Urgent Al -Fara'a Camp Emergency Committee: A third of the residents of Al -Fara'a camp were displaced by the force of arms, and we appreciate their number at about 3000
🔴 عاجل | لجنة طوارئ مخيم الفارعة: ثلث سكان مخيم الفارعة نزحوا بقوة السلاح ونقدر عددهم بنحو 3000
Urgente Comitê de emergência do acampamento de Al -Fara'a: Um terço dos moradores do acampamento de Al -Fara'a foi deslocado pela força das armas, e apreciamos seu número a cerca de 3000
Urgente Comité de emergencia del campamento al -fara'a: un tercio de los residentes del campamento de al -fara'a fueron desplazados por la fuerza de las armas, y apreciamos su número en aproximadamente 3000
Срочный Комитет по чрезвычайным ситуациям в лагере Аль -Фара'а: треть жителей лагеря Аль -Фара'а были вытеснены силой оружия, и мы ценим их число около 3000
अति आवश्यक Al -fara'a Camp आपातकालीन समिति: Al -fara'a शिविर के निवासियों का एक तिहाई हथियारों के बल से विस्थापित हो गया था, और हम लगभग 3000 पर उनकी संख्या की सराहना करते हैं
Urgent Le comité d'urgence du camp d'Al-Fara'a: un tiers des résidents du camp d'Al-Fara'a ont été déplacés par la force des armes, et nous apprécions leur numéro à environ 3000
🔴 عاجل | لجنة طوارئ مخيم الفارعة: ثلث سكان مخيم الفارعة نزحوا بقوة السلاح ونقدر عددهم بنحو 3000
Dringend Al -Fara'a Camp Emergency Committee: Ein Drittel der Bewohner des al -Farara'a -Lageres wurde durch die Waffenkraft vertrieben, und wir schätzen ihre Zahl bei ca. 3000
Urgente Al -fara'a Camp Emergency Committee: un terzo dei residenti del campo di Al -fara'a è stato sfollato dalla forza delle armi e apprezziamo il loro numero a circa 3000
Dringend Al -fara'a Camp Emergency Committee: een derde van de inwoners van het Al -Fara'a -kamp werd ontheemd door de wapenkracht, en we waarderen hun aantal op ongeveer 3000
Επείγων Επιτροπή έκτακτης ανάγκης AL -Fara'a: Το ένα τρίτο των κατοίκων του στρατοπέδου Al -Fara'a εκτοπίστηκε από τη δύναμη των όπλων και εκτιμούμε τον αριθμό τους σε περίπου 3000
2/19/2025, 8:51:16 AM
Urgent The media committee in Jenin Camp: More than 3000 families have lost their homes and properties in Jenin and their camp due to the continuous aggression for the 29th day in a row
2/19/2025, 8:52:18 AM
Urgent Injuries were caused by the Israeli occupation forces fired at Al -Wazzani's parks in southern Lebanon while some of the townspeople were inspecting them after their return
2/19/2025, 9:04:41 AM
Urgent Al -Manar's correspondence: An hostile Israeli force consisting of two Merkava tanks opened fire at the Lebanese Army Center in the "Baraka Al -Naqar" area, south of the town of Shebaa, without any injuries
2/19/2025, 9:05:21 AM
Urgent Al -Manar correspondent: The injury of the citizen, Asaad Al -Abdullah, with a gunshot wound from the enemy soldiers while inspecting the park on the banks of the Wazzani River
2/19/2025, 9:49:05 AM
Al -Manar correspondent:
The new Israeli site inside the Lebanese territories on the complex road - Hala