

Real time military news

Published date: 3/7/2025, 8:14:06 AM
3/7/2025, 8:14:06 AM
#Media_Amo The Hebrew newspaper "Yediot Aharonot": In recent weeks, Hamas has prepared extensively to fight against "Israel" with the end of the first stage of the ceasefire without negotiations on the second stage. The organization is also likely to have conducted extracts of the lessons of the fighting rounds, planted dozens of new explosive devices, deployed thousands of militants in Gaza City after their return from the southern Gaza Strip, directed the rocket launchers, and reorganized the fighting frameworks in the form of companies and battalions. #Warm media
#إعلام_العدو صحيفة "يديعوت أحرونوت" العبرية: قامت حماس في الأسابيع الأخيرة بالاستعداد بشكل مكثف للقتال ضد "إسرائيل" مع انتهاء المرحلة الأولى من وقف إطلاق النار دون مفاوضات حول المرحلة الثانية. من المرجح أن التنظيم أجرى أيضًا استخلاصات للعبر من جولات القتال، وزرع عشرات العبوات الناسفة الجديدة، ونشر آلاف المسلحين في مدينة غزة بعد عودتهم من جنوب القطاع، ووجه منصات إطلاق الصواريخ، وأعاد تنظيم أطر القتال على شكل سرايا وكتائب. #الإعلام_الحربي
#Media_Amo 希伯来语报纸“ Yediot Aharonot”:最近几周,哈马斯在第二阶段没有谈判的第一阶段而在停火的第一阶段结束时,为与“以色列”作斗争。该组织还可能对战斗巡回赛的课程进行了摘录,种植了数十个新的爆炸装置,从加沙地带南部的加沙地带返回后,在加沙市部署了数千名武装分子,导演了火箭发射器,并以公司和营的形式重新组织了战斗框架。 #Warm媒体
#Media_amo O jornal hebraico "Yediot Aharonot": nas últimas semanas, o Hamas se preparou extensivamente para lutar contra "Israel" com o final do primeiro estágio do cessar -fogo sem negociações no segundo estágio. É provável que a organização tenha conduzido extratos das lições das rodadas de combate, plantou dezenas de novos dispositivos explosivos, implantou milhares de militantes na cidade de Gaza após seu retorno da Strip Strip do Southern Gaza, dirigiu os lançadores de foguetes e reorganizou as estruturas de luta na forma de empresas e batalhões. #Mídiawarm
#Media_amo El periódico hebreo "Yediot Aharonot": en las últimas semanas, Hamas se ha preparado ampliamente para luchar contra "Israel" con el final de la primera etapa del alto el fuego sin negociaciones en la segunda etapa. También es probable que la organización haya realizado extractos de las lecciones de las rondas de lucha, plantó docenas de nuevos dispositivos explosivos, desplegó miles de militantes en la ciudad de Gaza después de su regreso de la franja del sur de Gaza, dirigió los lanzadores de cohetes y reorganizó los marcos de lucha en forma de compañías y batallones. #Medios de comunicación
#Media_amo Еврейская газета «Yediot Aharonot»: в последние недели ХАМАС широко подготовился к борьбе с «Израилем» с окончанием первого этапа прекращения огня без переговоров на втором этапе. Организация также, вероятно, провела выдержки уроков боевых раундов, посадила десятки новых взрывных устройств, развернутые тысячи боевиков в городе Газа после их возвращения из южной части сектора Газа, направили ракетные пусковые установки и реорганизовали боевые рамки в форме компаний и батальонов. #Warm Media
#Media_amo हिब्रू अखबार "येदियट अहरोनोट": हाल के हफ्तों में, हमास ने दूसरे चरण में बातचीत के बिना संघर्ष विराम के पहले चरण के अंत के साथ "इज़राइल" के खिलाफ लड़ने के लिए बड़े पैमाने पर तैयार किया है। संगठन ने फाइटिंग राउंड के पाठों के अर्क भी संचालित करने की संभावना है, दर्जनों नए विस्फोटक उपकरण लगाए गए, दक्षिणी गाजा स्ट्रिप से उनकी वापसी के बाद गाजा सिटी में हजारों आतंकवादियों को तैनात किया, रॉकेट लॉन्चर को निर्देशित किया, और कंपनियों और बटली के रूप में लड़ाई के ढांचे को पुनर्गठित किया। #WARM मीडिया
#Media_amo Le journal hébreu "Yediot Aharonot": Ces dernières semaines, le Hamas s'est largement préparé à lutter contre "Israël" avec la fin de la première étape du cessez-le-feu sans négociations sur la deuxième étape. L'organisation est également susceptible d'avoir effectué des extraits des leçons des rondes de combat, a planté des dizaines de nouveaux appareils explosifs, déployé des milliers de militants à Gaza City après leur retour de la bande de Gaza du Sud, dirigé les lanceurs de fusée et réorganisé les cadres de combat sous la forme d'entreprises et de bataillons. Médias #warm
#إعلام_العدو صحيفة "يديعوت أحرونوت" العبرية: قامت حماس في الأسابيع الأخيرة بالاستعداد بشكل مكثف للقتال ضد "إسرائيل" مع انتهاء المرحلة الأولى من وقف إطلاق النار دون مفاوضات حول المرحلة الثانية. من المرجح أن التنظيم أجرى أيضًا استخلاصات للعبر من جولات القتال، وزرع عشرات العبوات الناسفة الجديدة، ونشر آلاف المسلحين في مدينة غزة بعد عودتهم من جنوب القطاع، ووجه منصات إطلاق الصواريخ، وأعاد تنظيم أطر القتال على شكل سرايا وكتائب. #الإعلام_الحربي
#Media_amo Die hebräische Zeitung "Yediot Aharonot": In den letzten Wochen hat sich die Hamas ausführlich darauf vorbereitet, gegen "Israel" mit dem Ende der ersten Stufe des Waffenstillstands ohne Verhandlungen über die zweite Stufe zu kämpfen. Die Organisation hat wahrscheinlich auch Auszüge aus den Lektionen der Kampfrunden durchgeführt, Dutzende neuer Sprengstoffgeräte gepflanzt, nach ihrer Rückkehr aus dem südlichen Gazastreifen Tausende von Militanten in Gaza -Stadt eingesetzt, die Raketenwerfer leiteten und die Kampfrahmen in Form von Unternehmen und Bataalions neu organisierten. #Warm Medien
#Media_amo Il quotidiano ebraico "Yediot Aharonot": nelle ultime settimane, Hamas si è preparato ampiamente a combattere "Israele" con la fine della prima fase del cessate il fuoco senza negoziati nella seconda fase. È probabile che l'organizzazione abbia anche condotto estratti delle lezioni dei round di combattimento, piantato dozzine di nuovi dispositivi esplosivi, ha schierato migliaia di militanti nella città di Gaza dopo il loro ritorno dalla Striscia di Gaza meridionale, ha diretto i lanciatori di missili e ha riorganizzato i framework di combattimento nella forma di aziende e battaglie. #Warm Media
#media_amo ヘブライ語新聞「イェディオット・アハロノット」:ここ数週間、ハマスは第2段階で交渉することなく停戦の第1段階の終わりに「イスラエル」と戦う準備をしました。また、組織は、戦闘ラウンドの教訓の抜粋を実施し、数十の新しい爆発装置を植え、ガザ地区から帰国した後、ガザ市に数千人の過激派を配備し、ロケットランチャーを指示し、企業と大国の形で戦闘フレームワークを再編成しました。 #WARMメディア
#Media_amo De Hebreeuwse krant "Yediot Aharonot": in de afgelopen weken heeft Hamas zich uitgebreid voorbereid om tegen "Israël" te vechten met het einde van de eerste fase van het staakt -het -vuren zonder onderhandelingen in de tweede fase. De organisatie zal waarschijnlijk ook uittreksels van de lessen van de vechtrondes hebben gehouden, tientallen nieuwe explosieve apparaten hebben geplant, duizenden militanten in Gaza City ingezet na hun terugkeer uit de zuidelijke Gazastrook, de raketlanceerders gericht en de vechtkaders in de vorm van bedrijven en bataljons gericht. #Warm media
#Media_amo Η εβραϊκή εφημερίδα "Yediot Aharonot": Τις τελευταίες εβδομάδες, η Χαμάς έχει προετοιμαστεί εκτενώς για να καταπολεμήσει το "Ισραήλ" με το τέλος του πρώτου σταδίου της κατάπαυσης του πυρός χωρίς διαπραγματεύσεις στο δεύτερο στάδιο. Η οργάνωση είναι επίσης πιθανό να έχει πραγματοποιήσει εκχυλίσματα των μαθημάτων των γύρους μάχης, φυτεύτηκε δεκάδες νέες εκρηκτικές συσκευές, αναπτύχθηκε χιλιάδες μαχητές στην πόλη της Γάζας μετά την επιστροφή τους από τη Λωρίδα της Νότιας Γάζας, κατευθύνει τους εκτοξευτές πυραύλων και αναδιοργάνωσε τα πλαίσια μάχης με τη μορφή εταιρειών και τάξεων. #Warm Media

2/27/2025, 3:43:11 PM
#Media_Amo Israeli media: The runway at the Palestinian Karazur junction from Jenin and lives inside. #Warm media
2/27/2025, 5:04:47 PM
#Media_Amo Israeli enemy radio: The most prominent points of investigation conducted by the Israeli army about the events of October 7: 1- The Israeli army did not take into account the scenario of a sudden, large-scale attack, as it was unlikely to be considered, but it was not even seen as a probability of it. This is a fundamental issue that the army was not ready. 2- The Gaza Band was completely controlled for several hours. Between 6:30 am and 12:30 pm, the Israeli army did not control the Gaza cover area, and during this period most of the events occurred. The army took about 10 hours to restore operational control. 3- The Israeli army was surprised not only with the occurrence of the attack, but also with the huge number of militants who invaded the Gaza cover, their speed and high movement, and Hamas's planning. 4- The army relied on wrong concepts that completely collapsed, including: Gaza is a "secondary enemy" and therefore does not require great attention. - Hamas is deceased and seeks calm and civil gains. It is possible to manage the conflict with Hamas and even reach a settlement with it. The possibility of distinguishing between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. 5- The army allowed a serious threat to its borders, excessively dependent on the defensive barrier, while the border defense elements were suffering from severe weakness, including the small number of soldiers in the area. 6- The army was in a state of intelligence superiority and control of reality, as there was absolute confidence that a prior intelligence warning would be received before any attack. #Warm media
2/27/2025, 4:54:36 PM
#Media_Amo The Hebrew newspaper "Yediot Aharonot": - The Israeli army presented to the families of the soldiers who fell at Nahal Oz, the results of the investigation into the intense battle, which is one of the battles on October 7, which witnessed the largest number of deaths. 53 soldiers and soldiers lost their lives in the battle at Nahal Oz. "The army admits that there were not enough forces, and there was not enough ammunition. There was a secret from the Golani brigade without a machine gun (MAG) without hand grenades. The monitoring balloon was not working for two weeks, and two other surveillance balloons were not working either," said Ravi bin Shattare, the father of Sergeant Chamoun Eli Eli Bin Shtrit, who was killed in Nahal Oz. #Warm media
2/27/2025, 5:07:14 PM
#Media_Amo Israeli enemy radio: The 10 most prominent lessons from the outgoing chief of staff, Herzi Halvi: 1. Change in the concept of security. Any enemy may not be allowed to build its strength on the borders and rely on deterrence and intelligence only. 2. It is not possible to "manage a conflict" with an enemy seeking to destroy you. The price of calm should not be paid at the expense of the exacerbation of the problem in the future. 3. The Israeli army must be better prepared for a widely dummy attack. A central intelligence unit is needed to constantly monitor the situation, as well as an information analysis unit that assesses the situation even in cases of complete collapse. 4. The size of the army must be increased and deployed on the border. Information collection capabilities, wild artillery increase, and provide more ready -to -deployed air means for immediate deployment. 5. Enhance the foundations of intelligence work, but without excessive dependence on it. Intelligence will remain necessary in the future, but it should not be relied upon alone. 6. Improving the defense of civil settlements, by updating local emergency teams and increasing training. 7. Enhance the combat skills of every army soldier, not only for private units, but also in the regular battalions. 8. Build more military sites on the border. 9. Create a central control unit in the Staff. 10. Promote combat values ​​and military discipline. #Warm media
2/27/2025, 5:21:36 PM
#Media_Amo The Hebrew newspaper "Yediot Aharonot": The Israeli army investigation in the events of October 7: The Military Intelligence Division was with arrogance and blindness. #Warm media