🔴 Follow -up Safa The occupation forces storm the town of Sair, north of Hebron
🔴 متابعة صفا| قوات الاحتلال تقتحم بلدة سعير شمال الخليل
🔴关注-up -up safa占领力袭击了希伯伦以北的赛尔镇
🔴 Siga -Up Safa As forças de ocupação assumem a cidade de Sair, ao norte de Hebron
🔴 Seguimiento -Up Safa Las fuerzas de ocupación asaltan la ciudad de Sair, al norte de Hebrón
🔴 Следуйте -SAFA Оккупационные силы штурмовали город Саир, к северу от Хеврона
🔴 फॉलो -अप सफा व्यवसाय बलों ने हेब्रोन के उत्तर में सायर शहर को तूफान दिया
🔴 Suivre -Up Safa Les forces d'occupation prennent d'assaut la ville de Sair, au nord d'Hébron
🔴 متابعة صفا| قوات الاحتلال تقتحم بلدة سعير شمال الخليل
🔴 Follow -up Safa folgen Die Besatzung zwingt die Stadt Sair, nördlich von Hebron
🔴 Segui -up safa Le forze dell'occupazione prendono in giro la città di Sair, a nord di Hebron
collow -Up Safaをフォローします占領軍はヘブロンの北にあるサイアの町を襲撃します
🔴 Volg -Up Safa De bezettingskrachten bestormen de stad Sair, ten noorden van Hebron
🔴 Ακολουθήστε το Safa Οι δυνάμεις κατοχής καταιγίζουν την πόλη Sair, βόρεια της Χεβρώνας
1/13/2025, 2:07:04 PM
🔴 Safa correspondent: Martyrs and wounded as a result of the occupation aircraft bombing a group of citizens near the Katib State Mosque in the Zeitoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City.
1/13/2025, 2:16:41 PM
🔴 (Updated) Safa correspondent: At least one martyr and wounded as a result of the occupation aircraft bombing a group of citizens near the Katib State Mosque in the Zeitoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City.
1/13/2025, 2:20:46 PM
🔴 (Updated) Safa correspondent: Two martyrs in the bombing of the Tafesh family house by the occupation aircraft in the Al-Shamaa area in the Al-Zeitoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City
1/13/2025, 2:21:13 PM
🔴 Safa correspondent: Intense gunfire by Israeli helicopters in the center and north of Rafah city
1/13/2025, 2:24:26 PM
🔴 (Updated) Safa correspondent: Two martyrs and a number of wounded, including serious cases, as a result of the occupation aircraft bombing a group of citizens near the Katib al-Wilaya Mosque in the al-Shamaa area in the al-Zeitoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City.