A short time ago, terrorists threw in incendiary bottles at Israeli vehicles traveling on a civil axis near Nabi Elias in the Ephraim Brigade, no damage or casualties.
Upon receipt of the report, security forces jumped to the point and opened scans for the terrorists.
לפני זמן קצר, מחבלים זרקו בקבוקי תבערה לעבר רכבים ישראלים שנסעו על ציר אזרחי סמוך לנבי אליאס שבחטיבת אפרים, אין נזק או נפגעים.
עם קבלת הדיווח כוחות הביטחון קפצו לנקודה ופתחו בסריקות אחר המחבלים.
Há pouco tempo, os terroristas jogaram garrafas incendiárias em veículos israelenses que viajam em um eixo civil perto de Nabi Elias na brigada de Ephraim, sem danos ou baixas.
Após o recebimento do relatório, as forças de segurança saltaram ao ponto e abriram verificações para os terroristas.
Hace poco tiempo, los terroristas arrojaron botellas incendiarias en vehículos israelíes que viajan en un eje civil cerca de Nabi Elias en la Brigada Ephraim, sin daños ni bajas.
Al recibir el informe, las fuerzas de seguridad saltaron al punto y abrieron escaneos para los terroristas.
Вскоре назад террористы бросили зажигательные бутылки в израильских транспортных средствах, путешествующих по гражданской оси возле Наби Элиаса в бригаде Ефрема, без ущерба или жертв.
После получения отчета силы безопасности подскочили к точке и открыли сканы для террористов.
कुछ समय पहले, आतंकवादियों ने इजरायली वाहनों पर आग लगाने वाली बोतलों में फेंक दिया था, जो एप्रैम ब्रिगेड में नबी एलियास के पास एक नागरिक अक्ष पर यात्रा कर रहा था, कोई नुकसान या हताहत नहीं हुआ।
रिपोर्ट प्राप्त होने पर, सुरक्षा बलों ने बिंदु पर कूद गए और आतंकवादियों के लिए स्कैन खोले।
Il y a peu de temps, les terroristes ont jeté des bouteilles incendiaires dans des véhicules israéliens voyageant sur un axe civil près de Nabi Elias dans la brigade d'Ephraim, pas de dégâts ni de victimes.
À la réception du rapport, les forces de sécurité ont sauté au point et ont ouvert des analyses pour les terroristes.
منذ فترة قصيرة ، ألقى الإرهابيون في زجاجات حارقة في المركبات الإسرائيلية التي تسافر على محور مدني بالقرب من نبي إلياس في لواء إفرايم ، بدون ضرر أو خسائر.
عند استلام التقرير ، قفزت قوات الأمن إلى هذه النقطة وفتحت عمليات المسح للإرهابيين.
Vor kurzer Zeit warfen Terroristen Brandflaschen in israelische Fahrzeuge, die in der Ephraim -Brigade auf einer Zivilachse in der Nähe von Nabi Elias fuhren, keine Schäden oder Opfer.
Nach Erhalt des Berichts sprangen die Sicherheitskräfte auf den Punkt und eröffneten Scans für die Terroristen.
Poco tempo fa, i terroristi hanno lanciato bottiglie incendiarie a veicoli israeliani che viaggiano su un asse civile vicino a Nabi Elias nella brigata di Ephraim, nessun danno o vittime.
Al ricevimento del rapporto, le forze di sicurezza sono saltate al punto e hanno aperto le scansioni per i terroristi.
Korte tijd geleden gooiden terroristen in brandstoffen in Israëlische voertuigen die op een civiele as in de buurt van Nabi Elias in de Ephraim -brigade reisden, geen schade of slachtoffers.
Na ontvangst van het rapport sprongen veiligheidstroepen op het punt en openden scans voor de terroristen.
Πριν από λίγο καιρό, οι τρομοκράτες έριξαν εμπρηστικά μπουκάλια στα ισραηλινά οχήματα που ταξίδευαν σε έναν πολιτικό άξονα κοντά στο Nabi Elias στην Ταξιαρχία του Εφραίμ, χωρίς ζημιά ή απώλειες.
Μετά την παραλαβή της έκθεσης, οι δυνάμεις ασφαλείας πήδησαν στο σημείο και άνοιξαν σαρώσεις για τους τρομοκράτες.
2/2/2025, 6:49:21 AM
IDF Spokesperson:
Security Forces Expand Counter-Terrorism Operation in Northern Samaria to the Five Villages: The Bishal Brigade Combat Team Forces Began Operation in Tamon, Menashe Brigade
Security Forces have been operating for 12 days in a counter-terrorism operation in the Judea and Samaria Division.
Tonight (Sunday), the Bishal Brigade Combat Team began operations in the village of Tamon, Menashe Brigade, following an airstrike last week in which ten terrorists were eliminated.
So far, the forces have located weapons, including an M-16 rifle and cartridges.
Security Forces continue to operate in a counter-terrorism operation in Northern Samaria while maintaining the security of the citizens of the State of Israel.
2/2/2025, 10:01:50 AM
IDF Spokesperson:
In the coming hours, explosions are expected to be heard in the Gilboa and valley areas, as a result of IDF activity in the Jenin operation in the Menashe Brigade.
There is no fear of a security incident.
2/2/2025, 12:10:51 PM
IDF Spokesperson:
A short time ago, an Air Force aircraft fired to drive away a suspicious vehicle moving north from the center of the Gaza Strip, without crossing the agreed inspection route, thus violating the agreed outline.
Prior to the attack, many steps were taken to reduce the chance of harming bystanders, including the use of precision weapons and aerial observation.
The IDF is determined to fully comply with the terms of the agreement in order to return the kidnapped, is prepared for any scenario, and will continue to take all necessary actions to remove any immediate threat to IDF soldiers.
The IDF once again calls on Gaza residents to obey IDF instructions and not approach the forces deployed in the area.
2/2/2025, 12:33:01 PM
*IDF forces thwart drug smuggling on the Egyptian border*
Earlier today (Sunday), IDF forces identified a drone that was attempting to smuggle drugs from Egyptian territory into Israeli territory in the Har Harif area in the Paran Brigade area.
IDF fighters operating in the area thwarted the smuggling and seized approximately 60 kg of drugs.
The seized drugs were transferred to the Israel Police for further processing.
2/2/2025, 1:20:49 PM
IDF Spokesperson:
As part of the operation to thwart terrorism in northern Samaria, the IDF recently destroyed several buildings in Jenin, in the Menashe Brigade, which were used as terrorist infrastructure. More details below.