🔴 Safa follow-up | Al-Qassam Brigades officially announces the martyrdom of Raed Thabet, commander of the human resources department, during the Battle of Tufan Al-Aqsa
🔴 متابعة صفا| كتائب القسام تعلن رسميا استشهاد رائد ثابت قائد ركن القوى البشرية خلال معركة طوفان الأقصى
🔴 关注 Safa |卡桑旅正式宣布人力资源部指挥官拉德·萨贝特在图凡·阿克萨战役中殉难
🔴 Siga Safa | As Brigadas Al-Qassam anunciam oficialmente o martírio de Raed Thabet, comandante do departamento de recursos humanos, durante a Batalha de Tufan Al-Aqsa
🔴 Sigue a Safa | Las Brigadas Al-Qassam anuncian oficialmente el martirio de Raed Thabet, comandante del departamento de recursos humanos, durante la batalla de Tufan Al-Aqsa
🔴 Подпишитесь на Сафу | Бригады «Аль-Кассам» официально объявляют о мученической смерти Раида Табета, командира отдела кадров, во время битвы за Туфан аль-Акса
🔴 सफा को फॉलो करें| अल-क़सम ब्रिगेड ने आधिकारिक तौर पर अल-अक्सा बाढ़ की लड़ाई के दौरान मानव बल कोर के कमांडर मेजर थाबेट की शहादत की घोषणा की
🔴 Suivez Safa | Les Brigades Al-Qassam annoncent officiellement le martyre de Raed Thabet, commandant du département des ressources humaines, lors de la bataille de Tufan Al-Aqsa
🔴 متابعة صفا| كتائب القسام تعلن رسميا استشهاد رائد ثابت قائد ركن القوى البشرية خلال معركة طوفان الأقصى
🔴 Folge Safa | Die Al-Qassam-Brigaden geben offiziell den Märtyrertod von Raed Thabet, Kommandeur der Personalabteilung, während der Schlacht von Tufan Al-Aqsa bekannt.
🔴 Segui Safa| Le Brigate Al-Qassam annunciano ufficialmente il martirio del Maggiore Thabet, comandante del Corpo delle Forze Umane, durante la battaglia dell'alluvione di Al-Aqsa
🔴 Volg Safa | Al-Qassam Brigades kondigt officieel de marteldood aan van Raed Thabet, commandant van de afdeling personeelszaken, tijdens de Slag om Tufan Al-Aqsa
🔴 Ακολουθήστε το Safa | Οι Ταξιαρχίες Al-Qassam ανακοινώνουν επίσημα το μαρτύριο του Raed Thabet, διοικητή του τμήματος ανθρωπίνων πόρων, κατά τη διάρκεια της μάχης του Tufan Al-Aqsa
1/19/2025, 12:29:35 PM
🔵 Safa correspondent: 68 settlers stormed the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque this afternoon
1/19/2025, 12:43:07 PM
📊 Safa Infographic | From 1968 to 2023.. The most prominent Palestinian prisoner exchange deals
1/19/2025, 12:49:20 PM
🔵 Safa correspondent: The occupation intelligence summons the families of the male and female prisoners who are scheduled to be released today as part of the exchange deal to the Al-Maskoubiya Center
1/19/2025, 1:12:58 PM
🔴 Safa follow-up | Qatari Foreign Ministry:
▪️The Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs discussed with a delegation of Palestinian factions the implementation of the ceasefire agreement in Gaza
▪️He discussed with the delegation of factions the executive aspects of the ceasefire agreement
▪️He stressed the need to work on implementing the agreement to achieve stability in the region
▪️He stressed the continuation of Qatari support for Gaza through the resumption of the air bridge for aid
1/19/2025, 1:37:56 PM
🔵 Safa follow-up | The occupation forces storm the village of Yatma, south of the city of Nablus