Urgente Shahidan e vários feridos bombardeando uma marcha sionista a nordeste de Al -Bureij Camp na faixa central de Gaza
Urgente Shahidan y una serie de heridos al bombardear una marcha sionista al noreste del campamento de Al -Bureij en la franja central de Gaza
Срочный Шахидан и ряд раненых бомбардировки сионистского марша к северо -востоку от лагеря Аль -Бурей в центральной части Газа
अति आवश्यक शाहिदन और सेंट्रल गाजा स्ट्रिप में अल -बुरेज कैंप के उत्तर -पूर्व में एक ज़ायोनी मार्च मार्च बमबारी करके कई घायल हो गए
Urgent Shahidan et un certain nombre de blessés en bombardant une marche sioniste au nord-est du camp d'Al -Bureij dans la bande centrale de Gaza
🔴 عاجل | شهيدان وعدد من الجرحى بقصف مسيرة صهيونية شمال شرق مخيم البريج وسط قطاع غزة
Dringend Shahidan und eine Reihe von Verwundeten durch Bombardierung eines zionistischen Marsches nordöstlich des al -Bureij -Lageres im zentralen Gazastreifen
Urgente Shahidan e un certo numero di feriti bombardando una marcia sionista a nord -est del campo di Al -bureij nella striscia centrale di Gaza
Dringend Shahidan en een aantal gewonden door het bombarderen van een zionistische marcheren ten noordoosten van het Al -Bureij -kamp in de centrale Gazastrook
Επείγων Shahidan και αρκετοί τραυματίες βομβαρδίζοντας μια Σιωνιστική πορεία βορειοανατολικά του στρατοπέδου Al -Bureij στην Κεντρική Γάζα
3/6/2025, 4:47:32 AM
Video A fire devouring at least 450 new vehicles in the city of Zabwian, west of Mexico
3/6/2025, 4:53:25 AM
Urgent Heavy shooting from the occupation mechanisms stationed north of Beit Lahia, north of Gaza
3/6/2025, 4:58:44 AM
Urgent American envoy Steve Whitchov: "Israel" must maintain a ceasefire agreement until I arrived in the region
3/6/2025, 5:01:53 AM
Video A fire broke out at the Manghan Nuclear Energy Station in southern Taiwan
3/6/2025, 5:12:38 AM
🔵 Wall Street Journal of Syrian and European officials:
Russia seeks to conclude an agreement with Syria to maintain its military bases
Negotiations between Syria and Russia included billions of dollars in cash and gas and ports investments
The negotiations between Russia and Syria included the request of Damascus to surrender Assad, but the Russians refused to discuss this
The negotiations between Russia and Syria included a possible apology from Moscow for its role in bombing civilians
Talks on two Russian bases in Syria expanded to include broader economic relations between the two countries
- Russia's relationship with the neo -Syrian leaders gained momentum after the first call between Putin and Sharia
Damascus said that Putin indicated his willingness to discuss the conditions of agreements between Russia and Syria