

Real time military news

Published date: 12/20/2024, 4:16:58 PM
12/20/2024, 4:16:58 PM
#Occupied_Palestine Saraya Al-Quds: We bombed the enemy's command and control headquarters in the "Netzarim" axis with a (Badr 1) missile and (107) missiles. #War_Media
#فلسطين_المحتلة سرايا القدس: قصفنا بصاروخ (بدر1) وصواريخ (107) مقر قيادة وسيطرة تابع للعدو في محور "نتساريم". #الإعلام_الحربي
#占领的巴勒斯坦 圣城旅:我们用一枚巴德尔 1 导弹和 107 枚导弹轰炸了“内扎里姆”轴线上敌人的指挥和控制总部。 #War_Media
#Occupied_Palestina Brigadas Al-Quds: Bombardeamos com um míssil Badr 1 e 107 mísseis o quartel-general de comando e controle do inimigo no eixo “Netzarim”. #War_Media
#Palestina_ocupada Brigadas Al-Quds: Bombardeamos con un misil Badr 1 y 107 misiles el cuartel general de mando y control del enemigo en el eje “Netzarim”. #Medios_de_guerra
#Occupied_Палестина Бригады Аль-Кудс: Мы разбомбили ракетой «Бадр-1» и 107 ракетами штаб командования противника на направлении «Нецарим». #War_Media
#अधिकृत_फिलिस्तीन सरया अल-कुद्स: हमने (बद्र 1) मिसाइल और (107) मिसाइलों से “नेत्ज़ारिम” अक्ष में दुश्मन के कमांड और नियंत्रण मुख्यालय पर बमबारी की। #युद्ध_मीडिया
#Palestine_occupée Brigades Al-Quds : Nous avons bombardé avec un missile Badr 1 et 107 missiles le quartier général de commandement et de contrôle de l'ennemi dans l'axe « Netzarim ». #War_Media
#فلسطين_المحتلة سرايا القدس: قصفنا بصاروخ (بدر1) وصواريخ (107) مقر قيادة وسيطرة تابع للعدو في محور "نتساريم". #الإعلام_الحربي
#Occupied_Palestine Al-Quds-Brigaden: Wir bombardierten mit einer Badr-1-Rakete und 107-Raketen das Kommando- und Kontrollhauptquartier des Feindes in der „Netzarim“-Achse. #War_Media
#Palestina_occupata Brigate Al-Quds: abbiamo bombardato con un missile Badr 1 e 107 missili il quartier generale di comando e controllo del nemico sull’asse “Netzarim”. #Guerra_Media
#占領されたパレスチナ アル・クッズ旅団:我々はバドル1ミサイルと107発のミサイルで「ネツァリム」枢軸にある敵の指揮統制本部を爆撃した。 #戦争_メディア
#Bezet_Palestina Al-Quds Brigades: We bombardeerden met een Badr 1-raket en 107 raketten het commando- en controlehoofdkwartier van de vijand in de ‘Netzarim’-as. #War_Media
#Κατεχόμενη_Παλαιστίνη Saraya Al-Quds: Βομβαρδίσαμε το αρχηγείο διοίκησης και ελέγχου του εχθρού στον άξονα «Netzarim» με πύραυλο (Badr 1) και (107) βλήματα. #War_Media

12/27/2024, 6:39:31 AM
#Enemy_Media Hebrew newspaper "Yedioth Ahronoth" - Yossi Yehoshua: - The Israeli attack did not prevent the Yemenis from continuing to fire rockets tonight as hundreds of thousands of Israelis entered protected areas. - Deterrence against the Houthis is not achieved by simply disabling an airport. - The Israeli public must understand that the Yemenis have the ability to continue firing on a daily basis, and they are expected to do so. #War_Media
12/27/2024, 7:23:43 AM
#Occupied_Palestine Saraya Al-Quds: We destroyed a Zionist military vehicle by detonating a (thaqib - barrel) explosive device during its incursion into Al-Bahri land, south of Al-Awda Towers in Beit Hanoun, north of the Gaza Strip. #War_Media
12/27/2024, 7:28:29 AM
#Occupied_Palestine Al-Qassam Brigades: In a complex operation, one of the Qassam fighters managed to blow himself up with an explosive belt in a Zionist force of 5 soldiers, killing and wounding them. As soon as the rescue forces advanced to the scene, our fighters sniped two of them and showered them with a number of Zionist-made hand grenades in the Tel al-Zaatar area east of the Jabalia camp in the northern Gaza Strip. #War_Media
12/29/2024, 9:41:32 AM
#Enemy_Media Israel Today Hebrew newspaper - Lilach Shoval: - The performance of the defense system over the past two years has been criticized as a complete failure, which was highlighted by the disaster that occurred on October 7. - The failure is noticeable in various aspects, including intelligence, operational readiness, understanding the enemy, and the transition from routine to emergency. - The resulting catastrophic event has ongoing and long-term consequences for "Israel". #War_Media
1/24/2025, 4:01:14 PM
#Occupied_Palestine Saraya Al-Quds - Jenin Battalion: Our fighters were able to detonate a guided bomb of the type Sejil in a military bulldozer and put it out of service at the entrance to the merge axis. Our heroes also continue to confront the infantry forces and military vehicles storming the fighting axes with heavy showers of bullets and explosive devices, achieving confirmed injuries. #War_Media