Urgent Hamas: The declaration of the Zionist occupation cut off electricity from Gaza is a reluctance to exercise the policy of collective punishment against our people in the Strip
🔴 عاجل | حماس: إعلان الاحتلال الصهيوني قطع الكهرباء عن غزة هو إمعان في ممارسة سياسة العقاب الجماعي بحق أهلنا في القطاع
Urgente Hamas: A declaração da ocupação sionista cortou a eletricidade de Gaza é uma relutância em exercer a política de punição coletiva contra nosso povo na faixa
Urgente Hamas: La declaración de la ocupación sionista cortó la electricidad de Gaza es una renuencia a ejercer la política de castigo colectivo contra nuestra gente en la franja
Срочный ХАМАС: Декларация сионистской оккупации отрезала электричество от Газы нежелание осуществлять политику коллективного наказания против нашего народа в полосе
अति आवश्यक हमास: ज़ायोनी व्यवसाय की घोषणा गाजा से बिजली काट दी गई है
Urgent Hamas: La déclaration de l'occupation sioniste coupée de l'électricité de Gaza est une réticence à exercer la politique de punition collective contre notre peuple dans le Strip
🔴 عاجل | حماس: إعلان الاحتلال الصهيوني قطع الكهرباء عن غزة هو إمعان في ممارسة سياسة العقاب الجماعي بحق أهلنا في القطاع
Dringend Hamas: Die Erklärung der Zionistenbeschäftigung hat den Strom von Gazastreifen abgeschnitten, um die Politik der kollektiven Bestrafung gegen unser Volk im Streifen auszuüben
Urgente Hamas: la dichiarazione dell'occupazione sionista tagliata l'elettricità da Gaza è una riluttanza ad esercitare la politica di punizione collettiva contro il nostro popolo nella strip
Dringend HAMAS: De verklaring van de zionistische bezetting die elektriciteit uit Gaza wordt afgesneden, is een terughoudendheid om het beleid van collectieve straf tegen onze mensen in de strip uit te oefenen
Επείγων Χαμάς: Η δήλωση της Σιωνιστικής κατοχής αποκοπεί την ηλεκτρική ενέργεια από τη Γάζα είναι μια απροθυμία να ασκήσει την πολιτική της συλλογικής τιμωρίας εναντίον του λαού μας στη λωρίδα
12/30/2024, 12:53:18 PM
🔴 Urgent | Hebrew sources: The number of injuries among the occupation army in the northern Gaza Strip has risen to 8 injuries
12/30/2024, 1:37:21 PM
🔴 Urgent | Sheikh Damoush: Reconstruction is a national responsibility, but this does not exempt the state from its responsibilities
12/30/2024, 1:38:34 PM
🔴 Urgent | Sheikh Damoush: There is a precise survey process being undertaken by specialized technical bodies such as “Maamar” and “Arch” companies in the affected areas, and we have given priority to sheltering families whose homes were completely destroyed.
12/30/2024, 1:38:40 PM
🔴 Urgent | Sheikh Damoush: The Secretary-General has formed a committee whose job is to supervise reconstruction
12/30/2024, 1:39:19 PM
🔴 Urgent | Sheikh Damoush: We tell our people from the border villages that we will rebuild them, God willing