

Real time military news

Published date: 12/22/2024, 5:38:19 AM
12/22/2024, 5:38:19 AM
🔴 Urgent | Director of field hospitals in Gaza: The occupation continues to implement its plans to destroy the health system in the Strip by targeting all hospitals
🔴 عاجل | مدير المستشفيات الميدانية في غزة: الاحتلال يواصل تنفيذ مخططاته لتدمير المنظومة الصحية في القطاع باستهداف جميع المستشفيات
🔴 Urgente | Diretor dos hospitais de campanha em Gaza: A ocupação continua a implementar os seus planos para destruir o sistema de saúde na Faixa, visando todos os hospitais
🔴 Urgente | Director de hospitales de campaña en Gaza: La ocupación continúa implementando sus planes para destruir el sistema de salud en la Franja atacando todos los hospitales
🔴 Срочно | Директор полевых госпиталей в Газе: Оккупация продолжает реализовывать свои планы по разрушению системы здравоохранения в секторе, нанеся удары по всем больницам
🔴 अति आवश्यक | गाजा में फील्ड अस्पतालों के निदेशक: कब्जे ने सभी अस्पतालों को निशाना बनाकर पट्टी में स्वास्थ्य प्रणाली को नष्ट करने की अपनी योजनाओं को लागू करना जारी रखा है
🔴 Urgent | Directeur des hôpitaux de campagne à Gaza : L'occupation continue de mettre en œuvre ses plans visant à détruire le système de santé dans la bande en ciblant tous les hôpitaux
🔴 عاجل | مدير المستشفيات الميدانية في غزة: الاحتلال يواصل تنفيذ مخططاته لتدمير المنظومة الصحية في القطاع باستهداف جميع المستشفيات
🔴 Dringend | Direktor der Feldlazarette im Gazastreifen: Die Besatzung setzt weiterhin ihre Pläne zur Zerstörung des Gesundheitssystems im Gazastreifen durch Angriffe auf alle Krankenhäuser um
🔴Urgente | Direttore degli ospedali da campo a Gaza: L’occupazione continua ad attuare i suoi piani per distruggere il sistema sanitario nella Striscia prendendo di mira tutti gli ospedali
🔴緊急 |ガザの野戦病院の責任者:占領軍はすべての病院を標的にしてストリップの医療システムを破壊する計画を実行し続けている
🔴Dringend | Directeur van veldhospitalen in Gaza: De bezetting gaat door met het uitvoeren van haar plannen om het gezondheidszorgsysteem in de Gazastrook te vernietigen door alle ziekenhuizen aan te vallen
🔴 Επείγον | Διευθυντής επιτόπιων νοσοκομείων στη Γάζα: Η κατοχή συνεχίζει να εφαρμόζει τα σχέδιά της για καταστροφή του συστήματος υγείας στη Λωρίδα στοχεύοντας όλα τα νοσοκομεία

12/28/2024, 5:24:40 PM
🔴 Urgent | Yemeni Armed Forces: We shot down an American “MQ_9” drone while it was carrying out hostile missions in the airspace of Al Bayda Governorate with a locally-made surface-to-air missile
12/28/2024, 5:25:24 PM
🔴 Urgent | Yemeni Armed Forces: The plane is the thirteenth of its kind that our air defenses were able to shoot down during the battle of the promised conquest and the holy jihad in support of Gaza
12/28/2024, 5:25:51 PM
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12/28/2024, 6:19:17 PM
🔴 Urgent | Qatari Foreign Ministry: The Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs' meeting with the Hamas delegation reviewed the latest developments in the ceasefire negotiations in Gaza
12/28/2024, 5:38:21 PM
🔵 Introduction to Al-Manar's main news bulletin for Saturday 12-28-2024 To Jerusalem, Gaza rockets have returned to ring with the bells of Christmas and the New Year, with a sure hope for a clear dawn. And to the strategic Nevatim military base, Yemeni missiles have arrived again.. So what victory is the Zionist government talking about? Israeli deterrence is currently zero, and the arrogant talk by Benjamin Netanyahu and the political level is just nonsense, as the Zionist journalist "Avishai Matia" says.. So when will this government and its sponsors and followers wake up from their arrogance? When will they admit that they are once again placing the region on the edge of a volcano from which they will not escape its lava? When will they admit that their goals are an illusion, and that there is no choice but to agree to a ceasefire in Gaza and a forced prisoner exchange? Fifteen months of Zionist-American killing, destruction and extermination in Gaza, and the missiles of its resistance are still striking the Zionist heartland and knocking on the doors of Jerusalem, crowned with the glory of all the martyrs who walked its path, to be followed by those celebrating victory from God soon. While the missiles of Ansar Allah and the Yemeni army are regular and their path is perfect within a wise Yemeni plan to support Gaza and discipline the enemy and deter it from any aggression on Yemeni lands.. A scene that Benjamin Netanyahu did not want, who was taken by pride in sin, so hell is enough for him and what a wretched resting place.. In its cradle, the Zionist American projects against Yemen are being nipped in the bud, while those who pave the way for it with drumming and cheering are counting their disappointments and the inability of their Zionist American British and other systems to hit the courage of the Yemenis and their decisive decision to win for Palestine, its people and its cause.. As for those who claim to be connected to Palestine, they are not They are walking in a straight path, they do not want to fight the Zionist nor to respond to his aggression, but they are gradually reassuring him with the titles of peace and stability, until the American slogan that has always invaded the region in the name of revolutions of change at the expense of Palestine, which is the slogan: My country first.. In Lebanon, the last word is as it began: there is no place for any occupier on Lebanese soil, not after sixty days or sixty years of what they count, and there is no change in determination or change, and the Zionist rampage that continues until now is only additional evidence of the right of the Lebanese to resist, and they have the decision, timing and management, in what benefits the interest of the homeland and its people, not the projects of the Zionist enemy and the cunning American... https://www.almanar.com.lb/?s=tg