"Even I don't know what the scenario schedule is today":
The "Kasif" patrol boat sailed for a series of exercises faster than the waves
"אפילו אני לא יודע מה לו"ז התרחישים היום":
סיירת "כסיף" הפליגה לסדרת תרגילים מהירה יותר מהגלים
“Nem eu sei qual é o cronograma do cenário hoje”:
O cruzador "Kasif" navegou para uma série de exercícios mais rápido que as ondas
"Ni siquiera yo sé cuál es el escenario previsto para hoy":
El barco patrullero "Kasif" navegó para una serie de ejercicios más rápido que las olas
«Даже я не знаю, какой сегодня сценарий»:
Патрульный катер «Касиф» отправился на серию учений быстрее волн
"मुझे भी नहीं पता कि आज का परिदृश्य क्या है":
"कासिफ" गश्ती नाव ने लहरों की तुलना में अधिक तेजी से अभ्यास की एक श्रृंखला के लिए रवाना हुई
« Même moi, je ne sais pas quel est le programme du scénario aujourd'hui » :
Le patrouilleur « Kasif » a navigué plus vite que les vagues pour une série d'exercices
"حتى أنا لا أعرف ما هو جدول السيناريو اليوم":
أبحر الطراد "كاسف" في سلسلة من التمارين أسرع من الأمواج
„Selbst ich weiß nicht, wie der Szenarioplan heute aussieht“:
Das Patrouillenboot "Kasif" segelte für eine Reihe von Übungen schneller als die Wellen
"Nemmeno io so quale sia il programma dello scenario di oggi":
La motovedetta "Kasif" ha navigato per una serie di esercitazioni più veloce delle onde
Italiano: https://www.idf.il/264188
"Zelfs ik weet niet wat het scenario vandaag is":
De patrouilleboot "Kasif" voer voor een reeks oefeningen sneller dan de golven
«Ούτε εγώ ξέρω ποιο είναι το πρόγραμμα του σεναρίου σήμερα»:
Το περιπολικό σκάφος «Κασίφ» έπλευσε για μια σειρά ασκήσεων πιο γρήγορα από τα κύματα
Operation in Judea and Samaria continues:
Cherry forces stopped 5 terrorists in the Toloram area during the night
2/22/2025, 7:55:05 AM
A joint notice of IDF spokesman and Shin Bet:
According to the information provided from the Red Cross, two kidnappers were transferred to him and they made their way to the IDF and the GSS in the Gaza Strip.
The IDF is prepared to absorb additional kidnappers that will move to the Red Cross later.
2/22/2025, 8:06:57 AM
A joint notice of IDF spokesman and Shin Bet:
Two kidnappers have now moved to IDF power and Shin Bet in the Gaza Strip
Two kidnappers are now accompanied by an elite IDF unit and the Shin Bet power on their way to Israel, where an initial medical evaluation will be underway.
IDF commanders and soldiers salute and embrace the return on their way to Israel.
An IDF spokesman asks the public to discover responsibility and sensitivity and respect the privacy of the return.
The IDF is prepared to absorb additional kidnappers that will move to the Red Cross later.
2/22/2025, 8:24:38 AM
A joint notice of IDF spokesman and Shin Bet:
The two return citizens have now crossed the border into Israeli territory with IDF and GSS power
The return citizens are accompanied by IDF and GSS power, shortly cut the border into the territory of the State of Israel and are now on their way to the initial absorption point in the Gaza Strip where they will meet with their families.
The IDF is prepared to absorb additional kidnappers that will move to the Red Cross later.