🔴 Siga Safa| Um jovem foi ferido por balas da ocupação israelense na aldeia de Al-Mughayir, a nordeste de Ramallah
🔴 Sigue a Safa| Un joven resultó herido por balas de la ocupación israelí en la aldea de Al-Mughayir, al noreste de Ramallah.
🔴 Следуйте за Сафой| Молодой человек был ранен пулями израильских оккупационных сил в деревне Аль-Мугайир, к северо-востоку от Рамаллаха.
🔴 सफा को फॉलो करें| रामल्लाह के उत्तर-पूर्व में अल-मुघयिर गांव में इजरायली कब्जे वाली गोलियों से एक युवक घायल हो गया
🔴 Suivez Safa | Un jeune homme a été blessé par des balles de l'occupation israélienne dans le village d'Al-Mughayir, au nord-est de Ramallah.
🔴 متابعة صفا| إصابة شاب برصاص الاحتلال الإسرائيلي في قرية المغير شمال شرق رام الله
🔴 Folgen Sie Safa| Im Dorf Al-Mughayir nordöstlich von Ramallah wurde ein junger Mann durch israelische Besatzungsgeschosse verletzt
🔴 Segui Safa | Un giovane è stato ferito dai proiettili dell'occupazione israeliana nel villaggio di Al-Mughayyir, a nord-est di Ramallah
🔴 サファをフォロー|ラマラ北東のアル・ムガイル村でイスラエル占領下の銃弾で若者が負傷
🔴Volg Safa| Een jonge man raakte gewond door Israëlische bezettingskogels in het dorp Al-Mughayir, ten noordoosten van Ramallah
🔴 Ακολουθήστε το Safa| Ένας νεαρός άνδρας τραυματίστηκε από ισραηλινές κατοχικές σφαίρες στο χωριό Al-Mughayir, βορειοανατολικά της Ραμάλα
1/15/2025, 4:38:51 PM
🔴 Safa correspondent: Journalist Ahmed Al-Shayyah was martyred as a result of the bombing of a charitable hospice in the Al-Mawasi area, west of Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip.
1/15/2025, 4:59:58 PM
🔴 Safa Follow-up | Islamic Resistance Movement - Hamas:
▪️A delegation from the movement's leadership headed by brother Mujahid Muhammad Darwish, Chairman of the Shura Council and Chairman of the Leadership Council, received this evening a delegation from the Islamic Jihad Movement headed by brother Mujahid Ziad al-Nakhala, Secretary-General of the movement, where the developments and progress in the ceasefire negotiations and their arrival at their final stages were reviewed.
▪️The two sides considered that the steadfastness of our heroic people, their steadfastness, the bravery of the resistance and the strong will are the main support for the Palestinian negotiator in the Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa, stressing the need to make every effort to make this round of negotiations a success in order to stop the war and aggression against our people.
1/15/2025, 5:04:04 PM
🔴 Safa follow-up | Civil Defense: Our crews retrieve the bodies of 6 martyrs and 4 wounded as a result of the Israeli occupation targeting "Life Kitchen" near the Kuwaiti Hospital in Khan Yunis
1/15/2025, 5:05:38 PM
📸 Safa correspondent: The freed prisoner Ali Al-Maghribi was martyred in the Israeli occupation's bombing of the Al-Mawasi area west of Khan Yunis Governorate in the southern Gaza Strip
1/15/2025, 5:05:57 PM
🔴 Safa translation | Channel 11 correspondent: Hamas discovered a loophole in the Philadelphi Corridor maps presented by "Israel" and they were modified