🔺 Hassan Rouhani: I command you, a shame of respect for Iran Ndard!
Amkaki, her Der Mour, Siami Khaoud Mowaffaq Naboudand, as for what he did not know, between the boredom, my stomach is important.
Daddah, Lah Tawantim, Amarka Ra Shukast Dahim.
Humanand, I miss you, Berbar, so he felt it and wounded it.
Amarka Rosi Khadadid Fahid Fahir Popcorn, he saw that he treated Iran Nest; Rahal, she ends up, and Szanda Est.
Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻
☑️ @Sepahcybery
🔺حسن روحانی: آمریکا راهی جز احترام به ایران ندارد!
آمریکاییها در امور سیاسی خود موفق نبودند، اما ما در عرصههای بینالمللی دستاوردهای مهمی داشتهایم.
در دادگاه لاهه توانستیم آمریکا را شکست دهیم.
همانند گذشته، در برابر فشارها و تحریمهای آمریکا ایستادگی میکنیم.
آمریکا روزی خواهد فهمید که فشار، راه تعامل با ایران نیست؛ تنها راهحل، احترام متقابل و تعامل سازنده است.
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
🔺 Hassan Rouhani: Eu comando você, uma vergonha do respeito pelo Irã Ndard!
Amkaki, seu Der Mour, Siami Khaoud Mowaffaq Naboudand, como o que ele não sabia, entre o tédio, meu estômago é importante.
Daddah, Lah Tawantim, Amarka Ra Shukast Dahim.
Human e, sinto sua falta, Berbar, então ele sentiu e feriu.
Amarka Rosi Khadadid Fahid Fahir Pipoca, ele viu que tratava o Ninho do Irã; Rahal, ela acaba e Szanda est.
Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻
☑️ @Sepahcybery
🔺 Hassan Rouhani: ¡Te ordeno, una pena de respeto por Irán Ndard!
Amkaki, su Der Mour, Siami Khaoud Mowaffaq Naboudand, en cuanto a lo que no sabía, entre el aburrimiento, mi estómago es importante.
Daddah, lah Tawantim, Amarka Ra Shukast Dahim.
Humanand, te extraño, Berbar, así que lo sintió y lo hirió.
Amarka Rosi Khadadid Fahid Fahir Popcorn, vio que trataba a Irán Nest; Rahal, ella termina, y Szanda Est.
Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻
☑️ @sepahcybery
🔺 Хасан Рухани: Я приказываю тебе, позор уважения к Ирану Ндарду!
Амкаки, ее дер -мур, Сиами Хауд Моваффак Набуданд. Что касается того, что он не знал, между скукой, мой живот важен.
Дадда, Ла -Тавантим, Амарка Ра Шукаст Дахим.
Человек и я скучаю по тебе, Бербар, поэтому он почувствовал это и ранил.
Амарка Рози Хададид Фахид Фахир Попкорн, он увидел, что относился к Иранскому гнезду; Рахал, она заканчивается, и Szanda Est.
Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻 👇🏻
☑ @sepahcybery
🔺 हसन रूहानी: मैं आपको आज्ञा देता हूं, ईरान ndard के लिए सम्मान की शर्म की बात है!
Amkaki, उसका डेर मोर, सियामी खौद मावफाक नबौदंद, जैसा कि वह नहीं जानता था, बोरियत के बीच, मेरा पेट महत्वपूर्ण है।
दादह, लाह तवंतिम, अमरका रा शुकस्ट दहिम।
ह्यूमनंड, आई मिस यू, बर्बर, इसलिए उन्होंने इसे महसूस किया और इसे घायल कर दिया।
अमरका रोजी खददिद फहिद फहिर पॉपकॉर्न, उन्होंने देखा कि उन्होंने ईरान नेस्ट का इलाज किया; राहल, वह समाप्त हो जाती है, और स्ज़ांडा एस्ट।
सिबा सिपेरी पास्ड्रान 👇🏻
☑ @sepahcybery
🔺 Hassan Rouhani: Je vous commande, une honte de respect pour l'Iran ndard!
Amkaki, son der Mour, Siami Khaoud Mowaffaq Naboudand, comme pour ce qu'il ne savait pas, entre l'ennui, mon estomac est important.
Daddah, Lah Tawantim, Amarka Ra Shukast Dahim.
Humanand, tu me manques, Berbar, alors il l'a ressenti et blessé.
Amarka Rosi Khadadid Fahid Fahir Popcorn, il a vu qu'il traitait le nid iranien; Rahal, elle se retrouve, et Szanda est.
Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻
☑️ @sepahcybery
🔺حسن روحانی: آمریکا راهی جز احترام به ایران ندارد!
آمریکاییها در امور سیاسی خود موفق نبودند، اما ما در عرصههای بینالمللی دستاوردهای مهمی داشتهایم.
در دادگاه لاهه توانستیم آمریکا را شکست دهیم.
همانند گذشته، در برابر فشارها و تحریمهای آمریکا ایستادگی میکنیم.
آمریکا روزی خواهد فهمید که فشار، راه تعامل با ایران نیست؛ تنها راهحل، احترام متقابل و تعامل سازنده است.
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
🔺 Hassan Rouhani: Ich befehle Ihnen, eine Schande des Respekts für den Iran Ndard!
Amkaki, ihr der Mour, Siami Khaoud Mowaffaq Naboudand, was er nicht wusste, zwischen der Langeweile ist mein Magen wichtig.
Daddah, Lah Tawantim, Amarka Ra Shukast Dahim.
Humanand, ich vermisse dich, Berbar, also fühlte er es und verwundete es.
Amarka Rosi Khadadid Fahid Fahir Popcorn, er sah, dass er das iranische Nest behandelte; Rahal, sie endet und Szanda Est.
Sibah siperi pasdarran 👇🏻
☑️ @sepahcybery
🔺 Hassan Rouhani: ti comando, un peccato di rispetto per l'Iran Ndard!
Amkaki, il suo der Mour, Siami Khaoud Mowaffaq Naboudand, come per quello che non sapeva, tra la noia, il mio stomaco è importante.
Daddah, Lah Tawantim, Amarka Ra Shukast Dahim.
Humanand, mi manchi, Berbar, quindi l'ha sentito e ferito.
Popcorn Amarka Rosi Khadadid Fahid Fahid, vide che trattava il nido dell'Iran; Rahal, finisce e Szanda Est.
Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻
☑️ @sepahcybery
🔺 Hassan Rouhani: Ik beveel je, jammer van respect voor Iran ndard!
Amkaki, haar der mour, Siami Khaoud Mowaffaq Naboudand, wat hij niet wist, tussen de verveling, mijn maag is belangrijk.
Daddah, Lah Tawantim, Amarka Ra Shukast Dahim.
Humanand, ik mis je, Berbar, dus hij voelde het en verwondde het.
Amarka Rosi Khadadid Fahid Fahir Popcorn, hij zag dat hij Iran Nest behandelde; Rahal, ze eindigt en Szanda Est.
Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻 👇🏻
☑️ @Sepahcybery
🔺 Hassan Rouhani: Σας διατάζω, μια ντροπή του σεβασμού για το Ιράν ndard!
Amkaki, το Der Mour, Siami Khaoud Mowaffaq Naboudand, όπως για αυτό που δεν γνώριζε, μεταξύ της πλήξης, το στομάχι μου είναι σημαντικό.
Daddah, Lah Tawantim, Amarka Ra Shukast Dahim.
Humanand, μου λείπεις, Berbar, έτσι το ένιωσε και το τραυμάτισε.
Amarka Rosi Khadadid Fahid Fahir Popcorn, είδε ότι αντιμετώπισε το Ιράν φωλιά. Rahal, καταλήγει, και Szanda Est.
Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻
☑️ @sepahcybery
1/23/2025, 1:31:58 PM
💢Taliban carrying a Shiite convoy to Bazdasht Kurd
Naqibullah Alamyar, Sakhngoi Farmandehy, there is a group of members of the ISIS religious group in the provinces of Khabardad and Afzod. These individuals have been carrying out a convoy of Shiite people for days. Hosseini Forty and the Khunin explosion in Sizdham Aban Sal Jariya in Sarpol Histand.
What's wrong with you?
1/23/2025, 1:41:10 PM
Illustration by critical critics of Bosnian and Herzgoin
What's wrong with you?
1/23/2025, 2:01:50 PM
🚫 2 An Iraqi was followed by severe thunderstorms in Ahvaz for about 72 hours.
General Dadestan and the coup of Khuzestan Center:
🔹 The garden of the Bar Rabaish building, 2 Shahrvand, Iraqi, in the countryside of Iran, the Kurdistan Region of Budapest, the next person to pay and pay, demanding 30 billion riyals in cash in the form of a dollar. Kurda Budand.
🔹 With the constitution and the state of affairs, and only after 72 hours of the time an accident occurred, with the success of artistic actions and regularity factors, a whole heartbeat without a response, it is his face and the complete safety of Azad Shadand.
🔹The disappearance of the financial system and constitution of the human factors in order to achieve the result of the constitution of the car in this country, and the legal system and the regularity of the court are completely complete without any interruption to the people of this country.
What's wrong with you?
1/23/2025, 2:32:54 PM
Iran's religious authority, Ansar Allah, with the mediation of America, is condemned as a response.
🔹Sakhngoi visited foreign affairs of Iran, the feet of America visited foreign affairs, according to the decision of Daden Ansar Allah, from the list, in which the terminology of a foreign ruler of a convict Kurd, and the feet of America’s rulers, were indexed. Neslikshi Mardam Gaza is mediated by its Zionists.
What's wrong with you?
1/23/2025, 4:34:29 PM
⚜️ Indicating the rights of banks in the care of scientific centers in Muttrah, near the city center:
💠 The first margin has banking rights
Its main topics:
🔻The principles of Islamic banking and banking law in Iran
🔻Shahrvandi rights are available in the bank system.
🔻 Connecting to the power supply of glasses via a bank network
🔻What are the effective legal guidance and banking considerations?
🔻The system of rice kashur, its edah and its rahkarha.
🔻Reforming the document system based on the Sanji consideration system Goalmand
🔻Asib Shanasi, a legal representative who covers bank services.
🔻 What are the financial barriers to your legal needs?
🔻Iranian criminal policy in the possession of Crime Police - Bank
🔻 All bank lawsuits filed in courts and procedural offices.
🔻Criticize and confirm opinions
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📆 Deadline for submitting articles: 7 minutes
📆 Burgazar Hamish: 7 and 8 Ardibahashtama 1404
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🔴 Articles about this topic are published in a well-known and widely published scholarly publication.
⚖️ And the rights of Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him
🆔 @bankinglaw_isu