Urgent International Committee of the Red Cross: suspending aid, including stopping energy supplies, threatens to push the Gaza Strip to a severe humanitarian emergency
🔴 عاجل | اللجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر: تعليق المساعدات بما في ذلك وقف إمدادات الطاقة يهدد بدفع قطاع غزة إلى حالة طوارئ إنسانية حادة
Urgente Comitê Internacional da Cruz Vermelha: suspender a ajuda, incluindo a parada de suprimentos de energia, ameaça empurrar a faixa de Gaza para uma grave emergência humanitária
Urgente Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja: La ayuda de suspensión, incluida la detención de los suministros de energía, amenaza con llevar la Franja de Gaza a una emergencia humanitaria severa
Срочный Международный комитет Красного Креста: приостановка помощи, включая остановку энергетических принадлежностей, угрожает подтолкнуть серию Газа к тяжелой гуманитарной чрезвычайной ситуации.
अति आवश्यक रेड क्रॉस की अंतर्राष्ट्रीय समिति: ऊर्जा की आपूर्ति को रोकने सहित निलंबित सहायता, गाजा पट्टी को एक गंभीर मानवीय आपातकाल में धकेलने की धमकी देता है
Urgent Comité international de la Croix-Rouge: la suspension de l'aide, notamment en arrêtant les fournitures d'énergie, menace de pousser la bande de Gaza à une urgence humanitaire sévère
🔴 عاجل | اللجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر: تعليق المساعدات بما في ذلك وقف إمدادات الطاقة يهدد بدفع قطاع غزة إلى حالة طوارئ إنسانية حادة
Dringend Internationales Komitee des Roten Kreuzes: Hilfsmittel, einschließlich der Beendigung der Energieversorgung, droht den Gazastreifen in einen schweren humanitären Notfall zu treiben
Urgente Comitato internazionale della Croce Rossa: sospendere gli aiuti, incluso l'arresto delle forniture energetiche, minaccia di spingere la striscia di Gaza a una grave emergenza umanitaria
Dringend Internationaal Comité van het Rode Kruis: Suspending Aid, inclusief het stoppen van energievoorraden, dreigt de Gazastrook naar een ernstige humanitaire noodsituatie te duwen
Επείγων Διεθνής Επιτροπή του Ερυθρού Σταυρού: Η αναστολή βοήθειας, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της διακοπής των ενεργειακών προμηθειών, απειλεί να προωθήσει τη λωρίδα της Γάζας σε σοβαρή ανθρωπιστική έκτακτη ανάγκη
12/25/2024, 5:35:29 PM
🔴 Urgent | Israeli media: Resistance fighters target occupation vehicles with an explosive device in the town of Qaffin, north of Tulkarm
12/25/2024, 5:39:17 PM
🔴 Urgent | Yemen: An important statement by the Yemeni Armed Forces at exactly 9:00 PM Yemen time
12/25/2024, 5:46:28 PM
🔵 Introduction to the main news bulletin on Al-Manar Channel for Thursday 12-25-2024
The birth of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, was nothing but a universal occasion for all humanity in its meanings and dimensions, and every year it carries a renewal of life messages from among the rubble of destruction that befalls the world at the hands of the killers of the messengers of love..
And the most concerned by the occasion is Palestine, which awaits the true birth of its freedom and liberation, and which carries in every letter of its name historical lessons in struggle..
As for Lebanon, which unites the conditions of coexistence, there is no bridge that can cross to stability better than the bridge of cooperation and unity that the birth of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, carries And his guiding biography to salvation from the oppressors..
And if this occasion comes to the Lebanese after a long Zionist aggression and continuous threats and violations of the sovereignty of their homeland, it must remind them to return to the teachings of the resistant Messenger who defended for humanity against the tyrants of his time and triumphed for the oppressed and the weak and for the owner of the right no matter how great the pain..
Yes, the birth of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, teaches how homelands are inhabited and their survival lasts and how they perish when they deny the message of humanity...
A message that is the same one that was carried by the sacrifices of the resistance fighters and their people in Lebanon and that made Tel Aviv taste the heat of fire, as the people of Yemen do in support of Gaza with missiles that steal sleep from the eyes of the Zionists, as their media said, and confuse the minds of their military and political leaders, so how can they be saved from it, while there is no There is no way out of it except by stopping the aggression on Gaza, and without that, there is a continuation of support, development of capabilities, and imposition of a siege on the entity by air after it was by sea.. https://www.almanar.com.lb/?s=tg
🔵 Introduction to the main news bulletin on Al-Manar Channel for Wednesday 12-25-2024
The birth of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, was nothing but a universal occasion for all humanity in its meanings and dimensions, and every year it carries a renewal of life messages from among the rubble of destruction that befalls the world at the hands of the killers of the messengers of love..
And the most concerned by the occasion is Palestine, which awaits the true birth of its freedom and liberation, and which carries in every letter of its name historical lessons in struggle..
As for Lebanon, which unites the conditions of coexistence, there is no bridge that can cross to stability better than the bridge of cooperation and unity that the birth of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, carries And his guiding biography to salvation from the oppressors..
And if this occasion comes to the Lebanese after a long Zionist aggression and continuous threats and violations of the sovereignty of their homeland, it must remind them to return to the teachings of the resistant Messenger who defended for humanity against the tyrants of his time and triumphed for the oppressed and the weak and for the owner of the right no matter how great the pain..
Yes, the birth of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, teaches how homelands are inhabited and their survival lasts and how they perish when they deny the message of humanity...
A message that is the same one that was carried by the sacrifices of the resistance fighters and their people in Lebanon and that made Tel Aviv taste the heat of fire, as the people of Yemen do in support of Gaza with missiles that steal sleep from the eyes of the Zionists, as their media said, and confuse the minds of their military and political leaders, so how can they be saved from it, while there is no There is no way out of it except by stopping the aggression on Gaza, and without that, there is a continuation of support, development of capabilities, and imposition of a siege on the entity by air after it was by sea.. https://www.almanar.com.lb/?s=tg