🔴 Urgent | Yemeni Armed Forces: The operation was carried out in conjunction with the Israeli aggression on civilian facilities in the capital, Sana'a, and Al-Hodeidah Governorate
🔴 عاجل | القوات المسلحة اليمنية: العملية نُفِّذت تزامناً مع العدوان الإسرائيلي على منشآت مدنية في العاصمة صنعاء ومحافظة الحديدة
🔴 Urgente | Forças Armadas do Iêmen: A operação foi realizada coincidindo com a agressão israelense contra instalações civis na capital, Sanaa, e na província de Hodeidah.
🔴 Urgente | Fuerzas Armadas de Yemen: La operación se llevó a cabo coincidiendo con la agresión israelí contra instalaciones civiles en la capital, Saná, y la gobernación de Hodeidah.
🔴 Срочно | Вооруженные силы Йемена: операция была проведена одновременно с израильской агрессией против гражданских объектов в столице Сане и провинции Ходейда.
🔴 अति आवश्यक | यमनी सशस्त्र बल: यह ऑपरेशन राजधानी सना और होदेइदा गवर्नरेट में नागरिक सुविधाओं के खिलाफ इजरायली आक्रामकता के साथ किया गया था।
🔴 Urgent | Forces armées yéménites : L'opération a coïncidé avec l'agression israélienne contre des installations civiles dans la capitale, Sanaa, et dans le gouvernorat de Hodeidah.
🔴 عاجل | القوات المسلحة اليمنية: العملية نُفِّذت تزامناً مع العدوان الإسرائيلي على منشآت مدنية في العاصمة صنعاء ومحافظة الحديدة
🔴 Dringend | Jemenitische Streitkräfte: Die Operation wurde zeitgleich mit der israelischen Aggression gegen zivile Einrichtungen in der Hauptstadt Sanaa und im Gouvernement Hodeidah durchgeführt.
🔴 Urgente | Forze armate yemenite: l'operazione è stata condotta in concomitanza con l'aggressione israeliana alle strutture civili nella capitale Sana'a e nel governatorato di Hodeidah
🔴Dringend | Jemenitische strijdkrachten: De operatie viel samen met de Israëlische agressie tegen civiele faciliteiten in de hoofdstad Sanaa en het gouvernement Hodeidah.
🔴 Επείγον | Ένοπλες Δυνάμεις της Υεμένης: Η επιχείρηση διεξήχθη συνέπεσε με την ισραηλινή επίθεση κατά μη στρατιωτικών εγκαταστάσεων στην πρωτεύουσα, Σαναά, και στο Κυβερνείο της Χοντέιντα.
1/5/2025, 1:48:34 PM
🔴 Urgent | WHO: We condemn the removal of Kamal Adwan Hospital from service, and we have verified 50 Israeli attacks on hospitals since October 2024
1/6/2025, 7:45:25 AM
🔴 Urgent | Enemy media: 6 soldiers were injured, including 3 in critical and serious condition, in a shooting attack on a bus in the village of Al-Funduq, east of Qalqilya
1/5/2025, 2:42:30 PM
🔴 Urgent | Walla Hebrew website: The Israeli army will withdraw completely from Naqoura and hand over responsibility to the Lebanese army under American supervision
1/5/2025, 2:52:23 PM
🔴 Urgent | Israeli Army Radio: Border Guard forces are pursuing 5 other suspects who tried to infiltrate the army camp
1/5/2025, 2:53:21 PM
🔴 Urgent | Al-Quds Brigades: We, in cooperation with the Al-Qassam Brigades, killed and wounded 10 Zionist soldiers in a clash west of Beit Lahia, north of the Gaza Strip