🎴 Monette and Baysrst
Mimer, Biri, she ends Zindag, and ACI Roo Roha Rojat Assistant Charity! It is sufficient for it, with the references of Nagahi Bandazid and Bennid Kah and Sayyal, Zindji Rohn, and even Bray Mashtt,
Ba, the amount of Twan Darid Maryton An account #formation of good things, a mosque, I attended the existing (p) 👇
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🏮 In addition to the exchange of good things and Farhanji Mishoud.
🎴 مادر تنها و بیسرپرست چشم انتظار کمکه!
مادر پیری که تنها زندگی میکنه و کسی رو نداره شرایط مساعدی نداره! کافیه به تصاویر بالا نگاهی بندازید و ببینید که وسایل اولیه زندگی رو ندارن و حتی برای معیشت و پخت غذا هم با مشکلات شدیدی روبه رو هستن ...
با هر مبلغی که توان دارید میتونید کمک کنید تا توی این ماه مبارک دل این مادر رو شاد کنیم و شرایط زندگیشون رو بهتر کنیم؛ حساب #رسمی امور خیریه مسجد حضرت قائم(عج)👇
● 6037997599856011
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🏮مبالغ اضافه صرف سایر امور خیر و فرهنگی میشود.
🎴 Monette e Baysrst
Mimer, Biri, ela termina Zindag, e ACI Roo Roha Rojat Assistant Charity! É suficiente para isso, com as referências de Nagahi bandazid e Bennid Kah e Sayyal, Zindji Rohn e até Bray Mashtt,
BA, a quantidade de Twan Darid Maryton Uma conta #Formação de coisas boas, uma mesquita, eu participei do (p) existente 👇
● 6037997599856011
● 900170000000107026251004
🏮 Além da troca de coisas boas e Farhanji Mishoud.
🎴 Monette y Baysrst
¡Mimer, Biri, ella termina Zindag, y Aci Roo Roha Rojat Caridad Asistente! Es suficiente para eso, con las referencias de Nagahi Bandazid y Bennid Kah y Sayyal, Zindji Rohn e incluso Bray Mashtt,
BA, la cantidad de Twan Darid Maryton Una cuenta #Formación de cosas buenas, una mezquita, asistí a la (P) existente 👇
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🏮 Además del intercambio de cosas buenas y Farhanji Mishoud.
🎴 Monette и Baysrst
Мимер, Бири, она заканчивает Зиндаг и Аси Ру Роха Рохат, помощник благотворительности! Этого достаточно, со ссылками на Наги Бандарзид и Беннид Ка и Сайял, Зинджи Рон и даже Брей Маштт,
Ba, количество Твен Дарид Мэритон Аккаунт #formation of Good Things, мечеть, я присутствовал на существующем (P) 👇
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🏮 В дополнение к обмену хорошими вещами и Фарханджи Мишуд.
🎴 मोनेट और बेज़्रस्ट
Mimer, Biri, वह Zindag, और Aci Roo Roha Rojat सहायक चैरिटी को समाप्त करती है! यह इसके लिए पर्याप्त है, नगाही बैंडज़िड और बेनिड काह और सैय्यल, ज़िंदजी रोहन और यहां तक कि ब्रे मैश्ट के संदर्भों के साथ,
बीए, ट्वान डारिद मैरीटन की राशि अच्छी चीजों का एक खाता #सूचना, एक मस्जिद, मैंने मौजूदा (पी) 👇 में भाग लिया
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🏮 अच्छी चीजों के आदान -प्रदान के अलावा और फरहानजी मिशौड।
🎴 Monette et Baysrst
Mimer, Biri, elle termine Zindag et Aci Roo Roha Rojat Assistant Charity! Il suffit de cela, avec les références de Nagahi Bandazid et Bennid Kah et Sayyal, Zindji Rohn et même Bray Mashtt,
BA, le montant de Twan Darid Maryton Un compte #formation de bonnes choses, une mosquée, j'ai assisté au (P) existant 👇
● 6037997599856011
● 900170000000107026251004
🏮 En plus de l'échange de bonnes choses et de Farhanji Mishoud.
🎴 مادر تنها و بیسرپرست چشم انتظار کمکه!
مادر پیری که تنها زندگی میکنه و کسی رو نداره شرایط مساعدی نداره! کافیه به تصاویر بالا نگاهی بندازید و ببینید که وسایل اولیه زندگی رو ندارن و حتی برای معیشت و پخت غذا هم با مشکلات شدیدی روبه رو هستن ...
با هر مبلغی که توان دارید میتونید کمک کنید تا توی این ماه مبارک دل این مادر رو شاد کنیم و شرایط زندگیشون رو بهتر کنیم؛ حساب #رسمی امور خیریه مسجد حضرت قائم(عج)👇
● 6037997599856011
● 900170000000107026251004
🏮مبالغ اضافه صرف سایر امور خیر و فرهنگی میشود.
🎴 Monette und Baysrst
Mimer, Biri, sie beendet Zindag und Aci Roo Roha Rojat Assistant Charity! Es reicht dafür aus, mit den Referenzen von Nagahi Bandazid und Bennid Kah und Sayyal, Zindji Rohn und sogar Bray Mashtt.
BA, die Menge an Twan Darid Maryton Eine Account #Formation guter Dinge, eine Moschee, ich habe an der vorhandenen (p) 👇 teilgenommen
● 6037997599856011
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🏮 Zusätzlich zum Austausch guter Dinge und Farhanji Mishoud.
🎴 Monette e Baysrst
Mimer, Biri, finisce Zindag e Aci Roo Roha Roha Rojat Assistente di beneficenza! È sufficiente per questo, con i riferimenti di Nagahi Bandazid e Bennid Kah e Sayyal, Zindji Rohn e persino Bray Mashtt,
BA, la quantità di Twan Darid Maryton Un account #Formation of Good Things, una moschea, ho partecipato all'esistente (P) 👇
● 6037997599856011
● 900170000000107026251004
🏮 Oltre allo scambio di cose buone e Farhanji Mishoud.
🎴 Monette en Baysrst
Mimer, Biri, ze eindigt Zindag en Aci Roo Roha Rojat Assistant Charity! Het is er voldoende voor, met de referenties van Nagahi Bandazid en Bennid Kah en Sayyal, Zindji Rohn, en zelfs Bray Mashtt,
Ba, het bedrag van Twan Darid Maryton Een account #formatie van goede dingen, een moskee, ik heb de bestaande (P) 👇 bijgewoond
● 6037997599856011
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🏮 Naast de uitwisseling van goede dingen en Farhanji verkeerd.
🎴 Monette και Baysrst
Mimer, Biri, τελειώνει Zindag, και Aci Roo Roha Rojat Βοηθός Φιλανθρωπία! Αρκεί γι 'αυτό, με τις αναφορές των Nagahi Bandazid και Bennid Kah και Sayyal, Zindji Rohn, ακόμα και Bray Mashtt,
Ba, το ποσό του Twan Darid Maryton Ένας λογαριασμός #Formation of Good Things, ένα τζαμί, παρακολούθησα το υπάρχον (P) 👇
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🏮 Εκτός από την ανταλλαγή καλών πραγμάτων και του Farhanji Mishoud.
2/3/2025, 3:34:36 PM
☑️Pezeshkian in front of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan:
🔹Change the name of the region with this address, which is acceptable to NIST.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
2/3/2025, 4:15:20 PM
🎴 I hope you will survive with #how much to have in your life!
This is Badr Bazargwar 4 when you enter just a house; What is the evidence of a heart attack that is in danger? It is necessary to perform a heart attack immediately, in order to have a heartbeat. There is no evidence of a heart attack, but there is a surgical call. Do you want to decorate it with furniture?
At the same time, you will need to specify the desired number so that there is no need for it. #official account of the charity of Hazrat Qaim Mosque (may God bless him and grant him peace)👇
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🏮Additional sums for spending on other good and happy things.
2/3/2025, 4:22:39 PM
☑️ Farmandah Kol-Arsh: The time of Iran, Iran is the border and borders of the country.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
2/3/2025, 5:19:12 PM
☑️ If you want to go to the original stage, you will need to remove air conditioning in the southwest and central regions of Iran.
🔹At this stage, security, surveillance, radar, electronic and signal transmissions, information, communications, and electronic devices are under the guidance of a large network. Defend the air in this area with a variety of objectives, and it is clear that they are a tactical approach.
🔹Razmish is under the guidance of a large network to protect the air and target of Anjam and to exercise diapers in the home of Iran.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
2/3/2025, 5:48:04 PM
☑️ They are the new chapter of Hosseinieh Maali, and they are the campaign of BBC English in this program!
A new English language system with Israeli International Television, with the start of a new chapter for Hosseiniyah Maali, campaigns to sabotage this television program in Arabic. Kurdand.
These campaigns and his opinions are ridiculous, his criticism of this TV programme. Currently, there are many puzzles like this. These are previous campaigns that have been inflicted on him, and the view of the constitution of the media has been harsh on him. This is his message. It is forbidden to make any kind of shady cat. Before Mardam, Iran, there was a horror and desolation at the University of Iran.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran