

Real time military news

Published date: 1/4/2025, 4:31:45 PM
1/4/2025, 4:31:45 PM
🔴 Urgent | The beginning of the speech of the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, His Eminence Sheikh Naim Qassem, on the anniversary of the martyrdom of Commander Hajj Qassem Soleimani and Commander Hajj Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis
🔴 عاجل | بدء كلمة الامين العام لحزب الله سماحة الشيخ نعيم قاسم في ذكرى استشهاد القائد الحاج قاسم سليماني والقائد الحاج ابو مهدي المهندس
🔴 Urgente | O início do discurso do Secretário-Geral do Hezbollah, Sua Eminência Xeque Naim Qassem, no aniversário do martírio do Comandante Hajj Qassem Soleimani e do Comandante Hajj Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis.
🔴 Urgente | Inicio del discurso del Secretario General de Hezbolá, Su Eminencia el Jeque Naim Qassem, en el aniversario del martirio del Comandante Hajj Qassem Soleimani y del Comandante Hajj Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis.
🔴 Срочно | Начало выступления генерального секретаря "Хезболлы" Его Высокопреосвященства шейха Наима Касема по случаю годовщины мученической кончины командующего Хаджа Касема Сулеймани и командующего Хаджа Абу Махди Аль-Мухандиса.
🔴 अति आवश्यक | कमांडर हाज कासिम सुलेमानी और कमांडर हाज अबू महदी अल-मुहांडिस की शहादत की सालगिरह पर हिजबुल्लाह के महासचिव महामहिम शेख नईम कासिम के भाषण की शुरुआत।
🔴 Urgent | Le début du discours du secrétaire général du Hezbollah, Son Éminence Cheikh Naim Qassem, à l'occasion de l'anniversaire du martyre du commandant Hajj Qassem Soleimani et du commandant Hajj Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis.
🔴 عاجل | بدء كلمة الامين العام لحزب الله سماحة الشيخ نعيم قاسم في ذكرى استشهاد القائد الحاج قاسم سليماني والقائد الحاج ابو مهدي المهندس
🔴 Dringend | Der Beginn der Rede des Generalsekretärs der Hisbollah, Seiner Eminenz Scheich Naim Qassem, zum Jahrestag des Märtyrertods von Kommandant Hajj Qassem Soleimani und Kommandant Hajj Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis.
🔴Urgente | L'inizio del discorso del Segretario Generale di Hezbollah, Sua Eminenza Sheikh Naim Qassem, nell'anniversario del martirio del Comandante Hajj Qassem Soleimani e del Comandante Hajj Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis.
🔴緊急 |ハッジ・カセム・ソレイマニ司令官とハッジ・アブ・マフディ・アル・ムハンディス司令官の殉教記念日におけるヒズボラ事務総長シェイク・ナイム・カセム猊下の演説の冒頭。
🔴Dringend | Het begin van de toespraak van de secretaris-generaal van Hezbollah, Zijne Eminentie Sjeik Naim Qassem, op de verjaardag van het martelaarschap van commandant Hajj Qassem Soleimani en commandant Hajj Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis.
🔴 Επείγον | Η έναρξη της ομιλίας του Γενικού Γραμματέα της Χεζμπολάχ, του Σεΐχη Ναΐμ Κασέμ, για την επέτειο του μαρτυρίου του Διοικητή Χατζ Κασέμ Σουλεϊμανί και του Διοικητή Χατζ Αμπού Μαχντί Αλ-Μουχαντίς.

2/19/2025, 5:23:57 PM
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Hotline The construction jihad accomplishes the detection in the back villages and is preparing for the border areas in Jabal Amel I https://www.almanar.com.lb/13172821?s=tg 📝 If the link does not open, please visit the following link https://www.manartv.com.lb/13172821
2/19/2025, 5:24:28 PM
Urgent A spokesman for the Al -Qassam Brigades Abu Ubaidah: A spokesman for the Al -Qassam Brigades Abu Ubaidah: As part of the Al -Aqsa Flood Deal for Prisoners, tomorrow, Thursday, the bodies of the Pepas family and the body of the captive Oadid Lafeeshts will be delivered
2/19/2025, 5:25:36 PM
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*You can follow Al -Manar channel via the Internet through the following links.* Live broadcast online: https://almanar.com.lb/live ------ Live broadcast via Telegram: https://t.me/manAlive ------ Telegram channel: https://t.me/almanarnews ------ Watts news service: https://almanar.com.lb/whatsapp ------ Twitter account: https://twitter.com/tvmanar1 https://www.almanar.com.lb/?s=tg
2/19/2025, 5:35:22 PM
🔵 Introduction to Al-Manar news bulletin for Wednesday 19-20-2025 Above the description and all the slogans of pride, it is the southern scene drawn on the face of history, from people who do not know defeat or refraction ... with determination and insistence that the southerners stood in the second days of liberation above the remaining homes for them and despite the great destruction, to assure the world that are the people of the earth And they have the decision .. From the south, the sun of the homeland shines these days, and its mihrab is in terms of worshipers of God, thanks and the homeland, an excuse that they provided every precious and precious for the dignity of the wounded home Except hatred and aggression .. The southerners walked as the Bekaa and many of the Lebanese regions, discussing the soil of the earth for their justification, searching for the martyrs, the deposit that made all this pride, and the hope for the people of the people of goodness and loyalty .. As for the treacherous, their hatred is not deterred. We are giving up the villages, two of the American weapons on our skies with drones, which raided the town of Aita, which led to the rise of a martyr, and the aggression against Al -Wazzani was completed, so Zionist bullets were hurtful for one of the Lebanese citizens .. Kharrouk on the eye of the international forces and the five -year -old committee to implement Resolution 1701, while the President of the Republic tried to hear the American National Security Adviser Mike and Al -Taz that it is necessary to end the "Israeli" occupation in the remaining points to ensure the strengthening of stability in the south and the implementation of Resolution 1701, and the necessity of speeding up the re -prisoners. The Lebanese detained by the "Israeli" occupation .. The president called for Lebanon to hear the American, but there is no life for those who call, so "Waltz" assured the President to follow up on the American administration of developments in the south, and its commitment to Lebanon to work to stabilize the ceasefire and resolve the outstanding issues. As he said .. https://www.almanar.com.lb/?s=tg
2/19/2025, 6:02:29 PM
Urgent The Lebanese Civil Defense: The bodies and cheeks of 11 martyrs were recovered from Mays Al -Jabal, Al -Qaytam, Merka, and Deir Sarran, in the south of the country