🔺 Tahhan Kidaf: The elections of Shura are Sall ۱۰۵ Bergzar Khaddat Al -Shaddah
Sakhuy Shuray Nabban Gift: Shuray Nabban put forward a material reform of the law of shadows and elections of Shurai Islami, Kashr Ra Tayed, Kurds Benbreen Berzari, the elections of Shura, with whom the recklessness of the devotions.
Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻
☑️ @Sepahcybery
🔺 طحان نظیف: انتخابات شوراها سال ۱۴۰۵ برگزار خواهد شد
سخنگوی شورای نگهبان گفت : شورای نگهبان طرح اصلاح موادی از قانون وظایف تشکیلات و انتخابات شوراهای اسلامی کشور را تایید کرد بنابراین برگزاری انتخابات شوراها به تعویق خواهد افتاد.
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
🔺塔哈·基德(Tahhan Kidaf):舒拉的选举是sall ۱۰۵ bergzar khaddat al -shaddah
Sakhuy Shuray Nabban礼物:Shuray Nabban提出了对Shurai Islami的阴影和选举的重大改革,Kashr ra Tayed,Kurds Benbreen Berzari,Shura的选举,Shura的选举,与他们的鲁re奉献。
sibah siperi pasdarran👇🏻
🔺 Tahhan Kidaf: As eleições de Shura são sall ۱۰۵ Bergzar Khaddat al -shaddah
Sakhuy Shuray Nabban Gift: Shuray Nabban apresentou uma reforma material da lei das sombras e das eleições de Shurai Islami, Kashr Ra Tayed, Kurds Benbereen Berzari, as eleições de Shura, com quem a imprudência das devoções.
Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻
☑️ @Sepahcybery
🔺 Tahhan Kidaf: Las elecciones de Shura son Sall ۱۰۵ Bergzar Khaddat al -shaddah
Sakhuy Shuray Nabban Gift: Shuray Nabban presentó una reforma material de la ley de las sombras y las elecciones de Shurai Islami, Kashr Rayed, Kurds Benbreen Berzari, las elecciones de Shura, con quienes la imprudencia de las devociones.
Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻
☑️ @sepahcybery
🔺 Таххан Кидаф: Выборы Шуры -это Sall ۱۰۵ Бергзар Хаддат аль -Шадда
Sakhuy Shuray Nabban Gift: Shuray Nabban выдвинул материальную реформу закона теней и выборов Шурай Ислами, Кашр Ра -Тайед, Курдс Бенбриин Берзари, выборы Шура, с которыми безрассудство приверженности.
Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻 👇🏻
☑ @sepahcybery
🔺 ताहन किदफ: शूरा के चुनाव सल ۱۰۵ बर्गज़र खदत अल -शदाह हैं
सखुई शूरे नब्बन गिफ्ट: शूरे नब्बन ने शराई इस्लामी, कशर रा तयद, कुर्द बेनबरीन बर्जरी, शूरा के चुनावों के छाया और चुनावों के कानून के एक भौतिक सुधार को आगे बढ़ाया, जिनके साथ भक्ति की लापरवाही।
सिबा सिपेरी पास्ड्रान 👇🏻
☑ @sepahcybery
🔺 Tahhan Kidaf: Les élections de Shura sont salées ۱۰۵ Bergzar Khaddat al -Shaddah
Sakhuy Shuray Nabban Gift: Shuray Nabban a mis en avant une réforme matérielle de la loi des ombres et des élections de Shurai Islami, Kashr ra Tayed, Kurds Benbreen Berzari, les élections de Shura, avec qui l'insouciation des dévotions.
Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻
☑️ @sepahcybery
🔺 طحان نظیف: انتخابات شوراها سال ۱۴۰۵ برگزار خواهد شد
سخنگوی شورای نگهبان گفت : شورای نگهبان طرح اصلاح موادی از قانون وظایف تشکیلات و انتخابات شوراهای اسلامی کشور را تایید کرد بنابراین برگزاری انتخابات شوراها به تعویق خواهد افتاد.
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
🔺 Tahhan Kidaf: Die Wahlen von Shura sind Sall ۱۰۵ Bergzar Khaddat al -Shaddah
Sakhuy Shuray Nabban Geschenk: Shuray Nabban legte eine materielle Reform des Gesetzes der Schatten und Wahlen von Shurai Islami, Kashr Ra Tayed, Kurden Benbreen Berzari, die Wahlen von Shura, mit denen die Rücksichtslosigkeit der Abweichungen.
Sibah siperi pasdarran 👇🏻
☑️ @sepahcybery
🔺 Tahhan Kidaf: Le elezioni di Shura sono Sall ۱۰۵ Bergzar Khaddat Al -Shaddah
Sakhuy Shuray Nabban Regalo: Shuray Nabban ha presentato una riforma materiale della legge delle ombre e delle elezioni di Shurai Islami, Kashr Ra Tayed, Kurds Benbreen Berzari, le elezioni di Shura, con le quali le incoscienza delle devozioni.
Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻
☑️ @sepahcybery
🔺 Tahhan Kidaf: De verkiezingen van Shura zijn sall ۱۰۵ Bergzar khaddat al -shaddah
Sakhuy Shuray Nabban Gift: Shuray Nabban bracht een materiële hervorming van de wet van schaduwen en verkiezingen van Shurai Islami, Kashr Ra Tayed, Koerden Benbreen Berzari, de verkiezingen van Shura, met wie de roekeloosheid van de toegewijden.
Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻 👇🏻
☑️ @Sepahcybery
🔺 Tahhan Kidaf: Οι εκλογές του Shura είναι sall ۱۰۵ Bergzar Khaddat al -Shaddah
Sakhuy Shuray Nabban Δώρο: Ο Shuray Nabban πρότεινε μια σημαντική μεταρρύθμιση του νόμου των σκιών και των εκλογών του Shurai Islami, Kashr Ra Tayed, Kurds Benbreen Berzari, τις εκλογές του Shura, με τον οποίο η απερισκεψία των αφοσιωμένων.
Sibah Siperi Pasdarran 👇🏻
☑️ @sepahcybery
2/11/2025, 7:37:33 PM
🔴Abandon the Islamic resistance of Hamas: A response to the demonstrations of Donald Trump, the President of the United States, based on the territory of America, as well as the Gaza Strip, with great insults and repetition.
▪Trump shows the country and Farajwani for the sake of nationalism with the goal of Nabudi Arman Palestine and denying the rights to install the mast plug.
▪A proposal directed by Mardam in Gaza, Muwaffaq Nakhawahid, and in the place of Palestinian, Arab and Islamic, confronting Khawahid, the entire proposal of this country has been answered in a different way.
What's wrong with you?
2/11/2025, 7:38:07 PM
🔴Hamas: The return of Gaza to Gaza is the opposite of the battlefields and transgressions of the country and the country. It is a constant threat to the people and its concern is to remove these matters and forcibly expel them from the heretic sex.
▪There are jobs with transgressions and they are left in the ground, by subtracting this dissolution and bringing it back to the earth.
▪What is the compatibility of any other work undertaken by the company, the contractor is responsible for the mediation of its location (Egypt, Qatar and the United States of America) to protect and guarantee the support and community of the community, watch the company.
▪We do not support any business, two parties to the obligations related to any contract and the liability for an accidental breach or a delay in fulfilling a contract.
What's wrong with you?
2/11/2025, 7:39:20 PM
🔴 The name of the Islamic Republic of Iran has a common meaning: Iran is the target of a harlot of aggression against America, and it is very important that America is in control. Bud.
What's wrong with you?
2/11/2025, 5:40:55 PM
🔴First Assistant to the President of the Public Assembly: Scientific Assistant, announcing the expansion of Hosh Masoun in Doulat Chahardham
Muhammad Reda Arif, in the session of the Pyramon of Hosh Masoui, with a reference to the following steps on the entrance path of the lights to the curtains of the chair:
With its protection and protection, the position of most of the monks in particular is the priority and necessity of entering the windows, and with the guidance of the Chashmandaz chain of transmission, there is no impediment to the entry of the windows into it, as a result of its presence.
This is a must-have made-in-place for the entire city of Mardam and its state.
With harmony, eloquence, and activity of scientific assistance, art, and everything else in its system, see the honor of this month in the possession of this factory in the state of their country.
What's wrong with you?
2/11/2025, 6:34:05 PM
🔻 Statement by Benjamin Netanyahu, Minister of the Zionist Religion:
I'm going to do an in-depth search for you in a political-security booth for a statement.
I don't care if my cheek is in a bad mood, so I can't get enough of it.
We don't care about President Trump's presence in front of anyone who wants to receive a Kurdish party and he is barbaric because of the coup leader, the head of the Gaza public, in order to receive a Kurdish one.
Under the guidance of the Hamas media, based on the idea of violating the agreement and not making any progress, the Israeli army has slandered him in order to destroy it inside and outside the borders of Gaza. These are operations in the present adverb and in the adverb of anjam ast. Use the car to complete the screws.
What's wrong with you?