

Real time military news

Published date: 12/15/2024, 8:12:18 AM
12/15/2024, 8:12:18 AM
🔴 Urgent | Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Major General Hossein Salami: Foreign powers in Syria seek to divide it and each one seeks to occupy parts of its territory
🔴 عاجل | قائد الحرس الثوري الإيراني اللواء حسين سلامي: القوى الأجنبية في سورية تسعى لتقسيمها وكل منها يسعى لاحتلال أجزاء من أراضيها
🔴 Urgente | Comandante da Guarda Revolucionária Iraniana, Major General Hossein Salami: As potências estrangeiras na Síria procuram dividi-la e cada uma delas procura ocupar partes das suas terras.
🔴 Urgente | Comandante de la Guardia Revolucionaria iraní, general de división Hossein Salami: Las potencias extranjeras en Siria buscan dividirla y cada una de ellas busca ocupar partes de sus tierras.
🔴 Срочно | Командующий Корпусом стражей исламской революции Ирана генерал-майор Хоссейн Салами: Иностранные державы в Сирии стремятся разделить ее, и каждая из них стремится оккупировать части ее территории
🔴 अति आवश्यक | ईरानी रिवोल्यूशनरी गार्ड के कमांडर, मेजर जनरल होसैन सलामी: सीरिया में विदेशी शक्तियां इसे विभाजित करना चाहती हैं, और उनमें से प्रत्येक इसकी भूमि के कुछ हिस्सों पर कब्जा करना चाहता है।
🔴 Urgent | Commandant des Gardiens de la révolution iraniens, le général de division Hossein Salami : Les puissances étrangères en Syrie cherchent à la diviser, et chacune d'entre elles cherche à occuper une partie de ses terres.
🔴 عاجل | قائد الحرس الثوري الإيراني اللواء حسين سلامي: القوى الأجنبية في سورية تسعى لتقسيمها وكل منها يسعى لاحتلال أجزاء من أراضيها
🔴 Dringend | Kommandeur der iranischen Revolutionsgarde, Generalmajor Hossein Salami: Die ausländischen Mächte in Syrien wollen das Land spalten und jeweils Teile des Territoriums besetzen
🔴Urgente | Comandante della Guardia rivoluzionaria iraniana, Maggiore Generale Hossein Salami: Le potenze straniere in Siria cercano di dividerla, e ognuna di loro cerca di occupare parti delle sue terre.
🔴緊急 |イラン革命防衛隊司令官ホセイン・サラミ少将:シリアの外国勢力はシリアを分割しようとしており、それぞれが領土の一部を占領しようとしている。
🔴Dringend | Commandant van de Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde, generaal-majoor Hossein Salami: Buitenlandse machten in Syrië proberen het land te verdelen, en elk van hen probeert delen van zijn land te bezetten.
🔴 Επείγον | Διοικητής της Ιρανικής Επαναστατικής Φρουράς, Υποστράτηγος Χοσεΐν Σαλαμί: Οι ξένες δυνάμεις στη Συρία επιδιώκουν να τη διχάσουν και καθεμία από αυτές επιδιώκει να καταλάβει τμήματα των εδαφών της.

3/9/2025, 6:05:35 PM
🔵 The most prominent thing in the speech of the leader of the Ansar Allah movement, Mr. Abdul -Malik Badruddin Al -Houthi: - The Takfiri groups in Syria in Syria is condemned, and everyone must be denounced and that everyone who has a conscience seeks to stop the crimes. - What is happening in Syria reveals the insistence of the Takfiri groups to continue in the brutal criminal course by killing innocent people with the most terrible forms of killing and genocide - The consequences of crimes in Syria are bad for the takfiris and their supporters, because they consider that they have secured themselves with America and Europe and thus release them to do whatever they want. - Takfiri groups in Syria committed genocide crimes for hundreds of unarmed, peaceful, peaceful citizens. - Takfiri groups in Syria document their crimes with videos and publish them on social media and boast about all brutality and criminality. - The Takfiri groups in Syria in Syria is condemned, and everyone must be denounced and that everyone who has a conscience seeks to stop the crimes. - What is happening in Syria reveals the insistence of the Takfiri groups to continue in the brutal criminal course by killing innocent people with the most terrible forms of murder and genocide. - Takfiri groups in Syria participate in responsibility for these crimes, their supporters of money, political support and military support. Takfiris in Syria provides a great service to the "Israeli" enemy and the American to tear the Syrian social fabric. - What the American and the Israeli seeks to present to each of them as a savior and welding to the Syrian people. - "The Israeli" declared his protection of the Druze in As -Suwayda, and because he announced this, these takfiri groups did not dare to touch them with badness, but rather respect them. - Takfiris understand the Druze in As -Suwayda because the "Israeli" has announced his protection and threatened to harm them badly. - The American presents himself as a welding of the Kurds in the areas where they are, armed them and recruit them. - The rest of the Syrian people see themselves targeted because they are not in protecting the American as the case of the Kurds or in protecting the "Israeli" as the Druze case. - The brutality and criminality of the Takfiri groups is an American -Zionist "Israeli" engineering engineering, and they are their chicks, their creation, and their preparation for that role. https://www.almanar.com.lb/?s=tg
3/9/2025, 8:12:43 PM
Urgent Sheikh Naim Qasim: We are with the existing electoral law unless you present better ideas that we discuss and give our opinion
3/9/2025, 8:14:35 PM
Urgent Sheikh Naim Qasim: We will participate in the municipal elections, and we agreed with the Amal movement to renew the agreement that was present between President Nabih Berri and the martyr Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah
3/9/2025, 6:26:19 PM
Urgent The US State Department condemns crimes against minorities in western Syria
3/9/2025, 6:35:24 PM
Urgent The start of an interview with Hezbollah Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem on Al -Manar screen