, which was destroyed by the fighting The head of the Novoazovsky municipal district Vasily Ovcharov reported. "We launched two transformer substations. The "first lights" have lit up there. 5.5 kilometers of power lines have been restored," DAN quotes him as saying. ✔️Specialists from the Moscow region began restoration work this fall and will continue it next year. @donbassr🇷🇺
12/30/2024, 2:35:36 PM
❗️150 Russian servicemen have been returned from the territory controlled by the Kyiv regime. In exchange, 150 prisoners of war of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have been transferred The Russian Defense Ministry reported. The department specified that the United Arab Emirates provided humanitarian assistance. @donbassr🇷🇺
12/30/2024, 2:46:03 PM
Russian servicemen are in Belarus after the exchange The Russian Defense Ministry added that they are being provided with all necessary assistance. All released servicemen will be taken to Russia for treatment and rehabilitation. @donbassr🇷🇺