

Real time military news

Published date: 12/20/2024, 12:53:54 PM
12/20/2024, 12:53:54 PM
#Enemy_Media Channel 14 Hebrew correspondent: The Israeli army opened fire on a demonstration outside the buffer zone in Syria and injured one person in the leg. #War_Media
#إعلام_العدو مراسل قناة 14 العبرية: الجيش الإسرائيلي أطلق النار تجاه تظاهرة خارج المنطقة العازلة في سوريا وأصاب أحد الأشخاص في ساقه. #الإعلام_الحربي
#敌人媒体 14频道记者:以色列军队向叙利亚缓冲区外的示威者开火,造成一人腿部受伤。 #战争媒体
#enemy_information Correspondente hebraico do Canal 14: O exército israelense abriu fogo contra uma manifestação fora da zona tampão na Síria, ferindo uma pessoa na perna. #War_Media
#información_enemiga Corresponsal del Canal 14 en hebreo: El ejército israelí abrió fuego contra una manifestación fuera de la zona de amortiguamiento en Siria, hiriendo a una persona en una pierna. #Medios_de_guerra
#enemy_information Еврейский корреспондент Channel 14: Израильская армия открыла огонь по демонстрации за пределами буферной зоны в Сирии, ранив одного человека в ногу. #War_Media
#शत्रु_जानकारी चैनल 14 हिब्रू संवाददाता: इजरायली सेना ने सीरिया में बफर जोन के बाहर एक प्रदर्शन पर गोलीबारी की, जिसमें एक व्यक्ति के पैर में घायल हो गया। #युद्ध_मीडिया
#informations_ennemies Correspondant en hébreu de la Quatorzième chaîne : L'armée israélienne a ouvert le feu sur une manifestation à l'extérieur de la zone tampon en Syrie, blessant une personne à la jambe. #War_Media
#إعلام_العدو مراسل قناة 14 العبرية: الجيش الإسرائيلي أطلق النار تجاه تظاهرة خارج المنطقة العازلة في سوريا وأصاب أحد الأشخاص في ساقه. #الإعلام_الحربي
#enemy_information Hebräischer Korrespondent von Channel 14: Die israelische Armee eröffnete das Feuer auf eine Demonstration außerhalb der Pufferzone in Syrien und verletzte eine Person am Bein. #War_Media
#informazione_nemica Corrispondente ebraico di Canale 14: L'esercito israeliano ha aperto il fuoco su una manifestazione fuori dalla zona cuscinetto in Siria, ferendo una persona a una gamba. #Guerra_Media
#敵の情報 チャンネル14ヘブライ語特派員:イスラエル軍はシリアの緩衝地帯外でのデモに発砲し、1人が足を負傷した。 #戦争メディア
#vijandige_informatie Channel 14 Hebreeuwse correspondent: Het Israëlische leger opende het vuur op een demonstratie buiten de bufferzone in Syrië, waarbij één persoon gewond raakte aan zijn been. #War_Media
#enmy_information Εβραίος ανταποκριτής του Channel 14: Ο ισραηλινός στρατός άνοιξε πυρ κατά διαδήλωσης έξω από την ουδέτερη ζώνη στη Συρία, τραυματίζοντας ένα άτομο στο πόδι. #War_Media

12/26/2024, 2:31:12 PM
#Yemen The most prominent points in the speech of the leader of Ansar Allah, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, regarding the latest developments in the Israeli aggression on Gaza and regional and international developments: - The mercenaries pin their hopes on the Israeli enemy, and speak with admiration and glorification of what it is doing in Syria and Lebanon and what it did in Palestine, then it pins its hopes on them to fight on its behalf. - The Israeli enemy and the mercenaries are all failures towards our country. - There is very great economic damage to the enemy as a result of our military operations. - The indicators of the Israeli stock exchange fell and the value of the Israeli currency decreased last Thursday after the Yemeni missile attacks on occupied Jaffa. - The Israeli enemy suffers from a great cost in interceptor missiles. - The Israeli is completely desperate about the possibility of solving the problem of preventing its navigation in the Red and Arabian Seas and Bab al-Mandab. - The despair of the Israeli enemy and its inability to return its navigation to the Red and Arabian Seas and Bab al-Mandab bears witness to the victory that God has bestowed upon our people and our Mujahideen. - Our naval operations have affected the Israeli enemy and its American and British partners, and what is happening is a ban on their ships only and not on other countries. - The British maritime security company admitted that the Yemeni operations target ships operated by the United States, the United Kingdom or "Israel". - Those who talk about threatening global navigation are justifying their support for the Israelis and Americans while they are bearing false witness. - This week, a major, great and very important operation took place, which is the clash with the American aircraft carrier "Truman" and the warships with it. - Targeting the aircraft carrier "Truman" occurred simultaneously with the American attempt to carry out a major aggressive operation against our country to target a number of Yemeni governorates. - The aircraft carrier "Truman" approached to a specific distance to the extent that would help it carry out the aggressive operation against our country. - One of the achievements that occurred with the grace and help of God is the ability to move directly to target the aircraft carrier "Truman" simultaneously with the aggression against our country. - The American failed in every sense of the word in carrying out the aggression against our country that he had prepared for, and it was limited to some bombing operations, which resulted in the deaths of a number of martyrs. #War_Media
12/26/2024, 2:31:57 PM
#Yemen Yemeni media: Israeli aggression targets the power plant in the Haiz area in the capital Sana'a again. #War_Media
12/26/2024, 2:33:23 PM
#Yemen Yemeni media: Israeli aggression targets the capital Sana'a and Al Hudaydah Governorate. #War_Media
12/26/2024, 2:34:29 PM
#Yemen The most prominent points in the speech of the leader of Ansar Allah, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, regarding the latest developments in the Israeli aggression on Gaza and regional and international developments: - Targeting the aircraft carrier "Truman" is the fourth in targeting American aircraft carriers, and it is an important, bold and powerful operation. - Since World War II until now, no one in the world has dared to carry out a bold operation by targeting American aircraft carriers. - Targeting the aircraft carrier "Truman" resulted in the downing of an American "F18" aircraft, which is one of the most important and expensive American aircraft. - When the Americans say that they shot down an "F18" aircraft by suspicion and mistake, it expresses a state of failure, helplessness and great confusion. - Targeting the aircraft carrier "Truman" continued all night from nine o'clock in the evening until near dawn. - Western reports and analyses confirm that targeting the aircraft carrier changed the concepts and tactics of naval warfare forever. #War_Media
1/22/2025, 12:25:05 PM
#Occupied_Palestine Commander of the Al-Quds Brigades in the West Bank: - Since the beginning of the battle for Jenin, our heroes have continued to ambush the enemy forces and military vehicles, and what we will reveal at the end of the battle will prove that the image of victory that the enemy failed to take in Gaza will not take in the West Bank. - During the past few days, we were able to introduce some ground-based and guided explosive devices into service, and the detonation of military jeeps in Qabatiya and Tamoun were just messages of what awaits the enemy's leaders and soldiers in the streets and alleys of the camps in the West Bank. - Our fighters were able to form operations rooms to coordinate field work and develop joint work with the fighters of the Qassam Brigades and the fighters of the Youth of Revenge and Liberation, and the hotel operation in Qalqilya was a message to the enemy and friend that our hands reach everywhere. #War_Media