Hebrew newspaper "Calcalist":
- More than a year after the outbreak of the war and three weeks after the ceasefire with Hezbollah in Lebanon, the state lacks a plan to rebuild the north and return the displaced residents to their homes.
- After "Eliezer Marom" announced the end of his role as project manager in the north, he mentioned a plan under development to return the residents, but did not provide details, timetables, or cost estimates.
صحيفة "كلكاليست" العبرية:
- بعد مرور أكثر من عام على اندلاع الحرب وثلاثة أسابيع على وقف إطلاق النار مع حزب الله في لبنان، تفتقر الدولة إلى خطة لإعادة إعمار الشمال وإعادة السكان النازحين إلى منازلهم.
- بعد إعلان "إليعازر ماروم" انتهاء دوره كمدير مشروع في الشمال، ذكر خطة قيد التطوير لإعادة السكان لكنه لم يقدم تفاصيل أو جداول زمنية أو تقديرات للتكاليف.
Jornal hebraico "Kalcalist":
- Mais de um ano após o início da guerra e três semanas após o cessar-fogo com o Hezbollah no Líbano, o Estado carece de um plano para reconstruir o norte e devolver a população deslocada às suas casas.
- Depois de Eliezer Marom ter anunciado o fim do seu cargo de director de projectos no norte, ele mencionou um plano em desenvolvimento para o regresso dos residentes, mas não forneceu detalhes, calendários ou estimativas de custos.
Periódico hebreo "Kalcalist":
- Más de un año después del estallido de la guerra y tres semanas después del alto el fuego con Hezbollah en el Líbano, el Estado carece de un plan para reconstruir el norte y devolver a la población desplazada a sus hogares.
- Después de que Eliezer Marom anunciara el fin de su cargo como director de proyectos en el norte, mencionó un plan en desarrollo para el regreso de los residentes, pero no proporcionó detalles, cronogramas ni estimaciones de costos.
Еврейская газета «Калькалист»:
- Спустя более года после начала войны и через три недели после прекращения огня с «Хезболлой» в Ливане у государства нет плана по восстановлению севера и возвращению перемещенного населения в свои дома.
- После того, как Элиэзер Маром объявил об окончании своей должности директора проекта на севере, он упомянул о разрабатываемом плане возвращения жителей, но не предоставил подробностей, графиков или сметы расходов.
हिब्रू अखबार "कालकलिस्ट":
- युद्ध छिड़ने के एक साल से अधिक समय बाद और लेबनान में हिजबुल्लाह के साथ युद्धविराम के तीन सप्ताह बाद, राज्य के पास उत्तर के पुनर्निर्माण और विस्थापित आबादी को उनके घरों में वापस लाने की योजना का अभाव है।
- एलीएज़र मैरोम ने उत्तर में परियोजना निदेशक के रूप में अपनी भूमिका की समाप्ति की घोषणा के बाद, उन्होंने निवासियों की वापसी के लिए विकास के तहत एक योजना का उल्लेख किया, लेकिन विवरण, समय सारिणी या लागत अनुमान प्रदान नहीं किया।
Journal hébreu "Kalcalist":
- Plus d'un an après le début de la guerre et trois semaines après le cessez-le-feu avec le Hezbollah au Liban, l'État n'a pas de plan pour reconstruire le nord et ramener chez eux les populations déplacées.
- Après qu'Eliezer Marom ait annoncé la fin de ses fonctions de directeur de projet dans le nord, il a évoqué un plan en cours d'élaboration pour le retour des habitants, mais n'a pas fourni de détails, de calendriers ou d'estimations de coûts.
صحيفة "كلكاليست" العبرية:
- بعد مرور أكثر من عام على اندلاع الحرب وثلاثة أسابيع على وقف إطلاق النار مع حزب الله في لبنان، تفتقر الدولة إلى خطة لإعادة إعمار الشمال وإعادة السكان النازحين إلى منازلهم.
- بعد إعلان "إليعازر ماروم" انتهاء دوره كمدير مشروع في الشمال، ذكر خطة قيد التطوير لإعادة السكان لكنه لم يقدم تفاصيل أو جداول زمنية أو تقديرات للتكاليف.
Hebräische Zeitung „Calcalist“:
- Mehr als ein Jahr nach Ausbruch des Krieges und drei Wochen nach dem Waffenstillstand mit der Hisbollah im Libanon fehlt dem Land ein Plan für den Wiederaufbau des Nordens und die Rückkehr der vertriebenen Bevölkerung in ihre Häuser.
- Nachdem Eliezer Marom das Ende seiner Rolle als Projektmanager im Norden bekannt gegeben hatte, erwähnte er einen in der Entwicklung befindlichen Plan zur Rückführung der Bewohner, gab jedoch keine Einzelheiten, Zeitpläne oder Kostenschätzungen bekannt.
Giornale ebraico "Kalcalist":
- A più di un anno dallo scoppio della guerra e tre settimane dopo il cessate il fuoco con Hezbollah in Libano, lo Stato non dispone di un piano per ricostruire il nord e riportare la popolazione sfollata alle proprie case.
- Dopo aver annunciato la fine del suo ruolo di direttore del progetto nel Nord, Eliezer Marom ha menzionato un piano in fase di elaborazione per il ritorno dei residenti, ma non ha fornito dettagli, orari o stime dei costi.
Hebreeuwse krant "Kalcalist":
- Meer dan een jaar na het uitbreken van de oorlog en drie weken na het staakt-het-vuren met Hezbollah in Libanon ontbreekt het de staat aan een plan om het noorden te reconstrueren en de ontheemde bevolking naar hun huizen terug te brengen.
- Nadat Eliezer Marom het einde aankondigde van zijn rol als projectdirecteur in het noorden, maakte hij melding van een plan in ontwikkeling voor de terugkeer van bewoners, maar gaf geen details, tijdschema's of kostenramingen.
Εβραϊκή εφημερίδα "Kalcalist":
- Περισσότερο από ένα χρόνο μετά το ξέσπασμα του πολέμου και τρεις εβδομάδες μετά την κατάπαυση του πυρός με τη Χεζμπολάχ στον Λίβανο, το κράτος δεν διαθέτει σχέδιο για την ανοικοδόμηση του βορρά και την επιστροφή του εκτοπισμένου πληθυσμού στα σπίτια τους.
- Αφού ο Eliezer Marom ανακοίνωσε το τέλος του ρόλου του ως διευθυντής έργου στο βορρά, ανέφερε ένα υπό ανάπτυξη σχέδιο για την επιστροφή των κατοίκων, αλλά δεν παρείχε λεπτομέρειες, χρονοδιαγράμματα ή εκτιμήσεις κόστους.
1/11/2025, 8:44:49 PM
Saraya Al-Quds: We bombed, in cooperation with the Martyr Jihad Jibril Brigades, the command post of the enemy army's engineering unit in the "Netzarim" axis with (107) missiles. #Flood_of_Al-Aqsa
1/11/2025, 8:47:58 PM
Yedioth Ahronoth military analyst Yossi Yehoshua: Many officers warned the Chief of Staff and the Southern Command against the raids in the northern Gaza Strip.
It is time for the Southern Command to end his duties due to his responsibility for the events of October 7. Yes, even if the Chief of Staff is setting an unsuitable personal example and clinging to his position.
1/9/2025, 1:26:11 PM
The most prominent points in the speech of the leader of Ansar Allah, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, regarding the latest developments in the Israeli aggression on Gaza and regional and international developments:
- The crimes of genocide committed by the Israeli enemy in Gaza have reached more than 4,000 massacres, including 30 massacres this week.
- In the last days of the criminal Biden in the White House, he approved a large deal of bombs, shells and ammunition for the Israeli enemy to kill children and women.
- The crime of starvation is shared with the Israeli enemy by all the cowardly, miserly and cowardly regimes that watch the Palestinian people starve.
- The Israeli enemy continues its policy of distillation, so only a little enters the Gaza Strip.
- The Israeli enemy has formed some gangs of traitors and agents to cut off and loot aid inside the Gaza Strip near the military barriers set up by the Israeli enemy.
- This week, Israeli soldiers themselves have begun to directly loot the aid that enters the Gaza Strip by distillation.
- The Israeli enemy created a plague-ridden reality in the Gaza Strip, systematically targeting the entire health infrastructure.
- What the Israeli enemy did to Kamal Adwan Hospital is a clear aggression and one of the major crimes it committed in the Gaza Strip.
- The Israeli enemy is now targeting the Indonesian Hospital and the rest of the hospitals that provide the minimum service with the severe siege.
- The Israeli criminals in the "Knesset" are still demanding more criminality, tyranny and destruction of any aspect of life.
- The Israeli enemy targets the displaced, and all the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip are now in a state of displacement without the availability of real shelters.
- The Israeli enemy seeks to use all means of extermination and deprivation of all aspects of life and all legitimate human rights.
- The ultimate goal of the Zionist Jews is to destroy the entire Al-Aqsa Mosque and build their alleged temple, and every step they take is done intentionally.
1/9/2025, 1:50:40 PM
The most prominent points in the speech of the leader of Ansar Allah, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, regarding the latest developments in the Israeli aggression on Gaza and regional and international developments:
- The Israeli enemy in Lebanon continues to violate the ceasefire agreement by shelling, fire combing, destruction and demolition of some homes.
- The Israeli enemy, no matter what it does in southern Lebanon and in the aggression on Lebanon, is a failure.
- The Israeli enemy failed to achieve its declared goal of eliminating Hezbollah, and Hezbollah remained a strong presence in the Lebanese arena.
- Hezbollah is recovering and getting stronger and stronger, and therefore it remained a fixed, rooted, solid and strong front in the face of the Israeli enemy.
- The Israeli enemy, along with the Americans and unfortunately with the cooperation of some Arab regimes, are working on the internal Lebanese situation, on the political scene.
- There is a great responsibility on all parties in Lebanon to be aware, conscious and influential in the interest of their country and its stability.
- The direction of some in Lebanon to serve the Israeli enemy has bad consequences even for those who serve the enemy.
- Whoever conspires, plots and plays in Lebanon is the one who brings harm upon himself and not only affects the level of stability in the Lebanese arena.
- The real interest of all Lebanese for Lebanon in general is to give priority to the interest of internal stability, which is a real Lebanese interest.
- The Israeli enemy continues its aggression against Syria with air strikes and has targeted some of the remaining factories.
- The Israeli enemy in Syria seeks to establish its control in the areas it recently invaded and occupied, and this indicates that it does not want to remain temporarily.
- Control in Syria is a matter linked to the Israeli interest, which is represented in occupation and looting.
- The Israeli enemy seeks in Syria to bring in more military reinforcements and has worked to establish fortifications and bring in prefabricated houses.
- The Israeli enemy has reached the Mantara Dam, the largest dam in southern Syria.
- The Americans are establishing new military bases in eastern Syria, and are seeking to be there as well in a position of attraction and influence.
- The Americans and Israelis will not be satisfied in Syria with occupying the areas in which they are constantly expanding, but will be keen to penetrate Syria's internal reality.
- All the people of Syria should unite to protect their homeland from the Americans and the Israelis.
1/9/2025, 1:56:21 PM
The most prominent points in the speech of the leader of Ansar Allah, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, regarding the latest developments in the Israeli aggression on Gaza and regional and international developments:
- The Israeli enemy published a new map these days that included areas in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan, and before that, maps within interim maps accompanied by provocative statements.
- Everyone in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Palestine must also understand that the Israeli has an aggressive orientation, undoubtedly greedy for control and plunder of all these countries.
- The interim map published by the Israeli enemy is very aggressive and provocative.
- In order for countries to protect themselves from the Americans and Israelis and protect their land and wealth to be an independent, free, and honorable nation, they must be in a position of immunity and strength.
- The policy that Jordan and Syria are adopting now will not change the Israeli policy and will not give up its ambitions in return.
- The Israeli enemy is still insisting on its ambitions and hostile policy, and this is clear in official statements and clear positions.
- Both the Israeli and the American are greedy and are aggressively moving with practical plans according to the policies they express to achieve their aggressive goals.
- Our nation should be in the actual, real position against the Israeli enemy in a way that deters it from achieving its ambitions.
- Adopting policies of surrender and inaction will not benefit the nation, and are of no use at all in deterring the American and Israeli from those ambitions.
- Cooperation with the American and Israeli is a contribution to enabling them to achieve their goals at the lowest cost, and these are very wrong policies.