

Real time military news

Published date: 1/16/2025, 7:16:00 AM
1/16/2025, 7:16:00 AM
#Enemy_Media Hebrew newspaper "Maariv" - Avi Ashkenazi: - Smotrich and Ben Gvir's opposition to the deal could lead to a serious disaster. - The ministers must remember that they failed and bear no less responsibility than the army and the Shin Bet for the failure of October 7. They are committed to returning all the prisoners to their families. #War_Media
#إعلام_العدو صحيفة "معاريف" العبرية - آفي أشكينازي: - معارضة سموتريتش وبن جفير للصفقة يمكن أن تؤدي إلى كارثة خطيرة. - على الوزراء أن يتذكروا أنهم فشلوا وهم يتحملون مسؤولية لا تقل عن الجيش والشاباك عن إخفاق السابع من أكتوبر. وهم ملتزمون بإعادة جميع الأسرى إلى عائلاتهم. #الإعلام_الحربي
#敌人媒体 Maariv 希伯来报纸 - Avi Ashkenazi: - 斯莫特里奇和本-格维尔对该交易的反对可能会导致严重的灾难。 内阁成员必须记住,他们失败了,对于 10 月 7 日的失败,他们所负的责任不亚于军队和辛贝特情报局。他们致力于让所有囚犯回到家人身边。 #战争媒体
#Mídia_Inimiga Jornal Hebraico Maariv - Avi Ashkenazi: - A oposição de Smotrich e Ben-Gvir ao acordo pode levar a um desastre sério. Os ministros devem lembrar que falharam e não têm menos responsabilidade do que o exército e o Shin Bet pelo fracasso de 7 de outubro. Eles estão comprometidos em devolver todos os prisioneiros às suas famílias. #Mídia_de_Guerra
#Medios_enemigos Periódico hebreo Maariv - Avi Ashkenazi: - La oposición de Smotrich y Ben-Gvir al acuerdo podría conducir a un grave desastre. Los ministros deben recordar que fracasaron y que no tienen menos responsabilidad que el ejército y el Shin Bet por el fracaso del 7 de octubre. Se han comprometido a devolver a todos los presos a sus familias. #Medios_de_Guerra
#Вражеские_СМИ Еврейская газета «Маарив» - Ави Ашкенази: - Противодействие сделке со стороны Смотрича и Бен-Гвира может привести к серьезной катастрофе. Министры должны помнить, что они потерпели неудачу и несут не меньшую ответственность, чем армия и Шин Бет, за провал 7 октября. Они намерены вернуть всех заключенных их семьям. #Военные_СМИ
#शत्रु_मीडिया मारिव हिब्रू समाचार पत्र - एवी अश्केनाज़ी: - स्मोट्रिच और बेन-ग्विर द्वारा इस सौदे का विरोध गंभीर आपदा का कारण बन सकता है। मंत्रियों को याद रखना चाहिए कि वे असफल रहे हैं और 7 अक्टूबर की विफलता के लिए सेना और शिन बेट से कम जिम्मेदार नहीं हैं। वे सभी कैदियों को उनके परिवारों के पास वापस भेजने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध हैं। #युद्ध_मीडिया
#Médias_Ennemis Journal hébreu Maariv - Avi Ashkenazi : - L’opposition de Smotrich et Ben-Gvir à l’accord pourrait conduire à un grave désastre. Les ministres doivent se rappeler qu’ils ont échoué et qu’ils portent la même responsabilité que l’armée et le Shin Bet dans l’échec du 7 octobre. Ils s’engagent à rendre tous les prisonniers à leurs familles. #Médias_de_Guerre
#إعلام_العدو صحيفة "معاريف" العبرية - آفي أشكينازي: - معارضة سموتريتش وبن جفير للصفقة يمكن أن تؤدي إلى كارثة خطيرة. - على الوزراء أن يتذكروا أنهم فشلوا وهم يتحملون مسؤولية لا تقل عن الجيش والشاباك عن إخفاق السابع من أكتوبر. وهم ملتزمون بإعادة جميع الأسرى إلى عائلاتهم. #الإعلام_الحربي
#Feind_Medien Hebräische Zeitung Maariv - Avi Ashkenazi: - Der Widerstand von Smotrich und Ben-Gvir gegen das Abkommen könnte zu einer schweren Katastrophe führen. Die Minister müssen sich daran erinnern, dass sie versagt haben und für das Scheitern vom 7. Oktober nicht weniger Verantwortung tragen als die Armee und der Shin Bet. Sie setzen sich dafür ein, dass alle Gefangenen zu ihren Familien zurückkehren. #Kriegsmedien
#Media_nemici Giornale ebraico Maariv - Avi Ashkenazi: - L'opposizione di Smotrich e Ben-Gvir all'accordo potrebbe portare a un grave disastro. I ministri devono ricordare che hanno fallito e che la loro responsabilità per il fallimento del 7 ottobre non è inferiore a quella dell'esercito e dello Shin Bet. Si impegnano a restituire tutti i prigionieri alle loro famiglie. #Media_di_guerra
#敵メディア マーリヴ・ヘブライ語新聞 - アヴィ・アシュケナージ: - スモトリッチ氏とベン・グヴィール氏がこの取引に反対すれば、深刻な惨事につながる可能性がある。 大臣たちは、自分たちが失敗したことを忘れてはならないし、10月7日の失敗については軍やシンベットと同等の責任を負わなければならない。彼らはすべての囚人を家族の元に返すことに全力を尽くしている。 #戦争メディア
#vijandelijke_media Maariv Hebreeuwse krant - Avi Ashkenazi: - Als Smotrich en Ben-Gvir zich tegen de deal verzetten, kan dat tot een ernstige ramp leiden. De ministers moeten zich realiseren dat zij gefaald hebben en zij moeten net zo goed als het leger en de Shin Bet verantwoordelijk zijn voor de mislukking van 7 oktober. Zij zetten zich in om alle gevangenen terug te brengen naar hun families. #Oorlogsmedia
#Enemy_Media Εβραϊκή εφημερίδα Maariv - Avi Ashkenazi: - Η αντίθεση των Smotrich και Ben-Gvir στη συμφωνία θα μπορούσε να οδηγήσει σε σοβαρή καταστροφή. Οι υπουργοί πρέπει να θυμούνται ότι απέτυχαν και δεν φέρουν λιγότερη ευθύνη από τον στρατό και το Shin Bet για την αποτυχία της 7ης Οκτωβρίου. Δεσμεύονται να επιστρέψουν όλους τους κρατούμενους στις οικογένειές τους. #War_Media

2/2/2025, 4:33:09 PM
The beginning of the speech of the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, His Eminence Sheikh Naim Qassem, about the latest developments in the southern arena and the funeral of the Master of the Martyrs of the Nation, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, may God Almighty be pleased with him. #War_Media
2/2/2025, 4:42:56 PM
#Lebanon The most prominent words of the speech of the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, His Eminence Sheikh Naim Qassem: - We offer our condolences and congratulations to the struggling Palestinian people for the martyred Commander of the General Staff of the Qassam Brigades, Commander Muhammad al-Deif, and his deputy Marwan Issa. - Congratulations to the Palestinian people for the scene of the liberation of prisoners and the results it has reached. - We consider the Lebanese state to be fully responsible for following up and pressuring through the sponsors so that this Israeli violation and aggression stops. - These are not just violations, but rather an initial aggression, and the Lebanese state must deal with it firmly. - Since the United States considers itself a sponsor, let it be pressured to abide by the agreement. - Resistance is a path and an option, and we act according to our assessment at the appropriate time. - There is a counter-campaign sponsored by the United States, "Israel", and foreign countries, accompanied by an internal team promoting defeat. - We did not talk about absolute victory, as this is a battle with profits and losses. #Military_Media
2/2/2025, 4:52:04 PM
#Lebanon The most prominent words of the speech of the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, His Eminence Sheikh Naim Qassem: - Our people realize that they have won in some titles and lost in others, and we are talking about a victory related to steadfastness and breaking the Israeli invasion and the enemy's inability to end the resistance. - The scene of the return of the people of the south expresses a popular liberation stance and a noble stance to restore the land. - We are facing a legendary steadfastness that is unparalleled by the resistance fighters. - The noble people with their resistance and army are the ones who liberated Lebanon. - The people stand side by side with the Lebanese army and the noble resistance. - Popular liberation is integrated with the armed jihadist resistance and the Lebanese army. - Southern Lebanon says that there is no way for "Israel" to remain in it and remain occupying it, and let everyone know that sacrifices will lead to the liberation of the land. - Whoever has a principle does not surrender when pressure is applied to him. - Subordination to the United States does not tempt us. #War_Media
2/2/2025, 4:59:59 PM
#Lebanon The most prominent words of the speech of the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, His Eminence Sheikh Naim Qassem: - This is a foreign option for subordination, humiliation and the consecration of "Israel" and if we do not stop it at the beginning, we will not be able to stop it later. - The Islamic resistance will remain and Hezbollah will remain and we will not change our directions and convictions. - Some justify "Israel's" aggression, killing and failure to withdraw. - Our supreme martyr, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, was martyred at a time when circumstances were difficult and there was no possibility of a funeral. - Martyr Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah captured the hearts of the nation and the world and was able to be a symbol, model and true icon. - We decided that the funeral would be on Sunday, February 23, 2025. - Sayyed Hashem Safieddine will be buried in the same funeral as Secretary-General because we completed his election as Secretary-General after 4 days. - Sayyed Hashem Safieddine was martyred as Secretary-General. - The slogan of the funeral will be "We are committed to the covenant". - We call for not shooting during the funeral, nor before it, nor anywhere else. This act is reprehensible and harmful to people. #War_Media
2/4/2025, 7:06:39 AM
#Enemy_Media The Hebrew newspaper "Yedioth Ahronoth": The new Chief of Staff "Eyal Zamir" relies on a policy of strengthening military capabilities, expanding local production, and reducing "Israel's" dependence on importing weapons from abroad, as lessons learned from the war. #War_Media