

Real time military news

Published date: 1/9/2025, 4:45:19 PM
1/9/2025, 4:45:19 PM
#Occupied_Palestine Palestinian media: Resistance fighters throw homemade bombs at occupation forces during clashes in the town of Azzun, east of Qalqilya. #War_Media
#فلسطين_المحتلة وسائل إعلام فلسطينية: مقاومون يلقون قنابل محلية الصنع تجاه قوات الاحتلال خلال المواجهات في بلدة عزون شرق قلقيلية. #الإعلام_الحربي
#被占领的巴勒斯坦 巴勒斯坦媒体:抵抗战士在卡尔基利亚以东的阿祖恩镇发生冲突期间向占领军投掷自制炸弹。 #战争媒体
#Palestina_Ocupada Mídia palestina: Combatentes da resistência jogam bombas caseiras contra forças de ocupação durante confrontos na cidade de Azzun, a leste de Qalqilya. #Mídia_de_Guerra
#Palestina_Ocupada Medios palestinos: Combatientes de la resistencia lanzan bombas caseras a las fuerzas de ocupación durante enfrentamientos en la ciudad de Azzun, al este de Qalqilya. #Medios_de_Guerra
#Оккупированная_Палестина Палестинские СМИ: Бойцы сопротивления бросают самодельные бомбы в оккупационные силы во время столкновений в городе Аззун к востоку от Калькилии. #Военные_СМИ
#अधिकृत_फिलिस्तीन फिलिस्तीनी मीडिया: कल्किलिया के पूर्व में अज्जुन शहर में संघर्ष के दौरान प्रतिरोधी सेनानियों ने कब्जा करने वाली सेना पर घर में बने बम फेंके। #युद्ध_मीडिया
#Palestine_Occupée Médias palestiniens : Des combattants de la résistance lancent des bombes artisanales sur les forces d'occupation lors d'affrontements dans la ville d'Azzun, à l'est de Qalqilya. #Médias_de_Guerre
#فلسطين_المحتلة وسائل إعلام فلسطينية: مقاومون يلقون قنابل محلية الصنع تجاه قوات الاحتلال خلال المواجهات في بلدة عزون شرق قلقيلية. #الإعلام_الحربي
#Besetztes_Palästina Palästinensische Medien: Widerstandskämpfer werfen bei Zusammenstößen in der Stadt Azzun östlich von Qalqilya selbstgebaute Bomben auf Besatzungstruppen. #Kriegsmedien
#Palestina_Occupata Media palestinesi: combattenti della resistenza lanciano bombe artigianali contro le forze di occupazione durante gli scontri nella città di Azzun, a est di Qalqilya. #Media_di_guerra
#占領下のパレスチナ パレスチナメディア:カルキリヤ東部のアズン町での衝突で、抵抗運動の戦闘員らが占領軍に手製の爆弾を投げつけた。 #戦争メディア
#Bezet_Palestina Palestijnse media: Verzetsstrijders gooien zelfgemaakte bommen naar de bezettingstroepen tijdens gevechten in de stad Azzun, ten oosten van Qalqilya. #Oorlogsmedia
#Κατεχόμενη_Παλαιστίνη Παλαιστινιακά ΜΜΕ: Μαχητές της αντίστασης ρίχνουν αυτοσχέδιες βόμβες στις δυνάμεις κατοχής κατά τη διάρκεια συγκρούσεων στην πόλη Azzun, ανατολικά της Qalqilya. #War_Media

1/21/2025, 12:01:11 PM
#Occupied_Palestine Spokesman for the Al-Quds Brigades, Abu Hamza: - The battle began based on heavenly laws and was guaranteed by international laws in the sacred historical crossing of the Palestinian resistance to our occupied lands in the largest and most successful complex qualitative operation in the Arab conflict with the occupation, after which the heroic "Al-Aqsa Flood" battle began, in which we engaged since the first hours, and we announced at the time our capture of a number of Zionists and the elimination of those who dared to confront the valiant elite who showed unparalleled readiness through the rapid raid on the occupation sites, applying what they learned over the years in preparation and equipment. #War_Media
1/21/2025, 12:02:39 PM
#Occupied_Palestine Spokesman for the Al-Quds Brigades, Abu Hamza: - The enemy's barbaric war on our people is not a reaction to a military operation, but rather reflects a premeditated intention to wage war and genocide against a defenseless people who lack the necessities of life. - We began our battle by trusting in God and leaving our homes, families, and everything we own. We knew the difficulty of the task that was placed on us with our people, and that we were facing the occupation with a group of believers in Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, and Iran on behalf of a billion and a half Muslims. The religious and national duty requires us to confront the occupation in all ways, and we had faith in God to guide us. - Our slogan since the beginning of the battle was that no matter how long the war lasted, we are its people, Netanyahu, because we have prepared an educational generation for it, and behind us are our heroic people who have stood with us in a steadfastness that is unparalleled in history, and we have great obligations on our necks. - Everyone saw how we confronted the occupation tanks face to face in a scene that confirms our right to the land. - With the entry of the first tank into the Gaza Strip, the Al-Quds Brigades were in the field and our fighters who were lying in the tunnels and combat nodes came out to confront them with the available combat means. - Our operations continued until the last hours before the ceasefire, and these blessed operations would not have been possible without the preparation and equipment throughout the years by fighters who graduated from an authentic Arab and Islamic school. - Operation "Flood of Al-Aqsa" came as a result of the attack on the holy sites, the insults to the Noble Prophet, and the ongoing siege on the Gaza Strip. - Despite the siege, Gaza did what it did to the enemy, and this is an argument against the armies of the Arabs and Muslims before God for their failure to fight and their betrayal of the Night Journey of their Prophet. - We call on all the active forces in the world to put Palestine at the top of their priorities, and there is no stability, peace, or security in the region except with the stability of Palestine and its people, and the Arab, Islamic, and Western worlds must stand up to their responsibilities in the face of the enemy's arrogance and madness. #Military_Media
1/20/2025, 6:28:17 AM
#Enemy_Media Yedioth Ahronoth Hebrew newspaper - Avi Issacharoff: The intelligence failure on October 7 has become known and clear, but the biggest political failure is the criminal negligence by the government in everything related to the "day after" of the war. Here we are, the "day after", even if it is temporary, and "Israel" is waking up from one nightmare to the same nightmare. On the other side of the border, Hamas will continue to control, build tunnels, and recruit more people. #War_Media
1/20/2025, 6:38:45 AM
An important statement from the armed forces in the coming hours..
1/20/2025, 7:18:19 AM
#Enemy_Media Israel Today - Yoav Limor: Yesterday I heard government ministers describe the agreement that returned the female prisoners as "shameful." It is a difficult agreement, and I think there was no escape from it, but that is not the point. The shame lies with those who, during their tenure, caused the greatest failure in the history of the state, and those who, for 15 months, failed to provide a resolution or a solution, and who were willing to sacrifice the blood of the Israelis they abandoned, in exchange for impractical illusions. #War_Media