The Hebrew newspaper "Yedioth Ahronoth":
In "Israel", they are trying to take advantage of the unrest in Syria, to reveal the burial site of "Eli Cohen"'s body, in addition to obtaining a collection of ancient Torah scrolls and other things.
صحيفة "يديعوت أحرونوت" العبرية:
في "إسرائيل"، يحاولون الاستفادة من الاضطرابات في سوريا، لكشف موقع دفن جثة "إيلي كوهين" بالإضافة إلى الحصول على مجموعة من لفائف التوراة القديمة وغيرها من الأشياء.
Jornal hebraico Yedioth Ahronoth:
Em Israel, eles tentam tirar vantagem da agitação na Síria, para descobrir o cemitério do corpo de Eli Cohen, bem como obter uma coleção de antigos rolos da Torá e outros itens.
Periódico hebreo Yedioth Ahronoth:
En Israel intentan aprovechar los disturbios en Siria para descubrir el lugar de enterramiento del cuerpo de Eli Cohen y obtener una colección de antiguos rollos de la Torá y otros objetos.
Еврейская газета «Едиот Ахронот»:
В Израиле пытаются воспользоваться беспорядками в Сирии, чтобы обнаружить место захоронения тела Эли Коэна, а также заполучить коллекцию древних свитков Торы и других предметов.
येदिओथ अहरोनोथ हिब्रू अखबार:
इज़राइल में, वे एली कोहेन के शरीर के दफन स्थल को उजागर करने के साथ-साथ प्राचीन टोरा स्क्रॉल और अन्य वस्तुओं का संग्रह प्राप्त करने के लिए सीरिया में अशांति का फायदा उठाने की कोशिश करते हैं।
Journal hébreu Yedioth Ahronoth :
En Israël, ils tentent de profiter des troubles en Syrie pour découvrir le lieu de sépulture du corps d'Eli Cohen ainsi que pour obtenir une collection d'anciens rouleaux de la Torah et d'autres objets.
صحيفة "يديعوت أحرونوت" العبرية:
في "إسرائيل"، يحاولون الاستفادة من الاضطرابات في سوريا، لكشف موقع دفن جثة "إيلي كوهين" بالإضافة إلى الحصول على مجموعة من لفائف التوراة القديمة وغيرها من الأشياء.
Hebräische Zeitung Yedioth Ahronoth:
In Israel versuchen sie, die Unruhen in Syrien auszunutzen, um die Grabstätte von Eli Cohens Leiche freizulegen und an eine Sammlung alter Thorarollen und anderer Gegenstände zu gelangen.
Yedioth Ahronoth giornale ebraico:
In Israele, cercano di approfittare dei disordini in Siria, per scoprire il luogo di sepoltura del corpo di Eli Cohen e per ottenere una collezione di antichi rotoli della Torah e altri oggetti.
Yedioth Ahronoth Hebreeuwse krant:
In Israël proberen ze te profiteren van de onrust in Syrië, om de begraafplaats van het lichaam van Eli Cohen bloot te leggen en om een verzameling oude Thorarollen en andere voorwerpen te bemachtigen.
Εβραϊκή εφημερίδα Yedioth Ahronoth:
Στο Ισραήλ, προσπαθούν να εκμεταλλευτούν την αναταραχή στη Συρία, να αποκαλύψουν τον τόπο ταφής του σώματος του Έλι Κοέν, καθώς και να αποκτήσουν μια συλλογή από αρχαίους ρόλους της Τορά και άλλα αντικείμενα.
2/17/2025, 11:21:53 AM
Israeli enemy radio correspondent: A senior Israeli official says: "Israel" will withdraw tomorrow from its places in Lebanon, with the exception of five strategic points in which it will remain indefinitely.
#Warm media
2/17/2025, 1:29:14 PM
A military statement issued by the martyr Izz al -Din al -Qassam Brigades: With all the verses of faith in the victory of God, and with the pride of the confident believers, the martyr Izz al -Din al -Qassam Brigades are honored to our people and the masses of our Arab and Islamic nation as a knight of its horsemen:
The Mujahid Qassami Commander/
Muhammad Ibrahim Shaheen, "Abu Al -Bara"
(From the occupied Palestinian town of Fallujah)
Which was elevated a martyr within the battle of Toufan Al -Aqsa, today, Monday, 18 Shaaban 1446 AH, corresponding to February 17, 2025 AD; After an assassination carried out by the Zionist treachery planes on the city of Sidon in southern Lebanon.
The Al -Qassam Brigades, as it is the hero martyr Abu Al -Bara; To recall his pioneering role and his own fingerprints in the march of jihad and resistance and fight the Zionist enemy from the Al -Aqsa Intifada and reaching the battle of the Al -Aqsa Flood, during which he occupied several advanced jihadist sites, and he concluded his jihad, enrolling in his brother, the martyr engineer Al -Qassami Hamza Shaheen and his predecessor of his brothers, the pure martyrs.
The brigades, while providing martyrs after the martyrs along the land of Palestine and in its cordon, affirms their steadfastness on its era with God and then with its people; By continuing the path of jihad, giving and preparing in the most pure path of the Mujahideen’s line with their pure blood, and to preserve the era of martyrs and prisoners until the realization of our people's dream of liberation and return, God willing.
#Warm media
2/17/2025, 1:45:43 PM
The Hebrew newspaper Yediot Aharonot - Yoaf Zaitoun: The war that has become calculated in the days despite the passage of a year and four months since its outbreak, is artificial and false. The humanitarian and national aspiration to see all the prisoners return to their homes hides the truth that extensive fighting against Hamas has practically ended in August last year with the end of the last remaining operation of the Israeli army in Rafah.
#Warm media
2/17/2025, 1:46:52 PM
The Hebrew newspaper "Yediot Aharonot" - Yoaf Zaitoun: Hamas still has more activists than it had on October 6, hundreds of new recruits, and dozens of leaders of various ranks, and many and many of the tunnels that have not yet been revealed, including In that close to the border, and above all - aspirations that have not disappeared to destroy the "Zionist entity".
#Warm media
2/17/2025, 2:03:54 PM
Israeli media: The Israeli army will complete its withdrawal from southern Lebanon by ten in the morning tomorrow, with the exception of 5 points near the border.
#Warm media