

Real time military news

Published date: 11/19/2024, 9:35:45 AM
11/19/2024, 9:35:45 AM
Saraya Al-Quds - Jenin Battalion: Our fighters in Qabatiya groups are fighting fierce battles with enemy forces on the combat fronts and are showering army movements and sniper positions with heavy volleys of direct bullets. #Battle_of_the_Flood_of_Al-Aqsa
سرايا القدس-كتيبة جنين: يخوض مقاتلونا في مجموعات قباطية معارك ضارية مع قوات العدو في محاور القتال ويمطرون تحركات الجيش وتمركزات القناصة بزخات كثيفة من الرصاص المباشر . #معركة_طوفان_الأقصى
圣城旅 - 杰宁营: 我们的科普特部队战士在战场上与敌军展开激战,密集的子弹直射攻击部队的行动和狙击手阵地。 #阿克萨_洪水之战
Brigadas Al-Quds - Batalhão Jenin: Nossos combatentes em grupos coptas estão travando batalhas ferozes com as forças inimigas nos campos de batalha, fazendo chover fortes chuvas de balas diretas sobre os movimentos do exército e as posições dos atiradores. #Al-Aqsa_Batalha de Inundação
Brigadas Al-Quds - Batallón Jenin: Nuestros combatientes en grupos coptos están librando feroces batallas con las fuerzas enemigas en los campos de batalla, lanzando fuertes lluvias de balas directas sobre los movimientos del ejército y las posiciones de los francotiradores. #Al-Aqsa_Batalla contra las inundaciones
Бригады Аль-Кудс - Батальон Дженин: Наши бойцы коптских группировок ведут ожесточенные бои с силами противника на полях сражений, обрушивая на передвижение армии и снайперские позиции сильный ливень прямых пуль. #Аль-Акса_Потопная битва
अल-कुद्स ब्रिगेड - जेनिन बटालियन: कॉप्टिक समूहों में हमारे लड़ाके युद्ध के मैदान में दुश्मन सेना के साथ भयंकर युद्ध कर रहे हैं, सेना की गतिविधियों और स्नाइपर पदों पर सीधी गोलियों की भारी वर्षा कर रहे हैं। #अल-अक्सा_बाढ़ लड़ाई
Brigades Al-Quds - Bataillon de Jénine : Nos combattants des groupes coptes mènent des combats acharnés contre les forces ennemies sur les champs de bataille, faisant pleuvoir de lourdes pluies de balles directes sur les mouvements de l'armée et les positions des tireurs d'élite. #Al-Aqsa_Flood Bataille
سرايا القدس-كتيبة جنين: يخوض مقاتلونا في مجموعات قباطية معارك ضارية مع قوات العدو في محاور القتال ويمطرون تحركات الجيش وتمركزات القناصة بزخات كثيفة من الرصاص المباشر . #معركة_طوفان_الأقصى
Al-Quds-Brigaden – Jenin-Bataillon: Unsere Kämpfer in koptischen Gruppen liefern sich erbitterte Kämpfe mit feindlichen Streitkräften auf den Schlachtfeldern und lassen heftige Schüsse direkter Kugeln auf Armeebewegungen und Scharfschützenpositionen niederprasseln. #Al-Aqsa_Flutschlacht
Brigate Al-Quds - Battaglione Jenin: I nostri combattenti nei gruppi copti stanno conducendo feroci battaglie con le forze nemiche sui campi di battaglia, facendo piovere pesanti piogge di proiettili diretti sui movimenti dell'esercito e sulle posizioni dei cecchini. #Al-Aqsa_Battaglia del Diluvio
アルクッズ旅団 - ジェニン大隊: コプト派グループの戦闘員たちは戦場で敵軍と激しい戦闘を繰り広げており、軍隊の動きや狙撃兵の陣地に直撃弾の激しい雨を降らせている。 #アル・アクサ_洪水戦
Al-Quds Brigades - Jenin-bataljon: Onze strijders in Koptische groepen voeren hevige gevechten met vijandelijke troepen op de slagvelden, waarbij zware regenbuien van directe kogels neerdalen op legerbewegingen en sluipschutterposities. #Al-Aqsa_Overstromingsstrijd
Ταξιαρχίες Al-Quds - Τάγμα Τζενίν: Οι μαχητές μας στις κοπτικές ομάδες δίνουν σκληρές μάχες με τις εχθρικές δυνάμεις στα πεδία των μαχών, πέφτοντας βροχή από άμεσες σφαίρες στις κινήσεις του στρατού και στις θέσεις ελεύθερων σκοπευτών. #Al-Aqsa_Flood Battle

2/17/2025, 11:21:53 AM
#Media_Amo Israeli enemy radio correspondent: A senior Israeli official says: "Israel" will withdraw tomorrow from its places in Lebanon, with the exception of five strategic points in which it will remain indefinitely. #Warm media
2/17/2025, 1:29:14 PM
A military statement issued by the martyr Izz al -Din al -Qassam Brigades: With all the verses of faith in the victory of God, and with the pride of the confident believers, the martyr Izz al -Din al -Qassam Brigades are honored to our people and the masses of our Arab and Islamic nation as a knight of its horsemen: The Mujahid Qassami Commander/ Muhammad Ibrahim Shaheen, "Abu Al -Bara" (From the occupied Palestinian town of Fallujah) Which was elevated a martyr within the battle of Toufan Al -Aqsa, today, Monday, 18 Shaaban 1446 AH, corresponding to February 17, 2025 AD; After an assassination carried out by the Zionist treachery planes on the city of Sidon in southern Lebanon. The Al -Qassam Brigades, as it is the hero martyr Abu Al -Bara; To recall his pioneering role and his own fingerprints in the march of jihad and resistance and fight the Zionist enemy from the Al -Aqsa Intifada and reaching the battle of the Al -Aqsa Flood, during which he occupied several advanced jihadist sites, and he concluded his jihad, enrolling in his brother, the martyr engineer Al -Qassami Hamza Shaheen and his predecessor of his brothers, the pure martyrs. The brigades, while providing martyrs after the martyrs along the land of Palestine and in its cordon, affirms their steadfastness on its era with God and then with its people; By continuing the path of jihad, giving and preparing in the most pure path of the Mujahideen’s line with their pure blood, and to preserve the era of martyrs and prisoners until the realization of our people's dream of liberation and return, God willing. #Warm media
2/17/2025, 1:45:43 PM
#Media_Amo The Hebrew newspaper Yediot Aharonot - Yoaf Zaitoun: The war that has become calculated in the days despite the passage of a year and four months since its outbreak, is artificial and false. The humanitarian and national aspiration to see all the prisoners return to their homes hides the truth that extensive fighting against Hamas has practically ended in August last year with the end of the last remaining operation of the Israeli army in Rafah. #Warm media
2/17/2025, 1:46:52 PM
#Media_Amo The Hebrew newspaper "Yediot Aharonot" - Yoaf Zaitoun: Hamas still has more activists than it had on October 6, hundreds of new recruits, and dozens of leaders of various ranks, and many and many of the tunnels that have not yet been revealed, including In that close to the border, and above all - aspirations that have not disappeared to destroy the "Zionist entity". #Warm media
2/17/2025, 2:03:54 PM
#Media_Amo Israeli media: The Israeli army will complete its withdrawal from southern Lebanon by ten in the morning tomorrow, with the exception of 5 points near the border. #Warm media