Israeli media: Magen David Adom is dealing with a report of two injuries near "Ramat Gilad" and one injury near the village of Al-Funduq in the West Bank.
وسائل إعلام إسرائيلية: نجمة داوود تتعامل مع تقرير يفيد عن وقوع إصابتين قرب "رامات جلعاد" وإصابة قرب قرية الفندق بالضفة الغربية.
Mídia israelense: Magen David Adom está lidando com um relato de dois feridos perto de Ramat Gilad e um ferido perto da vila de Al-Funduq, na Cisjordânia.
Medios israelíes: Magen David Adom está tratando un informe de dos heridos cerca de Ramat Gilad y un herido cerca de la aldea de Al-Funduq en Cisjordania.
Израильские СМИ: «Маген Давид Адом» разбирается с сообщением о двух раненых возле Рамат-Гилада и одном раненом возле деревни Аль-Фундук на Западном берегу.
इज़रायली मीडिया: मैगन डेविड एडोम के पास रमत गिलाद के पास दो लोगों के घायल होने तथा पश्चिमी तट के अल-फुंडुक गांव के पास एक व्यक्ति के घायल होने की रिपोर्ट है।
Médias israéliens : Le Magen David Adom traite un rapport faisant état de deux blessés près de Ramat Gilad et d'un blessé près du village d'Al-Funduq en Cisjordanie.
وسائل إعلام إسرائيلية: نجمة داوود تتعامل مع تقرير يفيد عن وقوع إصابتين قرب "رامات جلعاد" وإصابة قرب قرية الفندق بالضفة الغربية.
Israelische Medien: Magen David Adom befasst sich mit einem Bericht über zwei Verletzte in der Nähe von Ramat Gilad und eine Verletzte in der Nähe des Dorfes Al-Funduq im Westjordanland.
Media israeliani: Magen David Adom sta gestendo la segnalazione di due feriti nei pressi di Ramat Gilad e di un ferito nei pressi del villaggio di Al-Funduq in Cisgiordania.
Israëlische media: Magen David Adom behandelt een melding van twee gewonden nabij Ramat Gilad en één gewonde nabij het dorp Al-Funduq op de Westelijke Jordaanoever.
Ισραηλινά μέσα ενημέρωσης: Ο Magen David Adom ασχολείται με μια αναφορά για δύο τραυματισμούς κοντά στο Ramat Gilad και έναν τραυματισμό κοντά στο χωριό Al-Funduq στη Δυτική Όχθη.
1/6/2025, 7:15:48 AM
Hebrew newspaper "Maariv":
A preliminary study of the fighting data in Lebanon during the past year and three months revealed the enormous scope of Hezbollah's power, which was built over the years with Iranian support.
A new study from the "Information Center for Intelligence and Terrorism" named after Major General Meir Amit at the Intelligence Heritage Center, analyzes the volume of weapons Hezbollah has collected.
According to the study, the diversity of weapons used by Hezbollah reflects the advanced military capabilities the organization acquired during the years between the Second Lebanon War in 2006 and the beginning of the fighting in October 2023. It also reflects the operational options available to it against "Israel", whether near the border or by threatening targets deep inside.
1/5/2025, 3:15:32 PM
Channel 14 Hebrew correspondent: A number of Arabs jumped into the orchards adjacent to an Israeli military base in the center. The commander of the Central Command, Avi Blot, must explain why most of the base soldiers hid in the rooms instead of coming out as expected of IDF soldiers and seeking friction, and why he called in the Border Guard Forces (Magav) to deal with the incident instead of ending it himself. This is a big warning sign. October 7 is still here.
1/5/2025, 4:00:12 PM
Israeli media: 5 Israeli army casualties were transferred from the Gaza Strip due to the explosion of an explosive device, including critical and serious cases.
1/5/2025, 4:28:20 PM
Israeli Army Spokesperson: A soldier from the Givati Brigade was seriously injured after a stone fell on his head during operational activity in the northern Gaza Strip.
1/6/2025, 9:12:55 AM
Sirens sound in the northern Gaza Strip.