A joint notice of IDF spokesman and Shin Bet:
According to the information provided from the Red Cross, four cabinets of abductants were transferred to him and they made their way towards the IDF and the GSS in the Gaza Strip.
הודעה משותפת לדובר צה"ל ודוברות שב"כ:
על פי המידע שנמסר מהצלב האדום, ארבעה ארונות של חטופים חללים, הועברו לידיו והם עושים את דרכם אל עבר כוח צה"ל ושב"כ בשטח הרצועה.
Um aviso conjunto do porta -voz da IDF e da shin aposta:
De acordo com as informações fornecidas da Cruz Vermelha, quatro armários de abduzentes foram transferidos para ele e eles seguiram em direção às IDF e ao GSS na faixa de Gaza.
Una notificación conjunta de Spokesman y Shin Bet:
Según la información proporcionada de la Cruz Roja, se transfirieron cuatro gabinetes de secuestrantes y se dirigieron hacia las FDI y el GSS en la Franja de Gaza.
Совместное уведомление о представителе ИДФ и Шине Бет:
Согласно информации, предоставленной из Красного Креста, ему было перенесено четыре шкафа похитителей, и они направились к ИДФ и GSS в секторе Газа.
आईडीएफ के प्रवक्ता और शिन शर्त का एक संयुक्त नोटिस:
रेड क्रॉस से प्रदान की गई जानकारी के अनुसार, अपहरणकर्ताओं के चार अलमारियाँ उसे स्थानांतरित कर दी गईं और उन्होंने गाजा पट्टी में आईडीएफ और जीएसएस की ओर अपना रास्ता बनाया।
Un avis conjoint du porte-parole de Tsahal et de Shin Bet:
Selon les informations fournies par la Croix-Rouge, quatre armoires d'abductants lui ont été transférées et ils se sont dirigés vers les FDI et le GSS dans la bande de Gaza.
إشعار مشترك من المتحدث باسم جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي ورهان شين:
وفقًا للمعلومات المقدمة من الصليب الأحمر ، تم نقل أربع خزائن من المختطفات إليه وشقوا طريقهم نحو جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي و GSS في قطاع غزة.
Eine gemeinsame Bekanntmachung des IDF -Sprechers und Shin -Wette:
Nach den Informationen des Roten Kreuzes wurden vier Schränke von Abführungsmitteln auf ihn übertragen und sie machten sich auf den Weg in die IDF und die GSS im Gazastreifen.
Un avviso congiunto di portavoce dell'IDF e Shin Bet:
Secondo le informazioni fornite dalla Croce Rossa, quattro armadi di rapiti furono trasferiti a lui e si diressero verso l'IDF e il GSS nella striscia di Gaza.
Een gezamenlijke kennisgeving van IDF -woordvoerder en Shin Bet:
Volgens de informatie van het Rode Kruis werden vier kasten van ontvoerders aan hem overgedragen en gingen zij hun weg naar de IDF en de GSS in de Gazastrook.
Μια κοινή ειδοποίηση του εκπρόσωπου της IDF και του Shin στοίχημα:
Σύμφωνα με τις πληροφορίες που παρέχονται από τον Ερυθρό Σταυρό, τέσσερα ντουλάπια απαγωγών μεταφέρθηκαν σε αυτόν και έκαναν το δρόμο τους προς τον IDF και το GSS στη Λωρίδα της Γάζας.
2/25/2025, 6:04:32 AM
IDF Spokesman:
*The Home Front Command density test will be held today in the Daphne, the rest of the settlement and Dan*
The Home Front Command's Northern Test will be held on Tuesday at 11:05 pm, at 12:05 in Daphne, at 13:05 at the rest of the settlement and at 14:05 in Dan.
If you go alert, you will hear another alarm, and at the same time a warning will also be applied to the Home Front Command and a complementary alert.
More information can be found at the Home Front Command at phone 104, using Wattsap Masters to call 052-9104104, at the National Portal at: Oref.org.il and on social networks.
2/25/2025, 6:40:53 AM
IDF Spokesman:
Primary: Alerts on the penetration of hostile aircraft in Jonathan, the details in the test.
2/25/2025, 6:45:12 AM
IDF Spokesman:
Midrats were launched shortly before a suspicious aerial target in the Golan Heights, the details of the test.
2/25/2025, 7:06:53 AM
IDF Spokesman:
Further to the warnings that were operated at 8:39 AM on suspicion of penetrating hostile aircraft in Jonathan, Herspin and the level of fulfillment, interceptors were launched toward two suspicious air targets that turned out to be a false identification. The event ended and was in the investigation.
Alerts on rocket and missile shooting were activated with firm stones following fear of falling fracture, no casualties.
2/25/2025, 9:58:35 AM
IDF Spokesman:
Following the inspectors heard in the sky earlier today, this is a routine Air Force training.
There is no fear of a security event, the event in the investigation.