Saraya Al-Quds - Tubas:
Our fighters in the Tamoun Company are fighting fierce battles with the invading occupation forces on the battle fronts in the town, showering the enemy forces and military vehicles with heavy volleys of bullets and explosive devices, achieving direct hits.
سرايا القدس-طوباس :
يخوض مقاتلونا في سرية طمون معارك ضارية مع قوات الاحتلال المقتحمة بمحاور القتال في البلدة ويمطرون قوات العدو والآليات العسكرية بزخات كثيفة من الرصاص والعبوات الناسفة محققين إصابات مباشرة.
Brigadas Al-Quds - Tubas:
Nossos combatentes da Companhia Tammoun estão envolvidos em batalhas ferozes com as forças de ocupação que atacam os eixos de combate na cidade, fazendo chover fortes chuvas de balas e dispositivos explosivos sobre as forças inimigas e veículos militares, causando baixas diretas.
Brigadas Al-Quds - Tubas:
Nuestros combatientes de la Compañía Tammoun están librando feroces batallas con las fuerzas de ocupación que asaltan los ejes de combate en la ciudad, lanzando fuertes lluvias de balas y artefactos explosivos sobre las fuerzas enemigas y los vehículos militares, causando bajas directas.
Бригады Аль-Кудс - Тубас:
Наши бойцы роты «Таммун» ведут ожесточенные бои с оккупационными войсками, штурмуя боевые направления города, обрушивая на силы и военную технику противника сильный ливень пуль и взрывных устройств, вызывая прямые жертвы.
#फ़िलिस्तीन पर कब्ज़ा
अल-कुद्स ब्रिगेड - टुबास:
तम्मून कंपनी में हमारे लड़ाके कब्ज़ा करने वाली सेनाओं के साथ भीषण लड़ाई में लगे हुए हैं और शहर में युद्ध केंद्रों पर धावा बोल रहे हैं, दुश्मन सेना और सैन्य वाहनों पर गोलियों और विस्फोटक उपकरणों की भारी वर्षा कर रहे हैं, जिससे सीधे हताहत हो रहे हैं।
Brigades Al-Quds - Tubas :
Nos combattants de la Compagnie Tammoun sont engagés dans des combats acharnés avec les forces d'occupation qui prennent d'assaut les axes de combat de la ville, faisant pleuvoir de fortes pluies de balles et d'engins explosifs sur les forces et les véhicules militaires ennemis, faisant des victimes directes.
سرايا القدس-طوباس :
يخوض مقاتلونا في سرية طمون معارك ضارية مع قوات الاحتلال المقتحمة بمحاور القتال في البلدة ويمطرون قوات العدو والآليات العسكرية بزخات كثيفة من الرصاص والعبوات الناسفة محققين إصابات مباشرة.
Al-Quds-Brigaden – Tubas:
Unsere Kämpfer in der Kompanie Tammoun liefern sich erbitterte Kämpfe mit den Besatzungstruppen, die die Kampfeinheiten in der Stadt stürmen, heftige Schüsse aus Kugeln und Sprengkörpern auf die feindlichen Streitkräfte und Militärfahrzeuge niederprasseln lassen und direkte Verluste verursachen.
Brigate Al-Quds - Tubas:
I nostri combattenti della Compagnia Tammoun sono impegnati in feroci battaglie con le forze di occupazione che prendono d'assalto gli assi di combattimento della città, facendo piovere pesanti piogge di proiettili e ordigni esplosivi sulle forze nemiche e sui veicoli militari, causando vittime dirette.
Al-Quds Brigades - Tuba's:
Onze strijders van de Tammoun Company zijn verwikkeld in hevige gevechten met de bezettingstroepen die de strijdbijlen in de stad bestormen, waarbij zware kogelregens en explosieven op de vijandelijke troepen en militaire voertuigen regenen, waardoor directe slachtoffers vallen.
Ταξιαρχίες Al-Quds - Tubas:
Οι μαχητές μας στην Εταιρεία Ταμμούν δίνουν σκληρές μάχες με τις δυνάμεις κατοχής να εισβάλλουν στους άξονες μάχης της πόλης, να πέφτουν βροχές από σφαίρες και εκρηκτικούς μηχανισμούς στις εχθρικές δυνάμεις και στρατιωτικά οχήματα, προκαλώντας άμεσες απώλειες.
1/30/2025, 10:39:55 AM
{And never think that those who were killed in the cause of Allah are dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, and they are provided for.}
Military statement issued by:
... ::: Al-Qassam Brigades ::: ...
"The Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa"
With the highest verses of pride and confidence in Allah's imminent victory, the Al-Qassam Brigades announce to our people and the masses of our Arab and Islamic nation a group of its knights in the fields:
The martyr Qassam Mujahid/ Saleh Khader Bani Matar
The martyr Qassam Mujahid/ Abdul Rahman Mahmoud Khatib
The martyr Qassam Mujahid/ Osama Ma'rouf Bani Odeh
The martyr Qassam Mujahid/ Muhammad Mithqal Bani Odeh
The martyr Qassam Mujahid/ Ibrahim Mithqal Bani Odeh
Those who They ascended to heaven yesterday evening, Wednesday, 29 Rajab 1446 AH corresponding to January 29, 2025 AD, with their martyred Mujahideen brothers Omar Ali Basharat, Montaser Ali Bani Matar, Abdullah Mahmoud Bani Odeh, Suleiman Ahmed Basharat, and Jihad Nasser Bani Matar; following a treacherous Zionist bombing that targeted the town of Tamoun in Tubas Governorate, north of the occupied West Bank.
The Qassam Brigades commends the jihad of its heroic martyrs and their great giving that was hidden throughout the past period, as they were able to hurt the enemy with many heroic operations, ambushes, and explosive devices that caused injuries and losses in the ranks of the enemy army, which the Qassam Brigades had not previously announced its adoption of.
The Brigades also confirms that its Mujahideen will not deviate from the path that the martyrs drew with their pure blood, and that they will continue the jihad and sacrifice until achieving one of the two good things, God willing.
It is a jihad of victory or martyrdom,,,
Al-Qassam Brigades - Palestine
Thursday 30 Rajab 1446 AH
Corresponding to 01/30/2025 AD
1/30/2025, 11:13:50 AM
Israeli media: An Israeli soldier was seriously injured in Jenin, West Bank.
1/30/2025, 11:49:31 AM
Saraya Al-Quds - Jenin Battalion:
After the ridiculous show that the defeated Minister of Defense Katz did yesterday and the alleged victory that he announced in the alleys of the camp, our fighters confirmed to us that they were able to carry out a complex engineering operation this afternoon and lure a Zionist infantry force from the Golani Brigade to a house that was booby-trapped with explosives that were seized by the Zionist enemy forces during the military operation a few days ago. Immediately after the force entered the house, our heroes in the engineering unit were able to blow up the house in which the force was fortified, achieving injuries and deaths among the enemy's ranks. We confirm that this operation comes in response to the cowardly assassination operation carried out by the defeated enemy against our heroes in the Tamoun Company yesterday evening.