

Real time military news

Published date: 1/11/2025, 7:14:25 AM
1/11/2025, 7:14:25 AM
#Occupied_Palestine Al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades: In cooperation with the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, we targeted the Zionist enemy's command and control site in the "Netzarim" axis with two 107 mm missiles. #War_Media
#فلسطين_المحتلة ألوية الناصر صلاح الدين: بالاشتراك مع كتائب الشهيد أبو علي مصطفى، استهدفنا موقع قيادة وسيطرة العدو الصهيوني في محور "نتساريم" بصاروخين من نوع 107 ملم. #الإعلام_الحربي
#被占领的巴勒斯坦 纳西尔·萨拉赫丁旅:我们与烈士阿布·阿里·穆斯塔法旅合作,向“Netzarim”轴线上的犹太复国主义敌人的指挥和控制地点发射了两枚 107 毫米火箭弹。 #战争媒体
#Palestina_Ocupada Brigadas Al-Nasser Salah al-Din: Em cooperação com as Brigadas Mártir Abu Ali Mustafa, atacamos o local de comando e controle do inimigo sionista no eixo "Netzarim" com dois foguetes de 107 mm. #Mídia_de_Guerra
#Palestina_Ocupada Brigadas Al-Nasser Salah al-Din: En cooperación con las Brigadas Mártir Abu Ali Mustafa, atacamos el sitio de comando y control del enemigo sionista en el eje "Netzarim" con dos cohetes de 107 mm. #Medios_de_Guerra
#Оккупированная_Палестина Бригады Аль-Насера ​​Салах ад-Дина: В сотрудничестве с бригадами мученика Абу Али Мустафы мы нанесли удар по командному пункту сионистского противника на оси «Нецарим» двумя 107-мм ракетами. #Военные_СМИ
#अधिकृत_फिलिस्तीन अल-नासिर सलाह अल-दीन ब्रिगेड: शहीद अबू अली मुस्तफा ब्रिगेड के सहयोग से, हमने "नेत्ज़ारिम" अक्ष में ज़ायोनी दुश्मन के कमांड और नियंत्रण स्थल को दो 107 मिमी रॉकेटों से निशाना बनाया। #युद्ध_मीडिया
#Palestine_Occupée Brigades Al-Nasser Salah al-Din : En coopération avec les Brigades Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa, nous avons ciblé le site de commandement et de contrôle de l'ennemi sioniste dans l'axe « Netzarim » avec deux roquettes de 107 mm. #Médias_de_Guerre
#فلسطين_المحتلة ألوية الناصر صلاح الدين: بالاشتراك مع كتائب الشهيد أبو علي مصطفى، استهدفنا موقع قيادة وسيطرة العدو الصهيوني في محور "نتساريم" بصاروخين من نوع 107 ملم. #الإعلام_الحربي
#Besetztes_Palästina Al-Nasser-Salah-al-Din-Brigaden: In Zusammenarbeit mit den Märtyrer-Abu-Ali-Mustafa-Brigaden haben wir die Kommando- und Kontrollposition des zionistischen Feindes in der „Netzarim“-Achse mit zwei 107-mm-Raketen angegriffen. #Kriegsmedien
#Palestina_Occupata Brigate Al-Nasser Salah al-Din: in collaborazione con le Brigate Martire Abu Ali Mustafa, abbiamo preso di mira il sito di comando e controllo del nemico sionista sull'asse "Netzarim" con due razzi da 107 mm. #Media_di_guerra
#占領下のパレスチナ アル・ナセル・サラーフ・アル・ディーン旅団:殉教者アブ・アリ・ムスタファ旅団と協力し、我々は「ネツァリム」軸にあるシオニスト敵の指揮統制拠点を107mmロケット弾2発で攻撃した。 #戦争メディア
#Bezet_Palestina Al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades: In samenwerking met de Martelaar Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades hebben we de commando- en controlepost van de zionistische vijand in de "Netzarim"-as aangevallen met twee 107 mm-raketten. #Oorlogsmedia
#Κατεχόμενη_Παλαιστίνη Ταξιαρχίες Al-Nasser Salah al-Din: Σε συνεργασία με τις Ταξιαρχίες Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa, στοχεύσαμε τη θέση διοίκησης και ελέγχου του σιωνιστικού εχθρού στον άξονα «Netzarim» με δύο ρουκέτες των 107 mm. #War_Media

2/9/2025, 5:18:32 PM
#Palestine_tolescent Palestinian media: The intensification of armed clashes between the Palestinian resistance and the occupation forces in Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm. #Warm media
2/9/2025, 5:23:09 PM
#Palestine_tolescent Al-Quds Brigades-Tulkarm Taris: Our fighters were able to inflict infantry forces in a number of ambushes in the Mansheya axis, infantry movements, and rescue teams with heavy showers of bullets and anti -personnel packages, achieving confirmed injuries. #Warm media
2/9/2025, 5:35:56 PM
#Palestine_tolescent The Commander of the Al -Quds Brigades in the West Bank: - Since the beginning of the military operation on the cities and villages of the West Bank, our fighters have been able to carry out a number of military operations towards the military points, the areas of the deployment of soldiers, and the rhythm of the hostile forces in vehicle ambushes, the occupier and his tails. - Our heroes were able to form a joint operating room with the resistance factions to coordinate the resistance work and the enemy's pain in all the deployment points of its soldiers. - Our heroes, in the Tulkarm camp, accompanied by their comrades, the brothers of blood and weapons, from the resistance factions, the infantry forces were raised in a number of ambushes and the destruction of military bulldozers and the Artal with the flames of the sword, brave and sick containers, which the enemy knew some of them in the field. #Warm media
2/9/2025, 5:38:05 PM
Al -Quds Brigade Commander at the Tulkarm Battalion: From yesterday evening until this moment, after the enemy forces announced the expansion of the operation in the Norshmeh camp, our heroes have been able to burn the enemy mechanisms and military bulldozers in front of the eyes of television cameras, to assure you that the failure that followed the enemy forces in Gaza and Lebanon will chase it in every part of our land and will come out of the broken cities, defeated. With the help of God. #Warm media
2/9/2025, 5:49:22 PM
Al -Quds Brigade Commander at the Tulkarm Battalion: Our fighters continue to fight fierce battles with the enemy forces in the axes of the fighting with their brothers, the secret of the Tulkarm camp, with all its military formations, and let the fragmentation Netanyahu, the despicable Smotrich, Bin Ghafir and the Chess Stone Katz, may teach us that God has pledged to win one of the two good victory or martyrdom, and the brave camp will remain the title of the next stage in the West Bank that The equation will turn over the heads of the Zionists and the settlers, and in every coast, we have a meeting, O son of Zion, and we also invite all the free West Bank to proceed towards jihad and redemption to liberate Palestine from the desecration of the Zionists and the settlers. #Warm media