Urgent Flags of the enemy: The sirens of the south of the Golan, for fear of infiltrating the aircraft
🔴 عاجل | اعلام العدو: صفارات الإنذار تدوي جنوبي الجولان خشية تسلل طائرات مسيّرة
Urgente Bandeiras do inimigo: as sirenes do sul do golão, por medo de se infiltrar na aeronave
Urgente Banderas del enemigo: las sirenas del sur del Golán, por temor a infiltrarse en el avión
Срочный Флаги врага: сирены на юге Голана, опасаясь проникновения в самолет
अति आवश्यक दुश्मन के झंडे: गोलान के दक्षिण के सायरन, विमान में घुसपैठ करने के डर से
Urgent Drapeaux de l'ennemi: les sirènes du sud du Golan, par peur d'infiltrer l'avion
🔴 عاجل | اعلام العدو: صفارات الإنذار تدوي جنوبي الجولان خشية تسلل طائرات مسيّرة
Dringend Flaggen des Feindes: Die Sirenen des Südens des Golans, aus Angst, das Flugzeug zu infiltrieren
Urgente FLAGS OF THE Enemy: The Sirens of the South of the Golan, per paura di infiltrarsi sull'aereo
Dringend Vlaggen van de vijand: de sirenes van het zuiden van de Golan, uit angst om het vliegtuig te infiltreren
Επείγων Σημαίες του εχθρού: Οι σειρήνες του νότου του Γκολάν, για το φόβο της διείσδυσης του αεροσκάφους
1/5/2025, 1:48:34 PM
🔴 Urgent | WHO: We condemn the removal of Kamal Adwan Hospital from service, and we have verified 50 Israeli attacks on hospitals since October 2024
1/6/2025, 7:45:25 AM
🔴 Urgent | Enemy media: 6 soldiers were injured, including 3 in critical and serious condition, in a shooting attack on a bus in the village of Al-Funduq, east of Qalqilya
1/5/2025, 2:42:30 PM
🔴 Urgent | Walla Hebrew website: The Israeli army will withdraw completely from Naqoura and hand over responsibility to the Lebanese army under American supervision
1/5/2025, 2:52:23 PM
🔴 Urgent | Israeli Army Radio: Border Guard forces are pursuing 5 other suspects who tried to infiltrate the army camp
1/5/2025, 2:53:21 PM
🔴 Urgent | Al-Quds Brigades: We, in cooperation with the Al-Qassam Brigades, killed and wounded 10 Zionist soldiers in a clash west of Beit Lahia, north of the Gaza Strip