🔴 Urgent | Hamas: The path and biography of the martyred leader Abu Khaled will remain an inspiration for all generations of our people and nation
🔴 عاجل | حماس: ستبقى مسيرة وسيرة القائد الشهيد أبي خالد، مُلهمة لكل الأجيال في شعبنا وأمتنا
🔴 紧急 |哈马斯:殉道领袖阿布·哈立德的人生道路和生平将激励我们所有世代的人民和国家
🔴 Urgente | Hamas: O caminho e a biografia do líder mártir Abu Khaled permanecerão uma inspiração para todas as gerações do nosso povo e nação
🔴 Urgente | Hamás: La trayectoria y la biografía del líder mártir Abu Khaled seguirán siendo una inspiración para todas las generaciones de nuestro pueblo y nuestra nación
🔴 Срочно | ХАМАС: Путь и биография павшего лидера Абу Халеда останутся источником вдохновения для всех поколений нашего народа и нации
🔴 अति आवश्यक | हमास: शहीद नेता अबी खालिद का मार्ग और जीवनी हमारे लोगों और हमारे राष्ट्र की सभी पीढ़ियों के लिए प्रेरणादायक रहेगी
🔴 Urgent | Hamas : Le parcours et la biographie du leader martyr Abu Khaled resteront une source d'inspiration pour toutes les générations de notre peuple et de notre nation
🔴 عاجل | حماس: ستبقى مسيرة وسيرة القائد الشهيد أبي خالد، مُلهمة لكل الأجيال في شعبنا وأمتنا
🔴 Dringend | Hamas: Der Weg und die Biografie des Märtyrerführers Abu Khaled werden für alle Generationen unseres Volkes und unserer Nation eine Inspiration bleiben
🔴 Urgente | Hamas: il percorso e la biografia del leader martirizzato Abu Khaled rimarranno fonte di ispirazione per tutte le generazioni del nostro popolo e della nostra nazione
🔴 Dringend | Hamas: Het pad en de biografie van de gemartelde leider Abu Khaled zullen een inspiratiebron blijven voor alle generaties van ons volk en onze natie
🔴 Επείγον | Χαμάς: Η διαδρομή και η βιογραφία του μαρτυρικού ηγέτη Αμπού Χάλεντ θα παραμείνει έμπνευση για όλες τις γενιές του λαού και του έθνους μας
12/16/2024, 7:37:26 PM
🔴 Urgent | Head of the Parliamentary Media and Communications Committee, MP Ibrahim Al-Moussawi, participates in the gathering at the entrance to the Cybercrimes Office to demand the immediate release of media activists
12/16/2024, 7:40:25 PM
🔴 Urgent | MP Al-Moussawi: We spoke with the Public Prosecutor, the Head of the Judiciary, and the Ministers of Justice and Information, and the atmosphere is positive
12/16/2024, 7:48:28 PM
🔴 Urgent | Judge Jamal Al-Hajjar issued a decision to release the detainees in the lawsuit filed by MTV
12/16/2024, 7:51:20 PM
🔴 Urgent | Member of the Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc, MP Hassan Fadlallah: The attempt to silence mouths and prevent the expression of free opinion is a clear crime committed by a judge who thought that his decision, which is subject to those with influence and personal interests, could pass without notice.
12/16/2024, 7:51:56 PM
🔴 Urgent | MP Fadlallah: We will confront such insolent behavior that goes against all principles with all force within the legal framework to prevent the judiciary from being used to serve the interests of some parties known for their affiliation