Urgent Flags of the enemy: The sirens of warning are called in Karam Abu Salem, with the cover of Gaza
🔴 عاجل | اعلام العدو: صفارات الإنذار تدوي في كرم أبو سالم بغلاف غزة
紧迫的敌人的旗帜:警告的警报在卡拉姆·阿布·塞勒姆(Karam Abu Salem),加沙(Gaza)的封面
Urgente Bandeiras do inimigo: as sirenes do aviso são chamadas em Karam Abu Salem, com a capa de Gaza
Urgente Banderas del enemigo: Las sirenas de la advertencia se llaman en Karam Abu Salem, con la portada de Gaza
Срочный Флаги врага: Сирены предупреждения называются в Карам Абу Салем, с обложкой Газы
अति आवश्यक झंडे दुश्मन: चेतावनी के सायरन को करम अबू सलेम में कहा जाता है, गाजा के कवर के साथ
Urgent Drapeaux de l'ennemi: les sirènes d'avertissement sont appelées dans Karam Abu Salem, avec la couverture de Gaza
🔴 عاجل | اعلام العدو: صفارات الإنذار تدوي في كرم أبو سالم بغلاف غزة
Dringend Flaggen des Feindes: Die Sirenen der Warnung werden in Karam Abu Salem mit dem Cover von Gaza bezeichnet
Urgente Flags of the Enemy: Le sirene di avvertimento sono chiamate in Karam Abu Salem, con la copertura di Gaza
Dringend Vlaggen van de vijand: de Sirens of Warning worden in Karam Abu Salem genoemd, met de dekking van Gaza
Επείγων Σημαίες του εχθρού: Οι σειρήνες της προειδοποίησης καλούνται στο Karam Abu Salem, με το εξώφυλλο της Γάζας
2/21/2025, 8:47:31 AM
Urgent Government media in Gaza: No mobile homes are entered into the Strip, which is intended for shelter
2/21/2025, 8:48:40 AM
Urgent Government media in Gaza: The mobile houses that entered the sector are very limited and dedicated to international institutions or field hospitals
2/21/2025, 8:55:23 AM
Urgent Hebrew Channel 12: An Israeli arrest was transferred to one of the suspects by planting explosive devices on Batt Yam Buses
2/21/2025, 9:19:25 AM
Urgent Funeral ceremonies Committee: People raise the guests of Mr. Al -Amin on the day of his fare
2/21/2025, 9:19:34 AM
Urgent Future Ceremonial Committee: What has been circulated about the existence of entry cards that have no basis