Trams like Osama bin Laden
Snl stabbing SNL with Tram:
Tramf, a purchase session, as a result of the pensation of the head of a Sarra, or the country, or the country, is not. He is Sarra, I want bin Laden.
☑️ @Sepah_pasdaran
☑️تشبیه ترامپ به اسامه بن لادن
طعنه مجری SNL به ترامپ:
ترامپ در جلسه مشترک با کنگره مدعی شد هیچ رئیس جمهوری سریعتر از او دولت را تغییر نداده است. هیچ کس هم سریعتر از بن لادن سیستم امنیت فرودگاهها را تغییر نداد.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
Bondes como Osama bin Laden
SNL esfaqueando SNL com bonde:
Tramf, uma sessão de compra, como resultado da pensamento da cabeça de um Sarra, ou do país, ou do país, não é. Ele é Sarra, eu quero Bin Laden.
Tranvías como Osama bin Laden
SNL Stabbing SNL con tranvía:
Tramf, una sesión de compra, como resultado de la pensación del jefe de un Sarra, del país o el país, no lo es. Él es Sarra, quiero bin Laden.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
Трамваи, такие как Усама бен Ладен
SNL наносит удар SNL с трамвахом:
Трэмф, сессия покупки в результате Pensation главы Sarra, или страны, или страны, нет. Он Сарра, я хочу бен Ладена.
☑ @sepah_pasdaran
ओसामा बिन लादेन की तरह ट्राम
SNL TRAM के साथ SNL को छुरा घोंपता है:
ट्राम, एक खरीद सत्र, एक सररा, या देश, या देश के प्रमुख के पेन्सेशन के परिणामस्वरूप नहीं है। वह सररा है, मुझे बिन लादेन चाहिए।
☑ @sepah_pasdaran
Trams comme Oussama ben Laden
SNL poignardant SNL avec tram:
Tramf, une session d'achat, à la suite de la pension de la tête d'une Sarra, du pays, ou du pays, ne l'est pas. Il est Sarra, je veux Ben Laden.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️تشبیه ترامپ به اسامه بن لادن
طعنه مجری SNL به ترامپ:
ترامپ در جلسه مشترک با کنگره مدعی شد هیچ رئیس جمهوری سریعتر از او دولت را تغییر نداده است. هیچ کس هم سریعتر از بن لادن سیستم امنیت فرودگاهها را تغییر نداد.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
Straßenbahnen wie Osama bin Laden
SNL Stechen SNL mit Straßenbahn:
Tramf, eine Kaufsitzung, aufgrund der Pensation des Kopfes eines Sarra oder des Landes oder des Landes ist dies nicht der Fall. Er ist Sarra, ich will Bin Laden.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
Tram come Osama bin Laden
SNL pugnalando SNL con tram:
Tramf, una sessione di acquisto, a seguito della pensa del capo di una Sarra, del paese, o del paese, non lo è. È Sarra, voglio bin Laden.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
Trams zoals Osama Bin Laden
SNL Stabbing SNL met tram:
Tramf, een inkoopsessie, als gevolg van de pension van het hoofd van een Sarra of het land, of het land, niet. Hij is Sarra, ik wil Bin Laden.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
Τραμ όπως ο Οσάμα Μπιν Λάντεν
SNL μαχαιρώνει SNL με τραμ:
Το Tramf, μια συνεδρία αγοράς, ως αποτέλεσμα της τελετουργίας του επικεφαλής ενός Sarra, ή της χώρας ή της χώρας, δεν είναι. Είναι Sarra, θέλω τον Μπιν Λάντεν.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/30/2024, 2:39:13 PM
☑️ Hussein Aqa Jabha, Murid Haj Qasim
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/30/2024, 2:46:46 PM
It was disturbed by the Israeli regime and its forces, as a result of a strike against the resistance force in Beit Hanoun, in the north of Gaza.
🌹 God is Great, and praise be to God
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/30/2024, 2:47:14 PM
☑️🔥🔥 #Immediate / Jordan Kassam: The Zionist regime in Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza has come to the end of Yassin 105 and is now in ruins. Niz Kashta and Zakhmi Shadand.
🌹 God is great and God is great
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/30/2024, 3:34:02 PM
Kurdish Mujahideen media divisions, where are their guards, in my operations, in Jabalia, in the northern part of Gaza, there is a regular gate in the Zionist occupation area, near the border, and at zero distances, 5 Nizami Israeli on the market.
Assuming confirmation of the Kurds of the Mujahideen, these are the tanks that have been placed in them, with a ring attached to them, and there is an Israeli system pocket inside the iPod, with Narangkahai Dasti is the goal of Dadand's decision, so that his concern is that he is busy and his momentum is strong.
🌹 God is Great, and praise be to God
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
1/29/2025, 5:56:48 PM
☑️Financial harmony; I have a lot of logos, I made my money
With the design of the economic and economic consultations, we will discuss the differences between the countries that created Mali (Porse, Bank and Bank), “financial agreement; “Sarmayeh Milli” has the title of the slogan “This is the heart of the Millennium Election”.
Saleh Sepasdar Tehran, Member of the Political Council of Roydad Sanat Mali:
Havdahmin Rouydad is among the Iranian financial institutions (Borse, Bank and Bahrain) currently with the participation of economic and financial institutions in the country on the date of 18-21 Khordad 1404 in a permanent place. What is the matter between the Tehran militias and the Ministry of Finance that is seeking to design a strategic and procedural consultation here? “Financial agreement”; “Sarmayeh Milli” has the title of the slogan “This is the heart of the Millennium Election”.
In order to improve the financial blackness of all of Mardam and Ashnay with its financial resources and the financial services of its companies and the industries of shores, it conforms to the national program and the image of its room. This is a course in which we have created a financial center and a way to advance financial blackness on the path of the mercenaries. This is a course in high education, specialized conferences, debates and conferences, and this is the transition to the experience of mediation in Peshksotana. I dashed.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran