🔴 Follow -up Safa The Commander of the Al -Quds Brigades in the West Bank: Since the beginning of the military operation on the cities and villages of the West Bank, our fighters have been able to carry out a number of military operations towards the military points and the areas of the deployment of soldiers and the rhythm of the hostile forces in vehicle ambushes that the occupier affected and his tails
🔴 متابعة صفا| قائد سرايا القدس بالضفة الغربية: منذ بداية العملية العسكرية على مدن وقرى الضفة تمكن مقاتلونا من تنفيذ عدد من العمليات العسكرية اتجاه النقاط العسكرية ومناطق انتشار الجنود وإيقاع القوات المعادية في كمائن مركبة أوجعت المحتل وأذنابه
🔴 Siga -Up Safa Comandante das brigadas Al -Quds na Cisjordânia: desde o início da operação militar nas cidades e aldeias da Cisjordânia, nossos combatentes conseguiram realizar várias operações militares em direção aos pontos militares e às áreas da implantação de soldados e o ritmo das forças hostis nas emboscadas de veículos que o ocupante afetou e suas caudas
🔴 Seguimiento -Up Safa El comandante de las brigadas de AL -Quds en Cisjordania: Desde el comienzo de la operación militar en las ciudades y pueblos de Cisjordania, nuestros combatientes han podido llevar a cabo una serie de operaciones militares hacia los puntos militares y las áreas del despliegue de soldados y el ritmo de las fuerzas hostiles en las emboscadas de vehículos que el ocupante afectó y sus colas
🔴 Следуйте -SAFA Командир бригад Аль -Кванд на Западном берегу: с начала военной операции в городах и деревнях Западного берега наши бойцы смогли выполнить ряд военных операций по отношению к военным очкам и районам развертывания солдат и ритма враждебных сил в засадах в транспортных средствах, на которые затронут оккупатор, и его хвосты
🔴 फॉलो -अप सफा वेस्ट बैंक में AL -Quds ब्रिगेड के कमांडर: वेस्ट बैंक के शहरों और गांवों पर सैन्य संचालन की शुरुआत के बाद से, हमारे सेनानियों ने सैन्य बिंदुओं और क्षेत्रों की ओर कई सैन्य अभियानों को अंजाम दिया है। सैनिकों की तैनाती और वाहन में शत्रुतापूर्ण बलों की लय घात लगाकर कि कब्जा करने वाला और उसकी पूंछ प्रभावित हुई
🔴 Suivre -Up Safa Le commandant des brigades de quads en Cisjordanie: depuis le début de l'opération militaire dans les villes et villages de la Cisjordanie, nos combattants ont pu effectuer un certain nombre d'opérations militaires vers les points militaires et les zones du déploiement de soldats et du rythme des forces hostiles dans des embuscades de véhicules que l'occupant a affectées et sa queue
🔴 متابعة صفا| قائد سرايا القدس بالضفة الغربية: منذ بداية العملية العسكرية على مدن وقرى الضفة تمكن مقاتلونا من تنفيذ عدد من العمليات العسكرية اتجاه النقاط العسكرية ومناطق انتشار الجنود وإيقاع القوات المعادية في كمائن مركبة أوجعت المحتل وأذنابه
🔴 Follow -up Safa folgen Der Kommandant der Al -Quds Brigaden im Westjordanland: Seit Beginn der Militäroperation in den Städten und Dörfern des Westjordanland des Einsatzes von Soldaten und des Rhythmus der feindlichen Kräfte in Fahrzeugüberfallen, die der Besatzer betroffene und seine Schwänze
🔴 Segui -up safa Il comandante delle brigate di Al -quds in Cisgiordania: dall'inizio dell'operazione militare nelle città e nei villaggi della Cisgiordania, i nostri combattenti sono stati in grado di svolgere una serie di operazioni militari verso i punti militari e le aree Del dispiegamento dei soldati e il ritmo delle forze ostili nei veicoli agguati che l'occupante ha colpito e le sue code
🔴 Volg -Up Safa De commandant van de Al -Qudds Brigades op de Westelijke Jordaanoever: sinds het begin van de militaire operatie op de steden en dorpen van de Westelijke Jordaanoever, hebben onze jagers een aantal militaire operaties kunnen uitvoeren naar de militaire punten en de gebieden van de inzet van soldaten en het ritme van de vijandige troepen in hinderlagen van voertuigen die de bezetter en zijn staart troffen
🔴 Ακολουθήστε το Safa Ο Διοικητής των ταξιαρχιών Al -quds στη Δυτική Όχθη: από την αρχή της στρατιωτικής επιχείρησης στις πόλεις και τα χωριά της Δυτικής Όχθης, οι μαχητές μας μπόρεσαν να πραγματοποιήσουν αρκετές στρατιωτικές επιχειρήσεις προς τα στρατιωτικά σημεία και τις περιοχές της ανάπτυξης στρατιωτών και του ρυθμού των εχθρικών δυνάμεων σε ενέδρα οχήματος που επηρέασε ο κατακτητής και οι ουρές του
12/30/2024, 12:59:53 PM
🔴 Safa follow-up | Press statement issued by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas):
▪️Following the increase in deaths in the Gaza Strip due to the severe cold wave and the low pressure, and the martyrdom of seven of our people, including six infants in dilapidated displacement tents, due to the severe cold and the lack of heating means; We urgently call on the United Nations and Arab and Islamic countries to work to bring in relief supplies and tents to protect hundreds of thousands of displaced civilians from the cold and the catastrophic effects of the ongoing Zionist aggression.
▪️The humanitarian and legal duty of the international community and the United Nations requires urgent action to provide relief to our people in the Gaza Strip, who have been subjected to a Zionist crime of genocide and ethnic cleansing that has been ongoing for about fifteen months, and to work to provide basic needs of shelter, food, water, medicine and heating means, and to oblige the fascist occupation to stop its aggression and lift its siege on more than two million people who are facing ethnic cleansing and inhumane living conditions imposed by the criminal occupation.
12/30/2024, 1:03:43 PM
🔴 Safa follow-up | Al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades: We bombed, in cooperation with the Qassam Brigades, a concentration of enemy vehicles and soldiers in Abu Sharkh roundabout, west of Jabalia camp, with 80 mm mortar shells
12/30/2024, 1:07:56 PM
📝 Safa translation | Hebrew sources: "Al-Qassam" took control of a drone and launched it against the Gaza envelope
1/12/2025, 10:24:33 AM
🔴 Safa follow-up | Nuseirat Municipality: Our services will stop within 48 hours due to the depletion of fuel needed to operate water wells and sewage pumps
12/30/2024, 1:22:15 PM
🔴 Safa Follow-up | Human Rights Protection Center:
▪️We express our shock at the announcement that the number of Palestinian prisoners who died under torture and brutal practices since October 7 has risen to (54) martyrs, including 5 who were martyred during the last 24 hours.
▪️We have monitored, along with many human rights institutions, a long series of violations to which Palestinian prisoners are exposed since the moment of violent and brutal arrest, their use as human shields, torture, abuse, humiliating and degrading treatment, enforced disappearance, deprivation of a fair trial and legal representation, deprivation of the most basic human rights, and their detention in inhumane conditions.
▪️The long series of violations is an inevitable result of the failure of international institutions to play their role, which allowed the Israeli occupation authorities to persist and deepen these violations.
▪️We call on the International Committee of the Red Cross to take a clear position on the ongoing systematic violations of the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions alike, and to call on the High Contracting States to convene an extraordinary conference to discuss these violations and the extent of the Israeli government's commitment to its obligations.
▪️We demand that the numbers of Palestinian prisoners and detainees held in Israeli prisons be immediately disclosed, as well as their places of detention and their health status, including medical staff, the latest of whom was the director of Kamal Adwan Hospital, Dr. Hussam Abu Safiyeh.
▪️We call on the International Criminal Court to include in its investigations the violations committed against Palestinian prisoners and detainees as crimes subject to the jurisdiction of the court.