IDF Spokesman:
The Air Force aircraft soon attacked a terrorist from Hezbollah terrorist organization, which dealt with reconstruction of terrorist infrastructure and guidance Hezbollah terrorist operations in southern Lebanon.
The IDF will continue to operate threats to the State of Israel and prevent any reconstruction and establishment of the Hezbollah terrorist organization.
דובר צה"ל:
כלי טיס של חיל האוויר תקף לפני זמן קצר מחבל מארגון הטרור חיזבאללה, שעסק בשיקום תשתיות טרור והכוונת פעולות טרור של חיזבאללה בדרום לבנון.
צה״ל ימשיך לפעול להסרת איומים על מדינת ישראל וימנע כל ניסיון שיקום והתבססות של ארגון הטרור חיזבאללה.
Porta -voz da IDF:
A aeronave da Força Aérea logo atacou um terrorista da Organização Terrorista do Hezbollah, que lidou com a reconstrução da infraestrutura terrorista e orientação do Hezbollah Operações Terroristas no sul do Líbano.
As IDF continuarão operando ameaças ao Estado de Israel e impedirá qualquer reconstrução e estabelecimento da Organização Terrorista do Hezbollah.
Portavoz de las FDI:
El avión de la Fuerza Aérea pronto atacó a un terrorista de la Organización Terrorista de Hezbolá, que se ocupó de la reconstrucción de la infraestructura terrorista y la orientación de las operaciones terroristas de Hezbolá en el sur del Líbano.
Las FDI continuarán operando amenazas para el estado de Israel y evitarán cualquier reconstrucción y establecimiento de la Organización Terrorista de Hezbolá.
Представитель IDF:
Самолет ВВС вскоре напал на террориста из террористической организации Хезболлы, которая касалась реконструкции террористической инфраструктуры и руководства террористической деятельности Hzbollah в южном Ливане.
ИДФ будет продолжать осуществлять угрозы для штата Израиль и предотвратить любую реконструкцию и создание террористической организации Хезболлы.
आईडीएफ प्रवक्ता:
वायु सेना के विमान ने जल्द ही हिजबुल्लाह आतंकवादी संगठन के एक आतंकवादी पर हमला किया, जो दक्षिणी लेबनान में आतंकवादी बुनियादी ढांचे और मार्गदर्शन हिजबुल्लाह आतंकवादी संचालन के पुनर्निर्माण से निपटा।
आईडीएफ इजरायल राज्य के लिए खतरों का संचालन करना जारी रखेगा और हिजबुल्लाह आतंकवादी संगठन के किसी भी पुनर्निर्माण और स्थापना को रोक देगा।
Porte-parole de TDS:
L'avion de l'Air Force a rapidement attaqué un terroriste de l'organisation terroriste du Hezbollah, qui traitait de la reconstruction des infrastructures terroristes et des conseils du Hezbollah des opérations terroristes du Hezbollah dans le sud du Liban.
La FDI continuera de faire fonctionner les menaces contre l'État d'Israël et d'empêcher toute reconstruction et établissement de l'organisation terroriste du Hezbollah.
المتحدث باسم جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي:
سرعان ما هاجمت طائرة القوات الجوية إرهابيًا من منظمة حزب الله الإرهابية ، التي تعاملت مع إعادة بناء البنية التحتية الإرهابية والتوجيه عمليات إرهابية حزب الله في جنوب لبنان.
سيستمر جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي في تشغيل تهديدات دولة إسرائيل ومنع أي إعادة بناء وإنشاء منظمة حزب الله الإرهابية.
IDF -Sprecher:
Das Flugzeug der Luftwaffe griff bald einen Terroristen aus der Hisbollah -Terrororganisation an, der sich mit der Rekonstruktion von Terroranlagen und Leitlinien der Hisbollah -Terroristen im südlibanon befasste.
Die IDF wird weiterhin Bedrohungen für den Bundesstaat Israel bedienen und jegliche Wiederaufbau und Einrichtung der terroristischen Organisation der Hisbollah -Organisation verhindern.
Portavoce di IDF:
L'aereo dell'Aeronautica ha presto attaccato un terrorista dell'organizzazione terroristica di Hezbollah, che si occupava di ricostruzione di infrastrutture terroristiche e guida operazioni terroristiche di Hezbollah nel sud del Libano.
L'IDF continuerà a gestire minacce allo stato di Israele e impedire qualsiasi ricostruzione e istituzione dell'organizzazione terroristica di Hezbollah.
Woordvoerder van IDF:
Het Air Force -vliegtuig viel al snel een terrorist aan van de Hezbollah -terroristische organisatie, die zich bezighouden met de wederopbouw van terroristische infrastructuur en begeleiding Hezbollah terroristische operaties in Zuid -Libanon.
De IDF zal bedreigingen voor de staat Israël blijven exploiteren en elke wederopbouw en oprichting van de Hezbollah -terroristische organisatie voorkomen.
Εκπρόσωπος του IDF:
Το αεροσκάφος της Πολεμικής Αεροπορίας επιτέθηκε σύντομα σε τρομοκράτη από την τρομοκρατική οργάνωση της Χεζμπολάχ, η οποία ασχολήθηκε με την ανασυγκρότηση της τρομοκρατικής υποδομής και την καθοδήγηση των τρομοκρατικών επιχειρήσεων της Χεζμπολάχ στο νότιο Λίβανο.
Ο IDF θα συνεχίσει να λειτουργεί απειλές για το κράτος του Ισραήλ και θα αποτρέψει οποιαδήποτε ανακατασκευή και ίδρυση της τρομοκρατικής οργάνωσης της Χεζμπολάχ.
2/7/2025, 1:49:18 PM
IDF Spokesman:
US Army Center Commander (Centcom), General (*******) Michael Eric Korilla, landed this week in Israel as the official guest of the head of the General Staff, Major General Ratz Halevi.
During the visit, the commanders held a hearing with the participation of IDF officials, which dealt with assessing the regional strategic situation and in terms of ways of action to continue dealing with the threats in the Middle East, cooperating between the armies.
In addition, you talked about a variety of possible scenarios, on the upcoming and distant fronts, while improving operational readiness for every development.
The IDF sees importance and meaning to the connection and cooperation between the IDF and the United States army, and will continue to strengthen it.
2/7/2025, 2:01:54 PM
As part of the ceasefire agreement and with the aim of strengthening the defense layer:
Southern Command forces were deployed in several points in the Gaza Strip
2/9/2025, 10:37:57 AM
IDF Spokesman:
The Chief of Staff Examination to Examply Readings Forces in Center Command
On Monday, the IDF began under the guidance of the chief of staff, the rabbi of the Ratz Halevi, with a surprise in a surprise "Barak," to examine IDF forces readings to deal with terrorist events in the center's command. The forces will be examined in penetration scenarios, hinged attacks, sponsored mass audience and occurring in a number of cutouts at the same time. The exercise occurs a variety of scenarios, depending on the war lessons and the assessment of the situation.
The exercise is managed by the Operations Division in collaboration with the Central Command. The forces are practiced in several locations across the country, including the Judean and Samaria area and the valley, the Dead Sea and the Golan Heights. During the exercise, a strong movement of the security forces and the Air Forces will be felt in the area, as well as explosions.
2/9/2025, 4:47:54 PM
IDF Spokesman:
IDF forces thwarted the smuggling of weapons in the Egyptian border space
The IDF forces earned a skimmer that crossed the Egyptian area to the State of Israel in the Faran division.
After a chase in the field, the smuggling was agreed by the forces that reached the point and located the skimmer and three weapons.
The confiscated weapons were transferred to security forces.
2/9/2025, 5:47:48 PM
IDF Spokesman:
During the day (Sunday), the IDF fired a number of suspects who approached the forces operating in various spaces in the Gaza Strip and had a threat.
Navy observations identified a suspicious vessel that violated the security restrictions in the maritime space of the Gaza Strip, a fire was made to remove it and the tool moved away. In the south of the Gaza Strip, IDF fighters identified a suspect who moved near them and pregnant it.
The IDF is determined to fulfill the terms of the agreement in full for the purpose of restoring the abducted, prepare for each scenario and will continue to take all the necessary actions to remove an immediate threat to the IDF soldiers.
The IDF returned to the intense residents to obey the IDF guidelines and not to approach the forces deployed in the space.