Following Trump's threats to Hamas: Euphoria in the "Cabinet" may topple the ceasefire agreement... and Zionists ask, "Is it possible to blackmail a resistance that has not been defeated by genocide?"
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Após as ameaças de Trump ao “Hamas”: a euforia no “gabinete” pode derrubar o acordo de cessar-fogo... e os sionistas perguntam: “É possível chantagear uma resistência que não foi derrotada pelo genocídio?”
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Tras las amenazas de Trump a Hamás: la euforia en el Gabinete puede derribar el acuerdo de alto el fuego… y los sionistas preguntan: “¿Es posible chantajear a una resistencia que no ha sido derrotada por el genocidio?”
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После угроз Трампа в адрес ХАМАС: эйфория в кабинете министров может привести к отмене соглашения о прекращении огня... и сионисты спрашивают: «Возможно ли шантажировать сопротивление, которое не было побеждено геноцидом?»
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"हमास" को ट्रम्प की धमकियों के बाद: "कैबिनेट" में उत्साह युद्धविराम समझौते को उखाड़ फेंक सकता है... और ज़ायोनीवादी पूछते हैं, "क्या ऐसे प्रतिरोध को ब्लैकमेल करना संभव है जो नरसंहार से पराजित नहीं हुआ है?"
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Suite aux menaces de Trump contre le Hamas : l’euphorie au sein du Cabinet pourrait faire échouer l’accord de cessez-le-feu… et les sionistes se demandent : « Est-il possible de faire chanter une résistance qui n’a pas été vaincue par un génocide ? »
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Nach Trumps Drohungen gegen die Hamas: Euphorie im Kabinett könnte das Waffenstillstandsabkommen kippen … und Zionisten fragen: „Ist es möglich, einen Widerstand zu erpressen, der nicht durch einen Völkermord besiegt wurde?“
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Dopo le minacce di Trump ad Hamas: l’euforia nel governo potrebbe far cadere l’accordo di cessate il fuoco… e i sionisti chiedono: “È possibile ricattare una resistenza che non è stata sconfitta dal genocidio?”
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Na Trumps dreigementen aan Hamas: Euforie in het kabinet kan de wapenstilstandsovereenkomst doen mislukken… en Zionisten vragen zich af: “Is het mogelijk om een verzet te chanteren dat niet door genocide is verslagen?”
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Μετά τις απειλές του Τραμπ προς τη Χαμάς: Η ευφορία στο υπουργικό συμβούλιο μπορεί να ανατρέψει τη συμφωνία κατάπαυσης του πυρός… και οι Σιωνιστές ρωτούν: «Είναι δυνατόν να εκβιάσουμε μια αντίσταση που δεν έχει ηττηθεί από τη γενοκτονία;»
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🔴 Urgent | Civil Defense in Gaza: The "Israeli" occupation targets the house of the "Foura" family on Al-Nadim Street in the Al-Zeitoun neighborhood, and our crews are heading to the place
12/27/2024, 4:06:45 AM
🔴 Urgent | Palestinian Red Crescent: Two Palestinians were injured by Israeli forces' bullets during a raid on Jalazone camp, north of Ramallah
12/27/2024, 4:17:33 AM
🔵 Civil Defense in Gaza:
▪️ The "Israeli" occupation targets a house for the "Foura" family in Al-Nadim Street in the Zeitoun area, and our crews are heading to the place
▪️ Our crews returned without reaching the targeted house because they were unable to enter the area due to the danger of the place
▪️ The residents of the house are now facing the risk of death due to the occupation's absolute rejection in advance of any coordination process with the Red Cross
▪️ Our crews are waiting for the right opportunity to reach this house and save what can be saved
12/27/2024, 4:39:17 AM
🔴 Urgent | Zionist Apache helicopter fires towards northern areas of Gaza Strip