🔴 Urgent | Enemy media: Mass demonstrations in Tel Aviv demanding an immediate deal to return prisoners from Gaza
🔴 عاجل | إعلام العدو: تظاهرات حاشدة في “تل أبيب” تطالب بإبرام صفقة فورية لإعادة الأسرى من غزة
🔴 紧急 |敌方媒体:特拉维夫爆发大规模示威,要求立即达成协议遣返加沙囚犯
🔴 Urgente | Mídia inimiga: Manifestações massivas em “Tel Aviv” exigindo a conclusão de um acordo imediato para devolver prisioneiros de Gaza
🔴 Urgente | Medios enemigos: Manifestaciones masivas en “Tel Aviv” exigiendo la conclusión de un acuerdo inmediato para el regreso de los prisioneros de Gaza
🔴 Срочно | Вражеские СМИ: Массовые демонстрации в «Тель-Авиве» с требованием заключения немедленной сделки по возвращению пленных из сектора Газа
🔴 अति आवश्यक | शत्रु मीडिया: गाजा से कैदियों की वापसी के लिए तत्काल समझौते की मांग को लेकर "तेल अवीव" में बड़े पैमाने पर प्रदर्शन
🔴 Urgent | Médias ennemis : Manifestations massives à « Tel Aviv » exigeant la conclusion d’un accord immédiat pour le retour des prisonniers de Gaza
🔴 عاجل | إعلام العدو: تظاهرات حاشدة في “تل أبيب” تطالب بإبرام صفقة فورية لإعادة الأسرى من غزة
🔴 Dringend | Feindliche Medien: Massive Demonstrationen in „Tel Aviv“ fordern den Abschluss eines sofortigen Abkommens zur Rückführung von Gefangenen aus Gaza
🔴Urgente | Media nemici: manifestazioni di massa a “Tel Aviv” che chiedono la conclusione di un accordo immediato per il ritorno dei prigionieri da Gaza
🔴緊急 |敵対メディア:「テルアビブ」でガザ捕虜返還の即時合意締結を求める大規模デモ
🔴Dringend | Vijandelijke media: Massale demonstraties in “Tel Aviv” die het sluiten van een onmiddellijke overeenkomst eisen om gevangenen uit Gaza terug te sturen
🔴 Επείγον | Εχθρικά ΜΜΕ: Μαζικές διαδηλώσεις στο «Τελ Αβίβ» απαιτώντας τη σύναψη άμεσης συμφωνίας για την επιστροφή των κρατουμένων από τη Γάζα
Urgent A spokesman for the Al -Qassam Brigades Abu Ubaidah: A spokesman for the Al -Qassam Brigades Abu Ubaidah: As part of the Al -Aqsa Flood Deal for Prisoners, tomorrow, Thursday, the bodies of the Pepas family and the body of the captive Oadid Lafeeshts will be delivered
🔵 Introduction to Al-Manar news bulletin for Wednesday 19-20-2025
Above the description and all the slogans of pride, it is the southern scene drawn on the face of history, from people who do not know defeat or refraction ... with determination and insistence that the southerners stood in the second days of liberation above the remaining homes for them and despite the great destruction, to assure the world that are the people of the earth And they have the decision ..
From the south, the sun of the homeland shines these days, and its mihrab is in terms of worshipers of God, thanks and the homeland, an excuse that they provided every precious and precious for the dignity of the wounded home Except hatred and aggression ..
The southerners walked as the Bekaa and many of the Lebanese regions, discussing the soil of the earth for their justification, searching for the martyrs, the deposit that made all this pride, and the hope for the people of the people of goodness and loyalty ..
As for the treacherous, their hatred is not deterred. We are giving up the villages, two of the American weapons on our skies with drones, which raided the town of Aita, which led to the rise of a martyr, and the aggression against Al -Wazzani was completed, so Zionist bullets were hurtful for one of the Lebanese citizens ..
Kharrouk on the eye of the international forces and the five -year -old committee to implement Resolution 1701, while the President of the Republic tried to hear the American National Security Adviser Mike and Al -Taz that it is necessary to end the "Israeli" occupation in the remaining points to ensure the strengthening of stability in the south and the implementation of Resolution 1701, and the necessity of speeding up the re -prisoners. The Lebanese detained by the "Israeli" occupation .. The president called for Lebanon to hear the American, but there is no life for those who call, so "Waltz" assured the President to follow up on the American administration of developments in the south, and its commitment to Lebanon to work to stabilize the ceasefire and resolve the outstanding issues. As he said ..
2/19/2025, 6:02:29 PM
Urgent The Lebanese Civil Defense: The bodies and cheeks of 11 martyrs were recovered from Mays Al -Jabal, Al -Qaytam, Merka, and Deir Sarran, in the south of the country