Israeli Army Spokesperson: Announcing the second death during yesterday's battles in the northern Gaza Strip. He is an officer who holds the position of company commander in Battalion 932, Nahal Brigade.
المتحدث باسم جيش العدو الإسرائيلي: الإعلان عن القتيل الثاني خلال معارك يوم أمس في شمال قطاع غزة وهو ضابط يشغل منصب قائد سرية في الكتيبة 932، لواء ناحال.
Porta-voz do exército inimigo israelense: Anunciando a segunda vítima durante as batalhas de ontem no norte da Faixa de Gaza. Ele era um oficial que ocupava o cargo de comandante de companhia no 932º Batalhão da Brigada Nahal.
Portavoz del ejército enemigo israelí: Al anunciar la segunda baja durante las batallas de ayer en el norte de la Franja de Gaza, era un oficial que ocupaba el puesto de comandante de compañía en el 932º Batallón de la Brigada Nahal.
Представитель вражеской израильской армии: сообщает о второй жертве во время вчерашних боев на севере сектора Газа. Он был офицером, занимавшим должность командира роты 932-го батальона бригады Нахаль.
इज़रायली दुश्मन सेना के प्रवक्ता: उत्तरी गाजा पट्टी में कल की लड़ाई के दौरान दूसरे हताहत की घोषणा करते हुए वह 932वीं बटालियन, नाहल ब्रिगेड में कंपनी कमांडर के पद पर कार्यरत एक अधिकारी थे।
Porte-parole de l'armée ennemie israélienne : Annonce de la deuxième victime lors des combats d'hier dans le nord de la bande de Gaza. Il s'agissait d'un officier occupant le poste de commandant de compagnie au sein du 932e bataillon de la brigade Nahal.
المتحدث باسم جيش العدو الإسرائيلي: الإعلان عن القتيل الثاني خلال معارك يوم أمس في شمال قطاع غزة وهو ضابط يشغل منصب قائد سرية في الكتيبة 932، لواء ناحال.
Sprecher der feindlichen israelischen Armee: Ankündigung des zweiten Todesopfers bei den gestrigen Kämpfen im nördlichen Gazastreifen. Er war ein Offizier, der die Position des Kompaniechefs im 932. Bataillon der Nahal-Brigade innehatte.
Portavoce dell'esercito nemico israeliano: ad annunciare la seconda vittima durante le battaglie di ieri nel nord della Striscia di Gaza Era un ufficiale che ricopriva la carica di comandante di compagnia nel 932° battaglione, Brigata Nahal.
Woordvoerder van het Israëlische vijandelijke leger: Aankondiging van het tweede slachtoffer tijdens de gevechten van gisteren in de noordelijke Gazastrook. Hij was een officier die de functie bekleedde van compagniescommandant in het 932e bataljon, de Nahal Brigade.
Εκπρόσωπος του ισραηλινού εχθρικού στρατού: Ανακοινώνοντας το δεύτερο θύμα κατά τη διάρκεια των χθεσινών μαχών στη βόρεια Λωρίδα της Γάζας.
1/30/2025, 10:39:55 AM
{And never think that those who were killed in the cause of Allah are dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, and they are provided for.}
Military statement issued by:
... ::: Al-Qassam Brigades ::: ...
"The Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa"
With the highest verses of pride and confidence in Allah's imminent victory, the Al-Qassam Brigades announce to our people and the masses of our Arab and Islamic nation a group of its knights in the fields:
The martyr Qassam Mujahid/ Saleh Khader Bani Matar
The martyr Qassam Mujahid/ Abdul Rahman Mahmoud Khatib
The martyr Qassam Mujahid/ Osama Ma'rouf Bani Odeh
The martyr Qassam Mujahid/ Muhammad Mithqal Bani Odeh
The martyr Qassam Mujahid/ Ibrahim Mithqal Bani Odeh
Those who They ascended to heaven yesterday evening, Wednesday, 29 Rajab 1446 AH corresponding to January 29, 2025 AD, with their martyred Mujahideen brothers Omar Ali Basharat, Montaser Ali Bani Matar, Abdullah Mahmoud Bani Odeh, Suleiman Ahmed Basharat, and Jihad Nasser Bani Matar; following a treacherous Zionist bombing that targeted the town of Tamoun in Tubas Governorate, north of the occupied West Bank.
The Qassam Brigades commends the jihad of its heroic martyrs and their great giving that was hidden throughout the past period, as they were able to hurt the enemy with many heroic operations, ambushes, and explosive devices that caused injuries and losses in the ranks of the enemy army, which the Qassam Brigades had not previously announced its adoption of.
The Brigades also confirms that its Mujahideen will not deviate from the path that the martyrs drew with their pure blood, and that they will continue the jihad and sacrifice until achieving one of the two good things, God willing.
It is a jihad of victory or martyrdom,,,
Al-Qassam Brigades - Palestine
Thursday 30 Rajab 1446 AH
Corresponding to 01/30/2025 AD
1/30/2025, 11:13:50 AM
Israeli media: An Israeli soldier was seriously injured in Jenin, West Bank.
1/30/2025, 11:49:31 AM
Saraya Al-Quds - Jenin Battalion:
After the ridiculous show that the defeated Minister of Defense Katz did yesterday and the alleged victory that he announced in the alleys of the camp, our fighters confirmed to us that they were able to carry out a complex engineering operation this afternoon and lure a Zionist infantry force from the Golani Brigade to a house that was booby-trapped with explosives that were seized by the Zionist enemy forces during the military operation a few days ago. Immediately after the force entered the house, our heroes in the engineering unit were able to blow up the house in which the force was fortified, achieving injuries and deaths among the enemy's ranks. We confirm that this operation comes in response to the cowardly assassination operation carried out by the defeated enemy against our heroes in the Tamoun Company yesterday evening.