Urgent Israeli warplanes fly again at a very low altitude in the airspace
🔴 عاجل | الطيران الحربي الإسرائيلي يحلّق مجدّداً على علوّ منخفض جداً في أجواء بيروت بالتزامن مع كلمة الأمين العام لحزب الله الشيخ نعيم قاسم
Urgente Os aviões de guerra israelenses voam novamente a uma altitude muito baixa no espaço aéreo
Urgente Los aviones de combate israelíes vuelan nuevamente a una altitud muy baja en el espacio aéreo
Срочный Израильские войны снова летят на очень низкой высоте в воздушном пространстве
अति आवश्यक इजरायली युद्धक विमान फिर से हवाई क्षेत्र में बहुत कम ऊंचाई पर उड़ते हैं
Urgent Des avions de guerre israéliens volent à une très basse altitude dans l'espace aérien
🔴 عاجل | الطيران الحربي الإسرائيلي يحلّق مجدّداً على علوّ منخفض جداً في أجواء بيروت بالتزامن مع كلمة الأمين العام لحزب الله الشيخ نعيم قاسم
Dringend Israelische Kampfflugzeuge fliegen wieder in einer sehr geringen Höhe im Luftraum
Urgente Gli aerei da guerra israeliani volano di nuovo a un'altitudine molto bassa nello spazio aereo
Dringend Israëlische oorlogsvliegtuigen vliegen opnieuw op een zeer lage hoogte in het luchtruim
Επείγων Τα ισραηλινά αεροπλάνα πετούν ξανά σε πολύ χαμηλό υψόμετρο στον εναέριο χώρο
12/30/2024, 5:07:54 PM
Deputy Chairman of the Executive Council of #Hezbollah Sheikh Ali Damoush: This project was launched under the title “Promise and Commitment” and to tell our people that we will fulfill Sayyed Nasrallah’s promise, Sayyed Safieddine’s plans, and Sheikh Qassem’s commitment
12/30/2024, 5:08:32 PM
Deputy Chairman of the Executive Council of #Hezbollah Sheikh Ali Damoush: The survey process is now in the final quarter and more than 90% of the surveys have been completed in Beirut and the Bekaa and 80% in the south
12/30/2024, 5:10:47 PM
Special Coverage | MP Mohammad Fneish: "The enemy was waiting for the right time? Why? And what is the Hezbollah leader's assessment of the war?"
Full episode link:
12/30/2024, 5:12:44 PM
🔴 Urgent | Yedioth Ahronoth, quoting officers in the enemy army: Our presence in Syria is useless and lacks a long-term goal, and it is only a matter of time before our presence there turns against us for the worse
12/30/2024, 5:55:19 PM
Special Coverage | The Dangers of the Turkish Project Planned in Syria, Passing Through Lebanon, to the Region in Coordination with the Israelis?
With the Academic and Researcher Specializing in Turkish Affairs, Dr. Muhammad Nour El-Din
Full Episode Link: