Israeli Army Spokesperson: Sirens sounded in the Gaza Strip for fear of infiltration by drones.
المتحدث باسم جيش العدو الإسرائيلي: صفارات الإنذار دوت في غلاف غزة خشية تسلل طائرات مسيّرة.
Porta-voz do exército israelense: Sirenes soaram na Faixa de Gaza por medo de infiltração de drones.
Portavoz del ejército israelí: Suenan sirenas en la Franja de Gaza por temor a infiltración de drones.
Представитель израильской армии: в секторе Газа включились сирены из-за опасений проникновения беспилотников.
इज़रायली सेना के प्रवक्ता: ड्रोन घुसपैठ के डर से गाजा पट्टी में सायरन बजाया गया।
Porte-parole de l'armée ennemie israélienne : Des sirènes ont retenti dans la bande de Gaza par crainte d'une infiltration de drones.
المتحدث باسم جيش العدو الإسرائيلي: صفارات الإنذار دوت في غلاف غزة خشية تسلل طائرات مسيّرة.
Sprecher der israelischen Armee: Im Gazastreifen ertönten Sirenen aus Angst vor einer Infiltration durch Drohnen.
Portavoce dell'esercito israeliano: le sirene hanno suonato nella Striscia di Gaza per paura di infiltrazioni di droni.
Woordvoerder Israëlisch leger: Sirenes klonken in de Gazastrook uit angst voor infiltratie door drones.
Εκπρόσωπος του ισραηλινού στρατού: Σειρήνες ήχησαν στη Λωρίδα της Γάζας από φόβο διείσδυσης drones.
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
"Rejoicing in what Allah has given them of His bounty and rejoicing for those who have not yet joined them from behind them that there is no fear concerning them, nor shall they grieve." God Almighty's truth
With the highest verses of pride and honor, the Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, announces to our struggling Palestinian people and to the Arab and Islamic nations:
- The martyr Muhammad Ragheb Kamil (23)
- The martyr Mujahid Muhammad Amer Zakarneh (18)
From the fighters of the Al-Quds Brigades, Jenin Battalion, Secret Qabatiya
Those who ascended yesterday evening, Friday 01-24-2025, during a treacherous targeting by Zionist reconnaissance aircraft of a car in the town of Qabatiya.
"And it is a jihad of victory or martyrdom"
Saraya Al-Quds
25 Rajab 1446 AH
Corresponding to 01-25-2025
1/25/2025, 11:17:45 AM
The martyr Mujahid/
Muhammad Amer Zakarneh
Jenin Battalion - Qabatiya Company
Saraya Al-Quds - War Media