Urgent Al -Manar correspondent: The enemy forces carry out a bombing of a number of homes in the town of Yaron
🔴 عاجل | مراسل المنار: قوات العدو تنفذ تفجيراً لعدد من المنازل في بلدة يارون
紧迫的Al -Manar通讯员:敌军在Yaron镇进行了许多房屋轰炸
Urgente Al -Manar Correspondente: As forças inimigas realizam um bombardeio de várias casas na cidade de Yaron
Urgente Corresponsal de al -Manar: Las fuerzas enemigas llevan a cabo un bombardeo de varias casas en la ciudad de Yaron
Срочный Корреспондент Al -Manar: вражеские силы выполняют бомбардировку ряда домов в городе Ярон
अति आवश्यक Al -Manar संवाददाता: दुश्मन बलों ने यारोन शहर में कई घरों में बमबारी की
Urgent Correspondant d'Al-Manar: Les forces ennemies effectuent un bombardement d'un certain nombre de maisons dans la ville de Yaron
🔴 عاجل | مراسل المنار: قوات العدو تنفذ تفجيراً لعدد من المنازل في بلدة يارون
Dringend Al -Manar -Korrespondent: Die feindlichen Streitkräfte führen eine Bombardierung einer Reihe von Häusern in der Stadt Yaron durch
Urgente Al -Manar corrispondente: le forze nemiche effettuano un bombardamento di un numero di case nella città di Yaron
緊急AL -MANAR特派員:敵軍はヤロンの町で多くの家の爆撃を行います
Dringend Al -Manar Correspondent: de vijandelijke troepen voeren een bombardement uit op een aantal huizen in de stad Yaron
Επείγων Al -Manar ανταποκριτής: Οι δυνάμεις του εχθρού πραγματοποιούν βομβαρδισμό πολλών σπιτιών στην πόλη Yaron
1/5/2025, 1:48:34 PM
🔴 Urgent | WHO: We condemn the removal of Kamal Adwan Hospital from service, and we have verified 50 Israeli attacks on hospitals since October 2024
1/6/2025, 7:45:25 AM
🔴 Urgent | Enemy media: 6 soldiers were injured, including 3 in critical and serious condition, in a shooting attack on a bus in the village of Al-Funduq, east of Qalqilya
1/5/2025, 2:42:30 PM
🔴 Urgent | Walla Hebrew website: The Israeli army will withdraw completely from Naqoura and hand over responsibility to the Lebanese army under American supervision
1/5/2025, 2:52:23 PM
🔴 Urgent | Israeli Army Radio: Border Guard forces are pursuing 5 other suspects who tried to infiltrate the army camp
1/5/2025, 2:53:21 PM
🔴 Urgent | Al-Quds Brigades: We, in cooperation with the Al-Qassam Brigades, killed and wounded 10 Zionist soldiers in a clash west of Beit Lahia, north of the Gaza Strip