Drug Affairs Directorate: Arrest of (116) international traffickers, seizure of (3) tons and (150) kg of various narcotic substances, and sentencing of (82) international drug traffickers to death during 2024
مديرية شؤون المخدرات: القبض على (116) متاجراً دولياً وضبط (3) أطنان و(150) كغم من مختلف المواد المخدرة والحكم على (82) متاجراً دولياً بالمخدرات بالإعدام خلال 2024
Direcção de Assuntos de Estupefacientes: Detenção de (116) traficantes internacionais, apreensão de (3) toneladas e (150) kg de diversas substâncias narcóticas e condenação de (82) traficantes internacionais de droga à morte durante 2024.
Dirección de Asuntos Estupefacientes: Arrestar a (116) narcotraficantes internacionales, incautar (3) toneladas y (150) kg de diversas sustancias estupefacientes y condenar a muerte a (82) narcotraficantes internacionales durante 2024.
Управление по делам наркотиков: арестовать (116) международных торговцев наркотиками, конфисковать (3) тонны и (150) кг различных наркотических веществ и приговорить (82) международных торговца наркотиками к смертной казни в течение 2024 года.
नारकोटिक्स मामलों का निदेशालय: 2024 के दौरान (116) अंतर्राष्ट्रीय तस्करों को गिरफ्तार करना, (3) टन और (150) किलोग्राम विभिन्न नशीले पदार्थों को जब्त करना, और (82) अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ड्रग तस्करों को मौत की सजा देना।
Direction des Affaires Stupéfiantes : Arrêter (116) trafiquants internationaux, saisir (3) tonnes et (150) kg de diverses substances stupéfiantes et condamner à mort (82) trafiquants internationaux de drogue au cours de l'année 2024.
مديرية شؤون المخدرات: القبض على (116) متاجراً دولياً وضبط (3) أطنان و(150) كغم من مختلف المواد المخدرة والحكم على (82) متاجراً دولياً بالمخدرات بالإعدام خلال 2024
Direktion für Betäubungsmittelangelegenheiten: Festnahme von (116) internationalen Drogenhändlern, Beschlagnahmung von (3) Tonnen und (150) kg verschiedener Betäubungsmittel und Verurteilung von (82) internationalen Drogenhändlern zum Tode im Jahr 2024.
Direzione per gli affari degli stupefacenti: arresto di (116) trafficanti internazionali, sequestro di (3) tonnellate e (150) kg di varie sostanze stupefacenti e condanna a morte (82) trafficanti internazionali di droga nel 2024.
Directoraat Narcoticazaken: Arresteren van (116) internationale drugshandelaren, in beslag nemen van (3) ton en (150) kg verschillende verdovende middelen, en het ter dood veroordelen van (82) internationale drugshandelaren in 2024.
Διεύθυνση Υποθέσεων Ναρκωτικών: Σύλληψη (116) διεθνών διακινητών, κατάσχεση (3) τόνων και (150) κιλών διαφόρων ναρκωτικών ουσιών και καταδίκη (82) διεθνών διακινητών ναρκωτικών σε θάνατο το 2024
Rafidain Bank announces the start of distributing retirees' salaries for the month of January
1/5/2025, 4:39:49 PM
Car bomb explodes in Idlib, Syria
1/5/2025, 4:43:13 PM
The President of the Republic on the occasion of the (104) anniversary of the founding of the Iraqi army
- We recall with great pride and honor the heroism of the Iraqi army as it confronted the forces of terrorism that wanted to harm Iraq.
- Building a national army capable of facing challenges and rearming it with the latest weapons and equipment must be a top priority.
- The planning and hopes of everyone who thought and is thinking of returning the dictatorial regime, whose tragedies still bear witness to its injustice, tyranny, brutality and aggression, have been disappointed.
- Our message in building our national army is to protect the people, protect their freedom and constitution, and defend the borders of the homeland, not to threaten the security of the neighborhood and the stability of the region
1/5/2025, 4:46:12 PM
Minister of Education announces the recruitment of more than 3,000 international students within the Study in Iraq program