

Real time military news

Published date: 1/6/2025, 8:31:10 AM
1/6/2025, 8:31:10 AM
Saraya Al-Quds - Jenin Battalion: After contacting one of the combat formations in the Yamoun Company, they confirmed to us that they were able to target enemy vehicles during their withdrawal at the entrance to the town at dawn today, and shower them with heavy volleys of bullets. Our fighters in the engineering unit also confirmed that they were able to detonate a pre-prepared explosive device in a military personnel carrier of the (Tiger) type, achieving confirmed injuries. . #Battle_of_the_Flood_of_Al-Aqsa
سرايا القدس-كتيبة جنين : بعد عودة الإتصال بإحدى التشكيلات القتاليّة في سرية اليامون أكدو لنا تمكنهم فجر اليوم من استهداف آليات العدو إثناء انسحابهم على مدخل البلدة وإمطارهم بزخات كثيفة من الرصاص كما أكد مقاتلونا في وحدة الهندسة تمكنهم من تفجير عبوة ناسفة معدة مسبقًا بناقلة جند عسكرية من نوع (النمر) محققين إصابات مؤكدة. . #معركة_طوفان_الأقصى
圣城旅 - 杰宁营: 在与亚蒙连的一个战斗编队取得联系后,他们向我们证实,今天黎明时分,他们能够瞄准敌人在城镇入口处撤退的车辆,并向他们发射大量子弹调查人员称,我们工兵部队的战士还证实,他们能够用“虎”号军事运兵车引爆预先准备好的爆炸装置。 。 #阿克萨_洪水之战
Brigadas Al-Quds - Batalhão Jenin: Depois de regressarem ao contacto com uma das formações de combate da Companhia Al-Yamoun, confirmaram-nos que conseguiram, na madrugada de hoje, atingir os veículos do inimigo quando estes se retiraram à entrada da cidade e choveram fortes chuvas de balas sobre eles. Nossos combatentes na unidade de engenharia também confirmaram que foram capazes de detonar um dispositivo explosivo pré-preparado com um veículo militar “Tiger”, disseram os investigadores. . #Al-Aqsa_Flood Batalha
Brigadas Al-Quds - Batallón Jenin: Después de restablecer el contacto con una de las formaciones de combate de la Compañía Al-Yamoun, nos confirmaron que pudieron, hoy al amanecer, atacar los vehículos enemigos mientras se retiraban a la entrada de la ciudad y lanzaron sobre ellos una fuerte lluvia de balas. Nuestros combatientes de la unidad de ingeniería también confirmaron que pudieron detonar un artefacto explosivo previamente preparado con un vehículo militar "Tigre", dijeron los investigadores. . #Al-Aqsa_Batalla contra las inundaciones
Бригады Аль-Кудс - Батальон Дженина: После возобновления контакта с одним из боевых порядков роты Аль-Ямун они подтвердили нам, что сегодня на рассвете они смогли поразить машины противника, отходившие у въезда в город, и обрушить на них сильный ливень пуль. Наши бойцы в инженерном подразделении также подтвердили, что им удалось привести в действие заранее подготовленное взрывное устройство на БТР "Тигр", сообщили следователи. . #Аль-Акса_Потопная битва
अल-कुद्स ब्रिगेड - जेनिन बटालियन: अल-यामून कंपनी की लड़ाकू संरचनाओं में से एक के साथ संपर्क लौटने के बाद, उन्होंने हमें पुष्टि की कि वे आज भोर में दुश्मन के वाहनों को निशाना बनाने में सक्षम थे, क्योंकि वे शहर के प्रवेश द्वार पर पीछे हट गए और उन पर गोलियों की भारी बौछार कर दी। जांचकर्ताओं ने कहा कि इंजीनियरिंग यूनिट में हमारे सेनानियों ने यह भी पुष्टि की है कि वे "टाइगर" सैन्य कर्मियों के वाहक के साथ एक पूर्व-तैयार विस्फोटक उपकरण को विस्फोट करने में सक्षम थे। . #अल-अक्सा_बाढ़ लड़ाई
Brigades Al-Quds - Bataillon de Jénine : Après avoir repris contact avec l'une des formations de combat de la compagnie Al-Yamoun, ils nous ont confirmé avoir pu, à l'aube d'aujourd'hui, viser les véhicules ennemis alors qu'ils se retiraient à l'entrée de la ville et faire pleuvoir sur eux de fortes pluies de balles. Nos combattants de l'unité du génie ont également confirmé qu'ils étaient capables de faire exploser un engin explosif préparé à l'aide d'un véhicule militaire « Tigre », ont indiqué les enquêteurs. . #Al-Aqsa_Flood Bataille
سرايا القدس-كتيبة جنين : بعد عودة الإتصال بإحدى التشكيلات القتاليّة في سرية اليامون أكدو لنا تمكنهم فجر اليوم من استهداف آليات العدو إثناء انسحابهم على مدخل البلدة وإمطارهم بزخات كثيفة من الرصاص كما أكد مقاتلونا في وحدة الهندسة تمكنهم من تفجير عبوة ناسفة معدة مسبقًا بناقلة جند عسكرية من نوع (النمر) محققين إصابات مؤكدة. . #معركة_طوفان_الأقصى
Al-Quds-Brigaden – Jenin-Bataillon: Nachdem sie wieder Kontakt mit einer der Kampfformationen der Al-Yamoun-Kompanie aufgenommen hatten, bestätigten sie uns, dass sie heute im Morgengrauen in der Lage waren, die feindlichen Fahrzeuge ins Visier zu nehmen, als diese sich am Eingang der Stadt zurückzogen, und heftige Kugelhagel auf sie niederprasseln ließen Unsere Kämpfer in der technischen Einheit bestätigten auch, dass sie mit einem „Tiger“-Militärpersonaltransporter einen vorbereiteten Sprengsatz zur Explosion bringen konnten, sagten Ermittler. . #Al-Aqsa_Flutschlacht
Brigate Al-Quds - Battaglione Jenin: Dopo aver ripreso contatto con una delle formazioni di combattimento della compagnia Al-Yamoun, ci hanno confermato di essere riusciti, all'alba di oggi, a prendere di mira i veicoli nemici mentre si ritiravano all'ingresso della città e di aver fatto piovere su di loro una forte pioggia di proiettili. I nostri combattenti dell'unità di ingegneria hanno anche confermato di essere stati in grado di far esplodere un ordigno esplosivo già preparato con un veicolo militare "Tiger", hanno detto gli investigatori. . #Al-Aqsa_Battaglia del Diluvio
アルクッズ旅団 - ジェニン大隊: アル・ヤモン中隊の戦闘編隊の1つと連絡を返した後、彼らは今日の夜明けに町の入り口で撤退し、激しい銃弾の雨を降らせた敵車両を標的にすることができたことを私たちに確認した。調査員らによると、施設部隊の戦闘員らは、事前に準備された爆発装置を「タイガー」で爆発させることができたことも確認されたという。 。 #アル・アクサ_洪水戦
Al-Quds Brigades - Jenin-bataljon: Nadat ze opnieuw contact hadden opgenomen met een van de gevechtsformaties van de Al-Yamoun Company, bevestigden ze ons dat ze vandaag bij zonsopgang in staat waren de voertuigen van de vijand te targeten terwijl ze zich terugtrokken bij de ingang van de stad en zware kogelregens op hen lieten regenen. Onze strijders in de technische eenheid bevestigden ook dat ze in staat waren een vooraf voorbereid explosief tot ontploffing te brengen met een “Tiger” militaire personeelsdrager, zeiden onderzoekers. . #Al-Aqsa_Overstromingsstrijd
Ταξιαρχίες Al-Quds - Τάγμα Τζενίν: Αφού επέστρεψαν σε επαφή με έναν από τους σχηματισμούς μάχης στην εταιρεία Al-Yamoun, μας επιβεβαίωσαν ότι μπόρεσαν, τα ξημερώματα σήμερα, να στοχοποιήσουν τα οχήματα του εχθρού καθώς αποσύρονταν στην είσοδο της πόλης και έβρεχαν δυνατές βροχές από σφαίρες πάνω τους Οι μαχητές μας στη μονάδα μηχανικού επιβεβαίωσαν επίσης ότι κατάφεραν να πυροδοτήσουν έναν προπαρασκευασμένο εκρηκτικό μηχανισμό με ένα στρατιωτικό όχημα μεταφοράς προσωπικού «Τίγρη», είπαν οι ερευνητές. . #Al-Aqsa_Flood Battle

1/28/2025, 10:49:29 AM
#Enemy_Media Israeli media: An Israeli soldier was killed on the border with the Gaza Strip after being shot by the Israeli army following a misdiagnosis. #War_Media
1/28/2025, 3:00:41 PM
#Enemy_Media Israel Today: Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi appeared before the Foreign Affairs and Security Committee today and addressed the decisions taken after the events of October 7. He said: "I did not resign on October 7 because it would have harmed the war effort. It was right for me to lead the army." He stressed: "I am responsible, and I have admitted that." Halevi added: "We did not underestimate the enemy, but we misjudged its intentions." #War_Media
1/28/2025, 4:21:29 PM
A message from the head of the Political Council of Hezbollah, His Eminence Sayyed Ibrahim Amin Al-Sayyed, to our people, the resistance fighters in South Lebanon In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful And prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his pure and good family.. Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings, and after... Peace be upon your minds and hearts and upon your souls and blood and wounds.... Peace be upon your feet, wherever you step, the earth is purified from the filth of criminals and small and large monsters... Your enemy has tested your resistance weapon in the field, and yesterday he faced the weapon of your will and determination and learned its nature and essence, this weapon is known only to God and those who are firm in knowledge and the pious believers.. You, women, men and children, you are the most honorable and pure of people, there are no fearful, submissive, submissive, or surrendering among you... You are the elite And you are the crown of heads... Pride to those who belong to you... And to the enemy I say: Have you now learned that your crimes did not bring you any victory, and that your weapons and bombs did not write for you anything but a history of defeats... And that the blood of the martyrs you killed has turned into faith, courage, will, determination and strength that is unparalleled in this world, and will be an inspiration and a pilgrimage for the peoples of the world and a shrine... And the time will come when your structures in the region will collapse, and the peoples of the world will be in the same image as this great people in Lebanon from its south to all parts of the earth in it. As for Palestine, the scene, the image, the people, the blood, the victory, the pride and the dignity are united... Finally, I say to all our brothers in the homeland, this is a rare and historic opportunity for unity, even if only for once, in which we throw away the grudges, conflicts and fabricated and compounded differences on the interests of the enemies and create our sovereignty and impose it on the enemies and friends, We prove to the world that we are not a people for rent and investment.. And that we are a people who deserve to live with merit, dignity and honor... Tuesday 01-28-2025 Rajab 27, 1446 AH
1/28/2025, 6:53:33 PM
#Enemy_Media Israeli Army Spokesperson: Earlier today, an employee of a contracting company that performs engineering work for the Israeli army and the Ministry of Defense in the central Gaza Strip was killed. An investigation has been opened into the incident. #War_Media
1/29/2025, 7:48:01 AM
#Enemy_Media The Hebrew newspaper "Maariv": The Israeli army admits that some forces that were supposed to continue operating in the border area in southern Lebanon are now forced to work to prevent large numbers of residents of southern Lebanon from advancing to the border villages. #War_Media