

Real time military news

Published date: 1/14/2025, 7:36:42 AM
1/14/2025, 7:36:42 AM
#Enemy_Media Yessi Yehoshua, military analyst for the Hebrew newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth: After 15 months since the start of the war, the army has not actually been able to bring down the military wing of Hamas, which is its responsibility. In contrast, the political leadership has not taken the initiative to create an alternative government in Gaza. As a result, an agreement is reached for which we pay a heavy price, which was supposed to be paid for a comprehensive deal and not a partial deal, after which the pressure tools that were supposed to ensure the implementation of the following stages will disappear. #War_Media
#إعلام_العدو المحلل العسكري لصحيفة يديعوت أحرونوت العبرية "يوسي يهوشع": بعد مرور 15 شهرًا على بدء الحرب، لم يتمكن الجيش فعليًا من إسقاط الذراع العسكرية لحركة حماس، وهو ما يقع ضمن مسؤوليته. بالمقابل، لم تبادر القيادة السياسية إلى خلق بديل حكومي في غزة. ونتيجة لذلك، يتم التوصل إلى اتفاق ندفع فيه ثمنًا باهظًا، كان من المفترض دفعه مقابل صفقة شاملة وليس صفقة جزئية، حيث ستختفي بعدها أدوات الضغط التي كان يُفترض أن تضمن تنفيذ المراحل التالية. #الإعلام_الحربي
#敌人媒体 希伯来语《新消息报》军事分析员约西·耶霍舒亚 (Yossi Yehoshua):战争开始 15 个月后,以色列军队实际上并未能彻底推翻哈马斯的军事派别,而这是以色列军队的责任。相反,加沙政治领导层并未主动建立替代政府。结果,我们为达成一项全面协议付出了沉重的代价,而不是部分协议,而在这之后,原本用于确保实施后续阶段的压力工具将不复存在。 #战争媒体
#Mídia_Inimiga Analista militar do jornal hebraico Yedioth Ahronoth, Yossi Yehoshua: Após 15 meses do início da guerra, o exército não conseguiu derrubar a ala militar do Hamas, o que é sua responsabilidade. Em contraste, a liderança política não tomou a iniciativa de criar um governo alternativo em Gaza. Como resultado, chega-se a um acordo em que pagamos um preço elevado, que deveria ser pago por um acordo global e não por um acordo parcial, após o qual desaparecerão os instrumentos de pressão que deveriam garantir a implementação das etapas seguintes. . #Mídia_de_Guerra
#Medios_enemigos Analista militar del periódico hebreo Yedioth Ahronoth, Yossi Yehoshua: Después de 15 meses desde el comienzo de la guerra, el ejército no ha sido capaz de derribar el ala militar de Hamás, que es su responsabilidad. Por el contrario, los dirigentes políticos no tomaron la iniciativa de crear un gobierno alternativo en Gaza. Como resultado, se llega a un acuerdo en el que pagamos un alto precio, que se suponía que se pagaría por un acuerdo global y no por un acuerdo parcial, después del cual desaparecerán las herramientas de presión que se suponía garantizarían la implementación de las siguientes etapas. . #Medios_de_Guerra
#Вражеские_СМИ Военный аналитик ивритской газеты Yedioth Ahronoth Йосси Йехошуа: Спустя 15 месяцев с начала войны армия фактически не смогла уничтожить военное крыло ХАМАС, хотя это входит в ее обязанности. Напротив, политическое руководство не выступило с инициативой создания альтернативного правительства в Газе. В результате достигается соглашение, в котором мы платим высокую цену, которую предполагалось заплатить за комплексную сделку, а не частичную, после чего исчезнут инструменты давления, которые должны были обеспечить реализацию следующих этапов. . #Военные_СМИ
#शत्रु_मीडिया हिब्रू समाचार पत्र येदिओथ अहरोनोथ के सैन्य विश्लेषक योसी येहोशुआ: युद्ध शुरू होने के 15 महीने बाद भी सेना वास्तव में हमास की सैन्य शाखा को खत्म करने में सक्षम नहीं हो पाई है, जो कि उसकी जिम्मेदारी है। इसके विपरीत, राजनीतिक नेतृत्व ने गाजा में वैकल्पिक सरकार बनाने की पहल नहीं की। परिणामस्वरूप, एक समझौता होता है जिसमें हम भारी कीमत चुकाते हैं, जो एक व्यापक सौदे के लिए चुकाई जानी थी न कि आंशिक सौदे के लिए, जिसके बाद दबाव के वे साधन जो निम्नलिखित चरणों के कार्यान्वयन को सुनिश्चित करने वाले थे, गायब हो जाएंगे . #युद्ध_मीडिया
#Médias_Ennemis Yossi Yehoshua, analyste militaire au journal hébreu Yedioth Ahronoth : Quinze mois après le début de la guerre, l'armée n'a pas encore réussi à faire tomber l'aile militaire du Hamas, ce qui est sa responsabilité. En revanche, les dirigeants politiques n’ont pas pris l’initiative de créer un gouvernement alternatif à Gaza. En conséquence, un accord est conclu dans lequel nous payons un prix élevé, celui qui était censé être payé pour un accord global et non un accord partiel, après quoi les outils de pression qui étaient censés assurer la mise en œuvre des étapes suivantes disparaîtront. . #Médias_de_Guerre
#إعلام_العدو المحلل العسكري لصحيفة يديعوت أحرونوت العبرية "يوسي يهوشع": بعد مرور 15 شهرًا على بدء الحرب، لم يتمكن الجيش فعليًا من إسقاط الذراع العسكرية لحركة حماس، وهو ما يقع ضمن مسؤوليته. بالمقابل، لم تبادر القيادة السياسية إلى خلق بديل حكومي في غزة. ونتيجة لذلك، يتم التوصل إلى اتفاق ندفع فيه ثمنًا باهظًا، كان من المفترض دفعه مقابل صفقة شاملة وليس صفقة جزئية، حيث ستختفي بعدها أدوات الضغط التي كان يُفترض أن تضمن تنفيذ المراحل التالية. #الإعلام_الحربي
#Feind_Medien Yossi Yehoshua, Militäranalyst der hebräischen Zeitung Yedioth Ahronoth: 15 Monate nach Kriegsbeginn ist es der Armee noch nicht gelungen, den militärischen Flügel der Hamas zu besiegen, obwohl dies ihre Verantwortung wäre. Im Gegensatz dazu ergriff die politische Führung nicht die Initiative, eine alternative Regierung im Gazastreifen zu bilden. Als Ergebnis wird eine Einigung erzielt, bei der wir einen hohen Preis zahlen, der eigentlich für ein umfassendes Abkommen und nicht für ein Teilabkommen gezahlt werden sollte, wonach die Druckmittel, die die Umsetzung der folgenden Schritte sicherstellen sollten, verschwinden werden. . #Kriegsmedien
#Media_nemici Yossi Yehoshua, analista militare del quotidiano ebraico Yedioth Ahronoth: Dopo 15 mesi dall'inizio della guerra, l'esercito non è ancora riuscito ad abbattere l'ala militare di Hamas, di cui è responsabile. Al contrario, la leadership politica non ha preso l'iniziativa di creare un governo alternativo a Gaza. Di conseguenza, si raggiunge un accordo in cui paghiamo un prezzo elevato, che avrebbe dovuto essere pagato per un accordo globale e non per un accordo parziale, dopo di che scompariranno gli strumenti di pressione che avrebbero dovuto garantire l'attuazione delle fasi successive. . #Media_di_guerra
#敵メディア ヘブライ語新聞イェディオト・アハロノトの軍事アナリスト、ヨシ・イェホシュア氏:戦争が始まってから15か月が経過したが、軍は実際にはハマスの軍事部門を打倒することができていない。それが軍の責任だ。対照的に、政治指導部はガザに代わりの政府を樹立する主導権を握らなかった。その結果、部分的な合意ではなく包括的な合意のために支払うべき多額の代償を支払う合意が成立し、その後、次の段階の実施を確実にするための圧力手段は消えてしまう。 。 #戦争メディア
#vijandelijke_media Militair analist voor de Hebreeuwse krant Yedioth Ahronoth, Yossi Yehoshua: 15 maanden na het begin van de oorlog is het leger er nog steeds niet in geslaagd de militaire vleugel van Hamas ten val te brengen, wat wel zijn verantwoordelijkheid is. Daarentegen heeft de politieke leiding niet het initiatief genomen om een ​​alternatieve regering in Gaza te vormen. Als gevolg hiervan wordt een akkoord bereikt waarin we een hoge prijs betalen, die betaald had moeten worden voor een alomvattende deal en niet voor een gedeeltelijke deal, waarna de drukmiddelen die de uitvoering van de volgende fasen moesten waarborgen, zullen verdwijnen . #Oorlogsmedia
#Enemy_Media Στρατιωτικός αναλυτής της εβραϊκής εφημερίδας Yedioth Ahronoth, Yossi Yehoshua: Μετά από 15 μήνες από την έναρξη του πολέμου, ο στρατός δεν μπόρεσε στην πραγματικότητα να ρίξει τη στρατιωτική πτέρυγα της Χαμάς, η οποία είναι ευθύνη του. Αντίθετα, η πολιτική ηγεσία δεν ανέλαβε την πρωτοβουλία για τη δημιουργία εναλλακτικής κυβέρνησης στη Γάζα. Ως αποτέλεσμα, επιτυγχάνεται μια συμφωνία στην οποία πληρώνουμε ένα βαρύ τίμημα, το οποίο υποτίθεται ότι έπρεπε να πληρωθεί για μια συνολική συμφωνία και όχι μια μερική συμφωνία, μετά την οποία θα εξαφανιστούν τα εργαλεία πίεσης που υποτίθεται ότι θα διασφάλιζαν την υλοποίηση των επόμενων σταδίων . #War_Media

2/11/2025, 1:25:40 PM
#Enemy_Media Walla Hebrew website: Investigations into the events of October 7 show that the main settlements in Hamas's plans included the settlements of "Be'eri" and "Kfar Aza". The challenge facing the commanders who arrived in these two settlements was to understand the scale of the event, the number of militants who infiltrated and their locations. From Colonel (A.)'s investigations into the battles in Kfar Aza, it becomes clear that the militants set up ambushes on the roofs of houses and through dense vegetation, which made it extremely difficult to determine the source and location of the gunfire. #War_Media
2/11/2025, 1:25:54 PM
#Enemy_Media Hebrew Walla website: The investigation, in parallel with the intelligence information collected from the field and later from inside the Palestinian territories, showed that the militants were planning to take control of Kfar Aza for a long period of time and use it as a negotiating chip. To demonstrate this, the battles in the area continued against militants who were hiding and waiting for orders even several days after October 7. #War_Media
2/11/2025, 1:49:01 PM
#Enemy_Media Former head of the Israeli National Security Council "Giora Eiland": Absolute victory? Absolute failure. Hamas's announcement last night to stop returning prisoners honestly reflects the real balance of power. Hamas will make us crawl until we see, if we see, all the prisoners returned to "Israel". #War_Media
2/11/2025, 2:01:39 PM
#Enemy_Media Former head of the Israeli National Security Council, Giora Eiland: "Israel" failed in the war on Gaza, it failed to achieve three and a half goals out of four: we were unable to destroy Hamas's military power, we did not topple Hamas' rule, we did not succeed in returning the residents of the settlements of the envelope to their homes safely, and as for returning the prisoners - the fourth goal - we only partially succeeded. In contrast, Hamas achieved all of its goals, most notably: the continuation of its rule in Gaza. #War_Media
2/11/2025, 3:21:17 PM
#Yemen The most prominent words of the speech of the leader of Ansar Allah, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi: - Some people imagine that if America wants something, it just says to it, "Be," and it is, and the American cannot fail - Will Trump buy the Gaza Strip from its people who have stood firm and held on to their right for 15 months of genocide and aggression that is unparalleled in the entire world? - Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi addressing Trump: Do you imagine, you stupid fool, that the honorable people of Gaza, after all their unparalleled steadfastness and great sacrifice, will sell you their homeland?! - Who will you buy Gaza from, you ignorant, foolish, reckless person?! You deal as a merchant in everything and imagine that others will bargain with you in everything?! - The circumstances are favorable for the Arabs, Muslims, and Palestinians to unite in their position against America's efforts to displace the Palestinian people from Gaza, the West Bank, and any spot in Palestine. - The Israeli must realize that no matter how much he bets on the Americans, he will not achieve his goals if he turns to escalation - The Israeli enemy is stalling in implementing the second phase of the agreement, and if he turns to escalation, he will be met with steadfastness and determination from the Palestinian people. - If the enemy turns to escalation, the free people of the nation will stand with the Palestinian people, and we will continue with our position - Our hands are on the trigger and we are ready to immediately turn to escalation against the Israeli enemy if he returns to escalation in the Gaza Strip. - If the enemy entity returns to escalation, they will return to the state, circumstances and atmosphere of war and its dangers in the security and military situation and in the economic situation itself, regardless of the American support - It is not in the interest of the criminal Netanyahu to turn to a new aggression and imagine that things will be comfortable. - We constantly reject what is happening in Lebanon and emphasize the steadfastness of our position with our brothers in the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon and the Lebanese people - The Israeli goal of the extension, along with the American, was clear: to continue the aggression in destroying what remains in the Lebanese villages of homes and houses and bulldozing the lands. - We stand with our brothers in Hezbollah and with the Lebanese people and are present at any stage of escalation or comprehensive aggression against Lebanon - We stand fully on the military and other levels with the Lebanese people and our brothers in the Lebanese resistance. - America seeks to have the prevailing logic in the Arab world, which is to consider "Israel" the friend and Iran the danger and enemy, and this is a deceptive logic for the Arabs - When some respond to the Israeli and American logic by considering Iran the enemy, this is the epitome of stupidity, naivety and misguidance. - Muslims must all rally around a unified position against the efforts of America and "Israel" and whoever imagines that he will win the American is delusional - The American considers whoever among you has money and offers him money as a cash cow, and whoever does not have money wants to sacrifice himself with his soul and life and fight with the American. - We emphasize our firm, principled, humanitarian, moral and religious position in supporting the Palestinian people and their mujahideen at all levels militarily, politically and in the media - We are even ready for military intervention in any round of escalation against Gaza at any time. #War_Media