Israeli media: Soldiers in critical condition were transferred from the northern front to Rambam Hospital in Haifa.
وسائل إعلام إسرائيلية: نقل جنود بحالة خطيرة من الجبهة الشمالية إلى مستشفى رمبام في حيفا.
Mídia israelense: Soldados em estado grave foram transferidos da frente norte para o Hospital Rambam em Haifa.
Medios israelíes: Soldados en estado grave fueron trasladados desde el frente norte al Hospital Rambam en Haifa.
Израильские СМИ: Солдаты в тяжелом состоянии были переведены с северного фронта в больницу Рамбам в Хайфе.
इज़रायली मीडिया: गंभीर हालत में सैनिकों को उत्तरी मोर्चे से हाइफ़ा के रामबाम अस्पताल में स्थानांतरित किया गया।
Médias israéliens : Des soldats dans un état grave ont été transférés du front nord à l'hôpital Rambam à Haïfa.
وسائل إعلام إسرائيلية: نقل جنود بحالة خطيرة من الجبهة الشمالية إلى مستشفى رمبام في حيفا.
Israelische Medien: Soldaten in ernstem Zustand wurden von der Nordfront in das Rambam-Krankenhaus in Haifa verlegt.
Media israeliani: Soldati in gravi condizioni sono stati trasferiti dal fronte settentrionale all'ospedale Rambam di Haifa.
Israëlische media: soldaten in ernstige toestand werden overgebracht van het noordfront naar het Rambam-ziekenhuis in Haifa.
Ισραηλινά ΜΜΕ: Στρατιώτες σε σοβαρή κατάσταση μεταφέρθηκαν από το βόρειο μέτωπο στο νοσοκομείο Rambam στη Χάιφα.
2/17/2025, 5:45:46 AM
Al-Quds Brigades-Tulkarm Taris:
Our fighters, in the Kafin Company, yesterday evening, were able to detonate a pre -prepared explosive device prepared by a military mechanism while storming the town of Kafin, north of Tulkarm, and its rain with heavy showers of direct bullets.
#Warm media
2/17/2025, 7:17:56 AM
Hebrew newspaper "Maariv":
- 500 days after the outbreak of the "iron swords" war on October 7, updated statements issued by the Rehabilitation Department in the Ministry of War and the Israeli Army revealed a bleak picture of the size of the injuries and the high price paid by the Israeli army, reserve personnel, and security forces.
- Since the beginning of the fighting, 846 fighters fell from the security forces, while 15,000 others were wounded, of whom 8,600 were physical injuries, while others suffer from psychological trauma that includes post -traumatic disorder, anxiety, depression, and adaptation disorders. Among all the injured, 7% of women and 93% of men.
#Warm media
2/17/2025, 6:10:31 AM
The Hebrew newspaper "Yediot Aharonot": Thousands of displaced people from the north are treated as criminals and fraudsters, where the grants they obtained have been stopped so far without providing any explanation. In the Ministry of Finance, they are responsible for the Population Authority, which in turn receives the finances again.
#Warm media
2/17/2025, 6:10:45 AM
The Hebrew newspaper "Yediot Aharonot": The government ministries lost their interest in the displaced from the north, whom no one cared even before the war, and there was no motive to invest in them.
#Warm media
2/17/2025, 6:19:38 AM
The Hebrew newspaper "Yediot Aharonot": At the end of last week, for the first time since the government ordered more than 60,000 Israelis to escape quickly from their homes due to the threat of "Radwan" forces to invade the Galilee, the first media producer was recently released to the displaced. In an official announcement from the state, not through press data, they were informed with the intention of returning them to their homes and with the financial aid that will be provided to them in an attempt to gain their approval and silence.
#Warm media