Intelligence Agency: Arrest of 3 terrorists belonging to ISIS terrorist gangs in Salah al-Din Governorate
وكالة الاستخبارات: القبض على 3 إرهابيين ينتمون إلى عصابات داعش الإرهابية في محافظة صلاح الدين
情报机构:在萨拉赫丁省逮捕 3 名属于 ISIS 恐怖团伙的恐怖分子
Agência de Inteligência: Prisão de 3 terroristas pertencentes a gangues terroristas do ISIS na província de Salah al-Din
Agencia de Inteligencia: Detención de tres terroristas pertenecientes a bandas terroristas del ISIS en la Gobernación de Saladino
Разведывательное агентство: арест 3 террористов, принадлежащих к террористическим бандам ИГИЛ в провинции Салах-эд-Дин
खुफिया एजेंसी: सलाह अल-दीन प्रांत में आईएसआईएस आतंकवादी गिरोहों से जुड़े 3 आतंकवादियों की गिरफ्तारी
Agence de renseignement : Arrestation de 3 terroristes appartenant aux gangs terroristes de l'EI dans la province de Salah al-Din
وكالة الاستخبارات: القبض على 3 إرهابيين ينتمون إلى عصابات داعش الإرهابية في محافظة صلاح الدين
Geheimdienst: Im Gouvernement Salah al-Din wurden drei Terroristen der Terrorbanden des IS festgenommen
Intelligence Agency: Arrestati 3 terroristi appartenenti alle bande terroristiche dell'ISIS nel governatorato di Salah al-Din
Inlichtingendienst: Arrestatie van 3 terroristen die behoren tot de terroristische bendes van ISIS in het gouvernement Salah al-Din
Υπηρεσία Πληροφοριών: 3 τρομοκράτες που ανήκαν σε τρομοκρατικές συμμορίες του ISIS συνελήφθησαν στο Κυβερνείο Salah al-Din
1/12/2025, 10:23:04 AM
The Palestine Committee of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly holds its meeting in the capital, Baghdad, and calls for an immediate end to the aggression on Gaza
12/30/2024, 1:20:35 PM
Counter-Terrorism Service: 7 ISIS members killed and 22 guest houses destroyed on the borders between Salah al-Din, Kirkuk and Diyala
The Council of Ministers approves the authorization of the Minister of Finance or her authorized representative to sign the loan agreement to finance the implementation of combined cycle projects for the benefit of the Ministry of Electricity, for the Kirkuk Gas Station.